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  1. dug


    Well thanks guys, ill try to discover and connect with people in my area who have also taken the red pill. I want to be more active in the community from now on and try to get to know you guys.
  2. dug


    The first Stefan Molyneux video I saw was Jon Stewart's 19 questions for libertarians... My favorite video is "Only the dead have seen the end of war.." And yea Jeffrey Tucker has also influenced me so I'm probably going to join liberty.me.
  3. dug


    Hello, I'm 18 and I discovered Stef's show by accident about a year ago. A year before that I discovered Ron Paul during the 2012 election, and that's what got me interested in politics and libertarianism. So now I'm an anarchist, and I feel like I'm the only one within a 500 mile radius of where I live. So my question is, are there any other anarchists in Idaho?
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