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    I like turtles.
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    I prepare alcoholic beverages.

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZo1sXsC-68Warning; game of thrones spoilers.
  2. Hey great to have another Dutchie on here! Welcome! I am Axel from Amsterdam.
  3. I have been wondering about something today. The way males and females deal with breakups is quite different. To me it seems that woman deal with it ''straight away'', feeling concentrated crappiness for short periods. Males tend to hold in their feelings for a longer period, dealing with it much later. I have several anecdotal stories were this was the case, including myself. I googled it and I gained some inklings, but I am curious what your thoughts are.
  4. They are GMO, state trained, gorrila warfare duckhorses. They are designed to kill any potential political dissent.
  5. Facebook link working again . Wish I was already involved on this board when Stef came to Amsterdam. Could have seen a lot of you guys here and show you around! Did you go, and if yes; how many Dutchies were there?
  6. Hey Patrick, I don't know if it's just me. But your link isn't working. I am logged into facebook btw.
  7. Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck? serious replies only!
  8. Btw, you fucking nailed this part. He is not as retarded as a full blown commie, but he's clearly someone molded trough ''those kind'' of ideas.
  9. Thanks for this, like, really fucking thanks. THAT SHIT FUNNY AS FUCK!Omg I fucking love you guys <3 Edit: I want to upvote you guys so hard but somehow I am still not able. Someone explained to me once where the supposed arrows aught to be, but they are simply not there - in any of browsers tried. Edit 2: Someone PM'd me and cleared the issue.
  10. Someone posted this on facebook, and I wonder what your thoughts are. I think I somewhat understand what this guy is trying to say, but it is still confusing as fuck for me; being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor? lolwut?! ''Nationalism is not the same if its the nationalism of the oppressed against the nationalism of the oppressor. Making this equivalency is not only false internationalism, but the left-wing version of the liberal "blame both houses" self-righteous yet morally cowardly false neutrality. True internationalism is being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor, and the first to raise the national flag of the oppressed. The path to destroying all nationalism begins with treason to the dominant nations and loyalty to the oppressed nations. Failing to grasp the bankruptcy of this false internationalism is the age old (As in 19th century) excuse of those starry eyed with Great Nation chauvinism to both sound radical and remain attached to their own chauvinist prejudices and dominant nation burden. The criticism - generally just and correct - of oppressed nation nationalism is a task of self-criticism, not platitudes from the false internationalists.''
  11. I was going to fly with Malaysia Airlines in about 3 weeks... I am really considering canceling. But on the other hand, what are the odds?
  12. Maybe it is because they feel guilty for not doing it them self? Or am I misunderstanding your question?
  13. I have gone trough this thread... oh my. Some sentimental personal tales tho, thanks for sharing.I don't believe that a ''peck on the lips'' from parents to children is something ''weird'' or ''disturbing'', as mentioned in this thread. Something a-sexual to both parties involved. Will in 99,99% of all cases show affection. I don't think that germs or sanitation arguments are valid. Mother's putting their babies pacifiers in their own mouth first, is known to be beneficial for the child's immune system. Important imho^
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