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Everything posted by jacbot
"..I get it jacbot, you have a lower standard.." You get to decide what my standards are? I didnt bring the word "standard" into all this...for me its not so relavant to my question. ))Nor,.., its also not about me or "everyone else" ..(being right by majority opinion? ,...,democracy democracy))) ) You claim (your quote) " the guy in the Gaza thread was insulting people left, right and centre." I went to all the effort to get his posts, timestamps and correlated markdowns/markups. 3 post out of 11 could be considered insulting. (calling people liars) my question to you is (in light of the new factual eveidence) do you ,still consider he was infact "insuling people left right and centre" with just 3 post out of 11, with just one word "liar"? If this is your personal opinion,.., then ok...
The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
, the complaint-documents are real but only list accusations to be investigated ., the documents do in itself not prove the accusations are factual, do they? -- It would be nice if the same level of standards of proof (photographic evidence of IDF soldiers stealing?) would be applied to your claims aswell, because we all know that if rampant robbery was going on with IDF combatants,..photos would be all over the internet.. (oh wait...)... I am not saying it didnt happen in this perticular case..,..., could very well be the case. but since you are so gung ho on proof, well, lets have it. The selfcleansing factor of IDF is that a process like this even exist to file these accusations,..., HAMAS i am sure has the same process on their side aswell (..oh wait.....). You just made the claim his etnicity/race is a deciding factor in his credibility. .......Seriously. you are so certain that Hamas is a terrorist organization. ok.., you convinced me, Hamas is NOT a terrorist organisation staffed with islamic wackjobs,.... I am wondering who is firing rockets blindly into Jewish cities.., maybe its the green lprechauns you speak of ======= My father lived under german occupation as an orphan (he was 13-18 yo from 1940-1945)) The occupation force was (comparetivly) benevilant towards indigineous Western Europeans, Nordics.. (compared to what nazis did in Ukraine, Russia, and Eastern Europe in general, aka slave camps, mass starvation etc) Slavic races were considered inferior and were targetted for eventual extermination, I can assure you right now if (in an alternative universe where Germans would have won and occupied ME) , Hamas tried the same shit with nazi-Germany as they are doing now with Israel, the region would have been totally depopulated. tantivly Comparing Israel with Germany 1940-1945 is total nonsense.- 131 replies
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I didnt write that, I wrote 3 post out of 11 post (not points, post!!) , could be considered insulting (as he used the word "liar" etc). I clearly stated this. You (not others) claimed it was kind of hard to miss he was insulting. ( "And yea the guy in the Gaza thread was insulting people left, right and centre. That would take a mountain of armour to not see it."). If people would have marked down the 3/11 post, it would say "yeah ok makes sense" marking down post where no insults are made at all, ., has nothing to do with "higher standards".
ok,.., one can be licensed while not having acquired a degree? (autodidact)
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I marked the post where he insulted as red text, and where he didnt left it as black, were accourding to you was I inaccurate?
============== #facts from the thread #mreyallior Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:51 PM +1 -- mreyallior Posted 23 July 2014 - 05:30 PM - 4 (no insults were made) #mreyallior Posted 21 July 2014 - 10:32 PM +3 mreyallior Posted 23 July 2014 - 08:12 PM +1 #mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 08:59 AM (called labmath2 and waleed liars). -4 #mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 09:38 PM -3 (called JUnlike you, I can't lie barefaced. ) #mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 03:39 PM 0 no up/down vote.() mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 10:27 AM.-2 "Waleed, You lied," mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 02:01 PM, -1, no insults given at all. mreyallior Posted 24 July 2014 - 04:13 PM -3 no insults, even promoted canada as a new homeland of the jews mreyallior Posted 25 July 2014 - 05:39 PM -3 no insults, again promotes canada So..., -9 points (3 post out of total 11) where he gets emotional and calls people liars, bad bad. So -14 points for 4 post for no good reason and supports evidence for his views. 11 post total counted. He wasnt calling people names left and right..., ..now about that mountain of armour blocking my view .... I sell carbon gamma steel for 20usd per kg....
