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Armin Kurz

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    self-knowledge, Psychology, Philosophy, People, Physics, Leadership...
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello everyone, I'm Armin from Germany, Baden- Baden. I'm a 38 year old operations manager, way too much isolated as I would like it to be. I come from a multicultural family spread over (Romania, Israel, Germany and the US) my parents are still married. They are the ones who raised me to value independence and taking personal responsibility. On the other side, they could not teach me self-knowledge neither could they help me find a personal Value as a person in myself. My father was a Manager in the Food industry, my mother was a full time manger in the Touristic industry. I also end up studding business and econ.… I went in to the Hospitality industry, just like my father… mh. , It seems it is in our DNA. I am happy to admit to have far more fun working with people as managing processes or reviewing financial plans. My sister is married, has 3 Kids and studied medicine in Romania, Germany and Greece. While I had my worst experience with my parents, my beloved sister had the luck to spend her time 1800 km away from home and study in freedom. Sorry about my English… I've never had children of my own, Nicole and I decided for now to not have children for a variety of reasons. I have a long way ahead of me to fix my past, what does not mean we have closed this case. I've been very fortunate to find this Women and a wonderful Wife who just completes my life completely… I can’t find the words for picturing the trust who gained between us two in the past 9 years. Nicole is from Detroit, Michigan. I came across Stefan's YouTube's videos just a couple of weeks ago. My Father dislikes religion and my mother was telling us since I can remember, that those things where invented by humans to control humans. However my parents never stopped us to do what we want, since they were to busy with making money, having no time for reasoning their words. (Well, we did go to the synagogue every Sabbath… for show of course… but how could I process this show… at that time). Well, I did end up being religious, followed by multiple years of depression until I could let loose. Oh Boy… I have really enjoyed Stefan's views on the state and his whole philosophy standpoints I am aware of, the paths he is going during a conversation and the huge amount of patients he has with the callers. As a leader of choice I try to hold high standards in order to be able and lead high performance employees by example. I want to be able to represent the truth and justice I any situation. I love to apply universality and principles in life and business. A high goal is to achieve maximal trust from my employees and partners in life and still being able to live in the truth with evidence. Best regards to all my new friends Armin
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