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Everything posted by Toren
Sure man, we have Russian skype conference, if you like to join contact me: TOR3N or leave your contact info here.
Good day everyone! Today 12/10/2014 at 7 pm Moscow time (3 pm GMT) we had beautiful conversation via Skype with Russian speaking thinkers of FDR community. I'm proud to say that we've come up with monthly calls. The next call would be probably on November 16th 2014 at 3 pm GMT. If anyone is willing to participate in the event please feel free to add me on Skype: TOR3N or contact anyone from this list of participants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit#gid=0 Or leave your Skype name with brief description there. If you know how to speak Russian or at least you understand basic things we discuss please join our Russian speaking community. These calls are an event where we're discussing things which are important to us, FDR related issues, things like promoting FDR among Slavic peoples and miscellaneous stuff. Today's call was mostly about ways of promoting FDR and rationalism to Russian speaking population of this planet. We've decided to make some important moves in fields such as: Making subtitles for Stef's videos. First one you can participate in is here http://notabenoid.com/book/55819/245894 Please help us there. Don't forget to register on this site before suggesting translation. Setting up our own site and Youtube channel. We'll post a topic about it soon. How would it be called? It's up for you to decide! heymanslow's project for audio cover of one of Stef's shows. Please donate for his project as well. So many things related to our own podcasts, making videos and translating books that I can't list all of them here. So much ideas and so little resources we have. So help us if you wish. Всем привет! Сегодня, 12/10/2014 at 7 pm Moscow time (3 pm GMT) у нас состоялась скайп-конференция с господами участвовавшими в этом треде. Мы решили продолжить эту замечательную практику и будем созваниваться примерно раз в месяц. Следующий звонок будет on November 16th 2014 at 3 pm GMT. Любой желающий может присоединиться к нам написав мне на Skype: TOR3N или связавшись с одним из нас, перечисленных в списке: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D3Ao9-N_fixvqeGlqeedoKso110Gp2m5Y3Euh0N2nVc/edit#gid=0 Или оставить свои контакты в данной таблице. Если вы умеете говорить по-русски или по крайней мере можете понимать русский - присоединяйтесь. В звонках, таких как прошедший, мы осуждаем то что важно для нас, вопросы связанные с FDR, пути популяризации FDR среди славянских народов и разное. Сегодняшний же звонок был в основном о способах продвижения идей рационализма и FDR для русскоговорящих людей этой планеты. Посему мы порешили следующее: Делать субтитры для существующих шоу Стефа. Первое видео уже доступно для перевода тут http://notabenoid.com/book/55819/245894 Сайт требует регистрации. Запуск сайта Russian speaking FDR community и канала на Youtube. Мы вскоре разместим тут голосование на тему названия для сайта. Проект heymanslow's о дубляже. Множество идей по созданию наших собственных подкастов, видео, переводов и прочего что и не перечислить. Если есть желание и/или возможность помочь - присоединяйтесь!
Thank you, aleles, for bringing this idea up! Sure I'm in, I know people out here are having skype calls for Europe. Have anyone ever participated in such calls (I, miself was kinda scared)? Maybe we could use their experience in organizing our own call. Btw there are crowd-translating sites when community is making subs for something, it's just an Idea. I've no clue of how this whole thing is working, but evidently we need English subtitles first so it may be like doing double work.
Btw about Russian subtitles, they are awesome just because they exist, already sent links to as many people as possible. That has to spread the word among Russian speaking people. Enormous thanks to gentleman who made it possible from all my friends who aren't familiar with English!
It depends on what kind of freedom you're seeking. Complete freedom - Siberia is waiting you, there're some famous people living in full isolation. Economic freedom - if you are considering escaping taxes of your country, that's good, but you'd face Russian unpredictable taxes like "Pay the police or die". Some other unpleasant things happened recently that make Individual entrepreneurship (Kind of way of doing business here) much more complicated, these things are: increased taxes rate for worker's pension so many gave up their business or decided to not pay taxes. More than half of a million businesses closed in 2013. Don't be confused with revenue tax 13%, you'd pay as much as is in Europe anyway because of the other taxes. Freedom of speech - if you like Putin and his little "единая россия" party then Russia is definitely a place to visit. If you don't like GET OUT ( that's what brainwashed masses here are telling to people who try to draw their own conclusions). Things like business statistics and court cases easily could be found though mostly in Russian if you're feeling like research.
Это просто прекрасно. I have no idea what he is going to say here, but probably it's something about feminism, yeap.
If I had the control over gas valve I would've never done so Thanks for invitation, meetups are great, (Андресс Че) it's me, add me there please.
Здарова!Hey man! My heroism is not big though, I haven't donated yet due to temporary luck of money but some day I definitely should, for FDR is worth it. I even declared that I will make Russian subtitles for some popular Stefan's shows, made couple of lines and stopped there, however I do recommend this show to every my friend with enough English level, hope it will help promoting the show somehow Thanks a lot man, but it's not like we don't have access to philosophy here, we had even during soviet times, and it's not like there were few people in Russia who were honest and good. I think that it's the power of absolute power that attracts sociopaths to government for only sociopaths can survive the insane called politics.