I dont think calling someone intellectually dishonest/unfactual or selective (if he/she is indeed this) is trolling. Nobody is justifying any war its just the unbalanced selectivity that is repugnant. I got downvoted for saying voting is a basic human right. (as it can be argued from first principles. property rights). I wasnt insulting anyone. but i guess it hits some kneejurk "mob rule" nerves. Even my post bringing this to attention was downvoted aswell,.., no insults there, soo.. just asking a question,,.,sure, when you are with people who have been filtered then you tend to agree more with them, thats the way it is. If people are outright insulting thats one thing, but calling a spade a spade,.., thats quite another. ANOTHER DOWNVOTE ON THIS PLEASE.)))) honer badges are cool. cmon..
The Word Democracy, plus also Permaculture
jacbot replied to StylesGrant's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Lets say you form a volenterist citizen community and the citizen has shared assets (like a stockownership gives you partial ownership of a company). Why wouldnt they be allowed to vote at a "stockholders" meeting? Its my property right? -
The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
No goal post has been moved, one can easily make the argument HAMAS uses Gaza strip as a human shield as all fighting puprosly occurs in civilian areas for maximum casualty effect. =============================== MO: Hamas not (so) radical?, Ben Ladin not (so) radical? Islam not so radical? and if islam became this way,.., it beez CIA fault. We see this narcissistic selfhate and blame with a lot of white liberals in my former country,.., actually its not selfhate at all, its just a silly attempt of morally taking the high ground and show off how "enlightened" someone is by sucking up to some brown-colored nazis , leftist satisfying some silly race-fettish,..,while in the meantime not realy caring about the victims of pedofilia, rape, forced marriages,.., slavery..... Who cares about the victims right? for lefties freedom is only for white uberaryans ...... so Lets excuse islam some more, so we can look good at cocktail parties. CIA has caused a lot of bad things,.., but implementing shit-ria law (pun intended) is not one of them. Revisiosm debunked: CIA funded the mujahidin,.., these composed of several groups.., after the victory against the Russian, Saudi Arabia (suprise suprise) funded Ben Ladins (as he was also from SA) faction while US funding against the more moderate groups dried up (no Sovjets to fight). In 1996, after a long civil war in Afghanstan, Al Quada, took control of the capital. ================= Just because on nation state (ruled by idiots voted in by idiots) lies about what is "north" or has a silly compass,.. doenst mean the magnetic northpole doesnt actually exist. Translation: The fact that the US mislabels terrorist (well they are smart to mislabel only a few to make it believable) doesnt mean terrorist dont exist! And yes it will take some more work yourself finding out for yourslef what is what,....., just doing nothing and not willing to think or refusing to make a choice is also a strategy. Pick your poisen. ================================= Oh wait,...,so this is factual? Funny how a mere internet posting about an accusation is now considered factual. Does the high standard of photgraphic proof ( looting etc) apply here aswell as with human shielding? In any case it seems the IDF will investigate it, and what if the soldiers are individually found guilty looting,.., doesnt that speak for the selfcleansing ability of the IDF? Can i file a complaint with HAMAS about the use of human shields? also in light of the fact that even HAMAS commanders support the use of Human shields in combat situations- 131 replies
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Can a monkey own property?
