Truth about Singapore would be very interesting. The whole situation reaks of fiat money printing, subsidizing businesses, and 'sweeping costs under the rug, praising the benefits' style of government. This is completely anecdotal, but, I visited Singapore on a business trip 2 years ago and we had a tour guide talking up the accomplishments of the Singapore government, with no hesitation, or doubt to some of their policies, as if they have been normalized to him. He explained how if you stole once, you would get your hand cut off, if you stole twice, you would get your other hand cut off, leaving the thief unable to even beg for money with their own hands (Aggressive panhandling is illegal anyways). I was honestly appalled and confused by the assumed success of the Singapore government. It just didn't make any sense, they had to be hiding something, so I grew curious. That night, we had local musicians staying in our bungalow that spoke very good English. I informed them of our tour guide and what he said, and asked them about the accuracy of his claims. They all got very quiet and had the look of fear on their faces, but one guy laughed and said "The success is exactly what our government would love for you to believe, but there are many problems our government hides, it's not such a happy place". Needless to say, this made me VERY curious about the reality of Singapore, and I second a Truth About Singapore episode.