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    Sarasota, FL
  • Occupation
    Mixing and Mastering Engineer

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  1. Wall of Death, followed by a circle pit: Interesting discussion! I have been working in heavy music as a live sound engineer and as a record producer. While I have no data to back this claim, I think there is an intrinsic joy among people of to mimic war. Being in a mosh pit feels like going to battle in pajamas and wielding pillows. Yes, many people get hurt, but it is far more common to see people picking others up off the ground than throwing punches.
  2. Truth about Singapore would be very interesting. The whole situation reaks of fiat money printing, subsidizing businesses, and 'sweeping costs under the rug, praising the benefits' style of government. This is completely anecdotal, but, I visited Singapore on a business trip 2 years ago and we had a tour guide talking up the accomplishments of the Singapore government, with no hesitation, or doubt to some of their policies, as if they have been normalized to him. He explained how if you stole once, you would get your hand cut off, if you stole twice, you would get your other hand cut off, leaving the thief unable to even beg for money with their own hands (Aggressive panhandling is illegal anyways). I was honestly appalled and confused by the assumed success of the Singapore government. It just didn't make any sense, they had to be hiding something, so I grew curious. That night, we had local musicians staying in our bungalow that spoke very good English. I informed them of our tour guide and what he said, and asked them about the accuracy of his claims. They all got very quiet and had the look of fear on their faces, but one guy laughed and said "The success is exactly what our government would love for you to believe, but there are many problems our government hides, it's not such a happy place". Needless to say, this made me VERY curious about the reality of Singapore, and I second a Truth About Singapore episode.
  3. I have a similar parallel. Audio Engineering certainly broadens your ability to communicate with many different minds, kind of the opposite of philosophy. Haha! It's super important to understand the basics of every process of your field. I would be a far worse mixing engineer if I did not have experience in tracking, or mastering. Imagine not being able to tell which un-labelled track is which, or sending a super hot mix to the mastering engineer and having to rework your automation. A lack of empathy is disastrous to your own self. Certainly, Diablo 1-3, Everquest, WoW. I have been playing MMORPGs and action RPGs since about 2000. When I started my own business, I haven't been playing much at all since my fate is in my own hands . When I was working for other people, I desperately needed mental stimulation, and video games were my outlet. I would even argue that these games have been a benefit to my self worth.
  4. A very interesting, but not surprising outcome. I would certainly enjoy seeing more studies of this kind. What are your thoughts?http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2457000
  5. Which school did you graduate from? I went to Full Sail University and graduated in August 07. I also have an interest in game sound if the stars align and my number one calling fails (music). Which game companies interest you? I have been shopping my Plan B and C the last couple of years. Blizzard, Carbine, Bethesda are top on my list right now. I love those sword wielding, fire slinging, demon killing types of games, haha, LARP but less cool.I knew I wanted to mix/master records the first time I recorded my own band at 15 years old. I loved the balance between technicality and creativity. It has been a hell of a journey the past 10 years. I pretty much took every job I could get to get in to the audio field. Guitar teching, stage teching, stage managing, FOH engineer, tracking engineer, pro tools editing, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, anything I could get my hands on really. How about yourself?
  6. Thank you very much for forwarding this email address.You may be on to something with that. Although, all service based professions require a massive amount of empathy in order to operate properly and in a sustainable way. Until now, I have never equated our work with empathy, but the observation is extremely accurate. Many artists view their songs, and performance as their own child. As an engineer, you are being trusted to enhance their child and troubleshoot their emotional investment. Without empathy, this is asking for failure. For instance, a drummer who spends decades to develop their technique on groove and dynamics, without empathy, "fixing" their performance with grid alignment and sample replacement might not be the best idea. Do you work from home based on choice, or are there external factors? Personally, I found the overhead to be way lower, so I may offer the struggling artist a much more affordable rate.
  7. Hello people of FDR,My name is Rob, I am born and raised in the beautiful and sunny Florida. I am the son of two extremely eccentric parents. I am fortunate enough to be the second generation of 'cycle of violence' breakers. This has caused an extreme backlash from the State in my lifetime, and boy, does the State have a great immune system to logic, reason, empathy, and universal truths. Currently, I work from home as an Audio Engineer, mixing and mastering records from clients worldwide. Metal and rock music primarily comes my way, but I feel at home with just about any style.I would like to thank Stefan Molyneux and all of the researchers at Freedomain Radio for supplying comprehensive reason and philosophy on such a grand scale. I am offering my services as an audio engineer to FDR as a current form of donation. If any audio needs restoration, cleanup, or enhancement, I am more than willing to donate my time quickly and efficiently.Thank you,-Rob
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