jacbot replied to JSDev's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
"...It is an ethical principle governing the relationship between two people,..." monkeys are people too.) -
The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
a UN school is not a shed owned by HAMAS,., and HAMAS is not on vacation either. What they do is blur on purpose the distinction between what is civilan space and what is not. Luckily there were no kids at the time in this school, and obviously the building was still planned to be used as it was discovered by UN personel who came on the premise.. and the IDL obviously didnt know about the weapons stash, schools are not the first place you look, so the tactical advantage for HAMAS is clear.- 131 replies
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The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
:laugh: Oh god,..., You dont live in Europe do you, if you do,.,are you one of Lord Chaimberlain descendants? Bin Ladin was raised in Saudi Arabia (SA abolished slavery in 1968, under western pressure) in a family of one husband and 40 wives ,.., you cant be raised in a culture that openly beheads gays publicly on friday's... advocates sex with 1 year olds,.., and other wahabist twisted crap and expect NOT to become a total twisted mentally fuckup. I have no idea if the CIA recruited him, you have evidence of this? Proof that HAMAS has no problem using civilian space (schools, etc) as weapon storage facilities.- 131 replies
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The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
I didnt forget to copy jack didly...,and yes Americans voters (at the time 75% were in favor of invasion) are fully culpabable for invading Iraq.., everyone with a freakin brain knew Saddam had jack diddly to do with 9-11. The "ich habe es nicht gewust" didnt work for the Germans and doenst work for the Americans aswell. Start taking some god-damn responsibility for your actions! You stated clearly that blaming the palastinians for voting for Hamas was the same as blaming German jews for voting for Hitler,.,..which shows total incompetant statement because Hitler never got more then 33% of the vote. (and dont try that "he got 95%" because that wasnt muliparty and Germany was a nazi-ruled-oneparty on the last election nov 1933). But i keep repeating myself, since you try to sell the same fake 25dollar bill over and over again. Hey Marius,.., i guess united Nations is lying about he whole "human shield" thing too he? http://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools UNRWA (united nations relief and work agency) Condemns Placement of Rockets, for a Second Time, in One of Its Schools Gaza Today, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip. As soon as the rockets were discovered, UNRWA staff were withdrawn from the premises, and so we are unable to confirm the precise number of rockets. The school is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons. UNRWA strongly and unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law. The Agency immediately informed the relevant parties and is pursuing all possible measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school. UNRWA will launch a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident. UNRWA has reinforced and continues to implement its robust procedures to maintain the neutrality of all its premises, including a strict no-weapons policy and regular inspections of its installations, to ensure they are only used for humanitarian purposes. Palestinian civilians in Gaza rely on UNRWA to provide humanitarian assistance and shelter. At all times, and especially during escalations of violence, the sanctity and integrity of UN installations must be respected. Background Information UNRWA is a United Nations agency established by the General Assembly in 1949 and is mandated to provide assistance and protection to a population of some 5 million registered Palestine refugees. Its mission is to help Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and the Gaza Strip to achieve their full potential in human development, pending a just solution to their plight. UNRWA’s services encompass education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, and microfinance. Financial support to UNRWA has not kept pace with an increased demand for services caused by growing numbers of registered refugees, expanding need, and deepening poverty. As a result, the Agency's General Fund (GF), supporting UNRWA’s core activities and 97 per cent reliant on voluntary contributions, has begun each year with a large projected deficit.- 131 replies
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The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
...Why not check before you post it? Isn't that caring about facts so you don't mistakenly pass something that is non factual or misrepresented?... No!!, depending on the source i am going to assume it is valid, untill otherwise proven incorrect, no malicieous intent here., fact remains,.., a bunch a kids/toddlers pulled a wire firing a morter granade,... and human shielding is just basic Modus O in that region when it comes to sick islmaic wacko jihadist. This has nothing to do with Isreal conflict, you see this in conflicts between muslims aswell. ==> http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1300&dat=19840323&id=3kFVAAAAIBAJ&sjid=g5UDAAAAIBAJ&pg=2276,1118583 ...quote me on where I excused them for making a bad decision,... , here is your quote, note the bold: ... I hear a lot of people say, 'they [=palistinians, note from me] allowed this, they voted for them [=Hamas, note from me], etc'. it's like saying the jews voted for hitler and alllowed him to carry out atrocities. it's absurd. Hamas was not as radicalized back then. Nuff Said!- 131 replies
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The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
Strawman,..,Where did i accuse you of denial of attrocities? Please quote me. only a daft person would twist historical fact and call HAMAS was a (your quote) "peacefull" organisation when it was elected by the palastinian people. --- (your quote) "...Israel has banned import of books toys, and other items that would make life less dismal.... Not really. From your own link , and its in English so you have no excuse (note the bold) http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/amira-hass-israel-bans-books-music-and-clothes-from-entering-gaza-1.276147 Gaza merchants are forbidden to import canned goods, plastic sheeting, toys and books, although the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and other aid organizations are permitted to bring them into the strip. "...I did show that the videos you posted, at least one, was verifiably not Hamas..." Silly immature drama,..i checked immediatly and posted a correction, thats not being dishonest , thats being factual. Normal people have difficulty differentiating between all the various kinds of islamic evil, so a singlular mistake is understandable. Its funny how you can just lie about German Hsitory (to avoid blaming Palastinian voters for voting for a terrorist group). Making stuff up about kids firing a morter granade (they did fire it as it clearly seen) and other just silly sophistic debating unfactual tricks to make the Isreali look more evil then....what? HAMAS? People shoot guns/rockets, people will die,.., thats called war,..,because in the end its humans behind the trigger. and mistakes are possible. thats something else then stating Israel is purposly targetting civilians with no proof whatsoever.- 131 replies
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yeah, there is this jewish guy who got banned, (of course it was the Gaza/Isreal debate thread where he aquired -26 votedowns) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI9uN4WbOPs#t=13 He told me his account is blocked now and he cant make more posts. ,.., maybe for other reasons then his position in this thread, I read his posts ,i didnt find it trolling , he defended his opinion without any personal attacks. Anyway,.., the website is Stefs private property and he can do what he wants.., he can take this feedback any which way.