Hello from imaginary confinement called Poland
Toren replied to markovcd's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Hey man, it's nice to see people from other Slavic countries (btw I'm from Russia) it's kinda hard for people from non English speaking countries to find shows such as Stefan's. Since no one replied to this thread it may be seen like people are not hospitable here. It's not like that. I hope you'll connect with contingent you seek! -
Yes, It was my presumption about "phobic" label that I made based upon your claims. I would really love to be proved wrong, and so I see from your posts that you really are not, excuse me if it hurt you somehow. Nonetheless when I talked about very complex concepts I used examples (facts) in order to justify my claims. If you could throw something in to justify yours. Or maybe prove me by simple facts everyone can understand. I don't want to start an argument but it seems like it is, so could you explain what exactly do you mean byRussian language itself does not readily avail itself to such concepts so we could dig deeper and understand why do you feel that way, I'm sure there is a reason for that presumption that you have about Russian language.
Thank you, man, for bringing these links up. Yeah I learned English to study abroad, passed TOEFL with score of 104/120, it was acceptable for institution I intended to go to. I failed fabulously when didn't fit in time to apply for position,however it is another story altogether. Idea of a project like FDR in Russian is something that definitely should be made! For now I'm going to make some subtitles for most popular or important shows, for YouTube I presume. I don't have much time to spare, but If you have any ideas you may find my Skype name in my profile, it would be useful to discuss and share such things. My try: Логическое мышление (потому что Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic) Моральные качества (потому что Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή "arete") is moral excellence.) Счастье.
Maybe you could expand or justify what you imply about Russian language, I don't understand your point. For now it looks like russophobic mindset of yours, it's ok, maybe Russia's made bad things to you, but it's ok for me as long as it doesn't hurt logic. Many philosophy books were translated to Russian and much more engineering and science documents were Written in Russian, these include the most complex concepts ever possible so I don't think Russian is an obstacle for understanding such concepts, only in terms of language barrier for people with low English skill. However what you're talking about are basic concepts so I don't find them hard to explain.We know that Ayn Rand was influenced by the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche when she was studying in University of st.Petersburg. Do you suppose that she had troubles understanding concepts she learned presumably in Russian?BTW I'm trying to bring rationality to my friends and family too, so there are many concepts from this show we're talking about but they don't know English at all.
Welcome to our humble rational Russian speaking community, Slavik, though it's you who should welcome me, I'm a newbie here. I added everyone who responded to this post, but I presume that it's more productive to stick to this thread in case of discussing some RUSSIAN stuff Just make sure you follow this topic.Concerning your little argument, gentlemen, at first when I read about "Russians are not rational bunch" I thought it was a little bit russophibic, but then, remembering that I don't care for any kind of social or racial pride any more, I felt relieved Although I can say that majority of Russians are irrational simply because I live here, but I've never been abroad so I can't judge about percentage of rational people somewhere out of Russia, but, as Slavic claimed, and I agree in my assumptions with him that this percentage might be as high as that in Russia.
Ололо кажется пора переходить на Mother-tongue Good to see you, man! We're growing in numbers so fast! I haven't found your story in your profile, is it about family? I didn't find anything worth spending time on, related to content like FDR in Russian speaking segment of the web. Btw I wanted to promote FDR among friends trying to make audio for one of Stefan's shows but it's too time consuming, I gave up. Now thinking about subtitles for popular YouTube casts. Any thoughts about that?
Welcome aboard, comrade! Are you a native Russian speaker? Anyway what brought you to knowledge of Russian language?
Наверное я отвечаю в этот топик несколько поздно Hi man, I too tried to find Russian speaking people on that forum, no success before now. I hope there are much more of us here than only two. To Existing Alternatives "As a bunch" you may be right, aren't in the first row, however as individuals through natural selection of church, socialism and other "healthy stuff" people understand the reason to be rational: not to be in contact with all mentioned above and vice versa to be in contact with people of reason.
Thank you, man. I noticed that something is wrong, only after you've pointed it out Yeah, I do understand 90% of Stesan's expressions and even wanted to share some of his shows with friends who don't so I tried to translate and make audio for one of his shows, given the long casts Stefan is uploading plus my laziness, in few words: for 2 minutes of the Show I spent 1 hour, quite a long time so I'm thinking towards subtitles now.Problem is much bigger in our Slavic states (lets say I'm facing that problem), we have quite a few truth speakers and people with humanistic philosophy to share interests with. For instance Russian libertarian party is a club with 1 thousand people on vk.com (Russian facebook) that's ridiculous. I don't think I'm a libertarian though, but this term is the closest to to my philosophy set. However this problem has good sides too: you know who is a worthy person around you, just ask the three simple questions: do yo really believe in god? do you think soviet era was a disaster? do you support recent Duma laws? If you have only one yes here, you know what kind of a person you talk to.
Hi people, I'm actually from small town near Moscow, who cares anyway, I reckon there are not many from my country here. I started listening to Stefan's show on YouTube couple month ago. I found it by pure luck, in search for podcast to listen to. I was in active search for any podcast because I was in active phase of learning English for my TOEFL exam and added any Youtube channel to listen casually. How wrong I was about "casually", some shows were so profound and influential for me, wow, I can't imagine myself without things I understood listening to Stefan's show and food for thought this show gave to me: many things about childhood and some about other stuff. I've even gotten a pen pal from this show, reading comments on YouTube, sounds insane Eventually I'm here greeting the whole community. People from Russia or any other Slavic country feel free to leave a couple of words here, I guess we have many things to discuss. I don't think I will find a community of Russian-speaking men out here, as I mentioned, but anyway, finding thinkers (because I consider people who accept and understand principles discussed in this show thinkers) already a pleasure so leave a message anyone who cares as well!