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Everything posted by mthenke

  1. Kongos
  2. I'll just use this example: only the Penny Arcade guys can be the Penny Arcade guys. They have been incredibly successful, but no one can enjoy similar success, not while they're still kicking.
  3. FDR fan base is not your personal army (or in this case, piggy bank). Also, seconding NumberSix.
  4. If your rep does not act as a fiduciary, get out.
  5. Fascinating spread of replies. I like the idea of being a post-collapse 'vice merchant'! Seriously thinking of investing internationally, particularly in Singapore, but not sure. Gold is an option, and still relatively cheap at $1500-something an ounce. Land is too expensive. Networking and developing relationships is probably my strong suit, but I wouldn't want to be a mooch---relying on others while providing little in return. I suppose my able-bodied-ness is my sungle greatest asset, so developing that will help immensely. Writing, my best 'skill', seems rather in-marketable considering what's to come but we'll see.
  6. I will never initiate violence to meet my needs in a time of crisis. But if we find ourselves in an 'oh shit---now what?' sort of scenario, how can we have best prepared ourselves in the preceding days, weeks, months... so that we're not caught with our pants down, so to speak?
  7. Click bait. Exactly right. That's what 'mainstream' 'news' has become. Has been for a while now.
  8. Impassioned response, well-researched and thoughtful without being too preachy. Bravo.
  9. Hi there! My name is Matthew Henke, I'm 23, and live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. My academic focus was International Affairs with a concentration in Military-Political Relations, and a minor in Political Science. I'm extremely interested in history (all kinds) and philosophy (all kinds). My world perspective is based on the notion that you can explain the present and even predict the future by understanding the past. I understand the philosophy to be simultaneously the highest and least appreciated form of science. I subscribe to the notion that anarchy is preferable to a state run by violent psychopaths, but I don't claim to have the knowledge of how to implement anarchy in such a way that life won't be 'brutish, nasty, violent, and short'. I think 'Watchmen' was a good movie, but the graphic novel was better. And that about does it. So, hi!
  10. First rule of generalizations: don't make generalizations. The evidence of rampant promiscuity and lack of principles is everywhere, yes, but this kind of cynicism disgusts me. What's the point of having this discussion if we won't address possible solutions? Self-defeating cynicism-bordering-on-nihilism is just as destructive as the bad behavior everyone here's raging against. This all stinks of the same problem afflicting the Men's Issues community---too many people, it seems, just want to bitch and moan and not try and fix anything.
  11. You absolutely have to take philosophy seriously if you want other people to take you seriously. The funny thing is, valuing one thing over another is exercising a principle. If you make a conscious decision -not- to take philosophy seriously, that's still an exercise of a principle.
  12. The animated 30 minute film "the American Dream" is better (read:more entertaining) It's good to get exposure to it, even better to share it with people. I feel like an Amways salesperson or a Mormon sometimes, like I might as well be going door-to-door asking people if they've heard of the truth about the Federal Reserve.
  13. No, no, see that's how it works. Fat guys who are good at talking a lot and saying nothing get armed protection, while the rest of us just stand there with our hands up in surrender.
  14. Hah! It's the Second Renaissance!
  15. I think the question we are really asking is not one of, "how do we fix this country?" but rather, "what are the alternatives?" Am I too far off? Sorry if I am, I'm still finding my footing here. Manifest Destiny amounted basically to a declaration of war on the native people of what we now call America. We're a nation of devils, but we didn't start out that way. Is the problem that America's too big to fail, so that's why we keep propping it up? Or are we scared of a world without America in it? Would life on our own, without allegiance to a 'higher power' (religious double entendre!), be so bad? By 'we' I'm attempting to address the entire American population, not just us..
  16. I keep a blog with a minimal following that serves doubly as a weekly writing exercise and as a repository for my thoughts. In that blog, I've talked about Men's Issues and the need for a better, more expansive narrative surrounding the raising of boys and young men. I guess I'm looking to crowdsource the general array of opinions and perspectives here with regard to attempting to answer the question: "what does it mean to be a man/woman?" Thanks, Matt Henke
  17. In what ways would you like to make a positive impact, NeoCortex?
  18. Awesome story---can definitely tell you're a writer! I'm interested, how's your writing/publishing process coming? What avenues are you pursuing toward getting published? I really want to write for a living, do you have any advice on how to do that?
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