I posted the same video in another thread, Pat is awesome,
I will have my professional engineering license. You need a license to be an engineer (in the USA)? So....what happens you build a bike/engine/whatever without a license,.., they put you in jail? Can you make this cheaper? its 40k in euros...., thats a price of damn car! http://www.pbsvb.com/tj-100-turbojet-engine Or something like this but with a toy dolphin that can swim)) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/393053146/powerup-30-smartphone-controlled-paper-airplane
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The morality of human shields and dealing with hostile borders
jacbot replied to mreyallior's topic in General Messages
Pat Condell, always awesome.- 131 replies
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Online History/Reputation Search
jacbot replied to NotDarkYet's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Thats not the point, this not about credit (bank) For general open records,..sorry this doesnt exist for us here, and we do quite fine thank you. people can ask for references (job application), thats normal,., most do not...as big companies have a tendency to give you an IQ or psychological test (personality).., these are quite accurate. There is also company filings at the "chamber of commerce" to see if your company is financially solvable Germany and Switzerland have written references (when you leave your job)..., and for some positions they ask for criminal record (or lack thereof) especially for financial institutions. -
Online History/Reputation Search
jacbot replied to NotDarkYet's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
My point is from cost benefit analysis it doesnt really make a lot of sense,..., because the downside has huge cost (in damages). In the current day real world you only have positive references (employer for example) or NO references. An employer never gives out negative references because of legal trouble. -
:laugh: :laugh: Funny, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which states that we cannot know both the position and the momentum of a subatomic particle simultaneously. Cute,...,., its a bit more complicated than that,.., above is a result of what we phycisist call ensemble statistics...at the moment of any singular measurement you will know speed and momentum extreemly accuratly......., same words in physics can have different meaning then words outside of the field,.., but thats just what it is, we have to use language too))..
Online History/Reputation Search
jacbot replied to NotDarkYet's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Let say you run a service like this and make a mistake , you list some one as a criminal and he looses his job because of this? , or maybe doesnt get to date that girl he always wanted to date, or...whatever... -
OK.., so i got your attention... First,...., Its easy to argue the right to vote comes from property rights, but i will not go there in this post, there is nice mises video on this. I wanted to present the Swiss direct referenda system.., citizens cant make laws themselves (would be cumbersome for 3 million or even 200.000 to have a town hall meeting and draft laws)... But Swiss can knock down laws they dont like or ask to have a law drafted by government (which would need in turn need to pass a nullification referenda). Anyway, I wanted to present some referenda campaigns (photos from Zurich Kanton and Bernd kanton) ie. Kanton=State (kindof). Citizens argue the issue, (strike down a -proposal- law or not). and then people get to vote. Billboard advocating raising taxes on the rich (1% capital tax). stricken down by 75% of the population... proposed by the socialist segment of society. Prosal to pay for nurses for elderly people at home in Kanton Bernd (Swiss heatlhcare is state of the art) Imagine getting personal care at home payed by the the community (proposal didnt make it, not cost effictive)