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Everything posted by NeoCortex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZo1sXsC-68Warning; game of thrones spoilers.
Hey great to have another Dutchie on here! Welcome! I am Axel from Amsterdam.
I have been wondering about something today. The way males and females deal with breakups is quite different. To me it seems that woman deal with it ''straight away'', feeling concentrated crappiness for short periods. Males tend to hold in their feelings for a longer period, dealing with it much later. I have several anecdotal stories were this was the case, including myself. I googled it and I gained some inklings, but I am curious what your thoughts are.
They are GMO, state trained, gorrila warfare duckhorses. They are designed to kill any potential political dissent.
Facebook link working again . Wish I was already involved on this board when Stef came to Amsterdam. Could have seen a lot of you guys here and show you around! Did you go, and if yes; how many Dutchies were there?
Hey Patrick, I don't know if it's just me. But your link isn't working. I am logged into facebook btw.
Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck? serious replies only!
Someone posted this on facebook.... thoughts?
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in General Messages
Btw, you fucking nailed this part. He is not as retarded as a full blown commie, but he's clearly someone molded trough ''those kind'' of ideas. -
Someone posted this on facebook.... thoughts?
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in General Messages
Thanks for this, like, really fucking thanks. THAT SHIT FUNNY AS FUCK!Omg I fucking love you guys <3 Edit: I want to upvote you guys so hard but somehow I am still not able. Someone explained to me once where the supposed arrows aught to be, but they are simply not there - in any of browsers tried. Edit 2: Someone PM'd me and cleared the issue. -
Someone posted this on facebook, and I wonder what your thoughts are. I think I somewhat understand what this guy is trying to say, but it is still confusing as fuck for me; being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor? lolwut?! ''Nationalism is not the same if its the nationalism of the oppressed against the nationalism of the oppressor. Making this equivalency is not only false internationalism, but the left-wing version of the liberal "blame both houses" self-righteous yet morally cowardly false neutrality. True internationalism is being a traitor to the nationalism of the oppressor, and the first to raise the national flag of the oppressed. The path to destroying all nationalism begins with treason to the dominant nations and loyalty to the oppressed nations. Failing to grasp the bankruptcy of this false internationalism is the age old (As in 19th century) excuse of those starry eyed with Great Nation chauvinism to both sound radical and remain attached to their own chauvinist prejudices and dominant nation burden. The criticism - generally just and correct - of oppressed nation nationalism is a task of self-criticism, not platitudes from the false internationalists.''
A government may have shot down a passenger jet.
NeoCortex replied to MrCapitalism's topic in Current Events
I was going to fly with Malaysia Airlines in about 3 weeks... I am really considering canceling. But on the other hand, what are the odds? -
So I was pondering this briefly...
NeoCortex replied to CallMeViolet's topic in Atheism and Religion
Maybe it is because they feel guilty for not doing it them self? Or am I misunderstanding your question? -
Kissing Children/Siblings on the Lips?
NeoCortex replied to MysterionMuffles's topic in Peaceful Parenting
I have gone trough this thread... oh my. Some sentimental personal tales tho, thanks for sharing.I don't believe that a ''peck on the lips'' from parents to children is something ''weird'' or ''disturbing'', as mentioned in this thread. Something a-sexual to both parties involved. Will in 99,99% of all cases show affection. I don't think that germs or sanitation arguments are valid. Mother's putting their babies pacifiers in their own mouth first, is known to be beneficial for the child's immune system. Important imho^ -
Thoughts on entheogenic substances? + Story time!
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in Self Knowledge
It doesn't bother me at all. I just have a different view. I don't think people should be encouraged in taking drugs at all. But we should't let the fear of entheogenenic substances stand in the way of science. I just believe that the dogma that surrounds drug use and users is severely mis projected, even in these circles. The difference in environment and law is kinda a big deal. -
Thoughts on entheogenic substances? + Story time!
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in Self Knowledge
One can only use it at their own risk I don't get the why's of posting such things. Everyone understands drugs can be dangerous. I don't know if you have been trough my posts here, but I admit this and also try to explain which are the positives of having a ''bad trip''. But seems like a lot of people here get violent images in their head every time they hear something about drugs. I think it has a lot to do with me living in Amsterdam and working in a nightclub for 3 years. I see people on drugs at least 4 times a week. Alcohol, MDMA, XTC, Ketamine, weed, hash, you name it. I am not defending the use of drugs, we don't need them. We truly don't. The true risk of taking these kinds of drugs is far, far below then which is generally perceived. People don't get hooked4life after using heroin once. They.generally.really.don't.This reminds me of Michio Kaku, the guy who is famous for string theory. Smart guy. He was on the Joe Rogan podcast and when Joe started to talk psychedelics, Kaku stated that magic mushrooms cause brain damage. There's no such research. This is like the old anti-weed propaganda, or the LSD makes you kill people put out by the government. Seems people always lose some rationality when talking about these subject, always drifting to the negative side of the subject. Please note, I am not condemning you personally. Just generalizing the conversations I had over the years. Does this (which to my mind, a little irrational) responses always sprout from the fact that we are actually anti-drugs? I find it interesting to talk about empirical evidence, without the fear that I am justifying the usage of the substances. Also with drugs;Sedating over longer periods > badExperiencing something once > could lead to improvement of universally preferred behavior, thinking, personality traits. I'll be happy if you challenge my points. -
Thanks! I have saved this list. I am not thinking about being a parent for at least half a decade, probably more. If I do come around reading all the books from FDR (just ordered the bundle a little while ago), then one of these is next!
I have never been to California, or in the states for that matter (I life on the other side of the ocean!). But dang, this shit seems terrible. How does it compare to the smog in some Asian countries? I remember seeing footage of that, and holy shit balls I don't want to life there! I remember something about the mountains being a factor in the smog thing, it made the smog stick around for longer or something?
Without genetically modified food, we would have never have fed our population to grow so big and healthy. Pesticides which are used to compensate for the old-as-fuck soil farming method, are the real issue. There are no positive stressors in your classical soil farming, there is no diversity. The farmer plows his land to effectively seed and harvest, killing all the worms and organisms in the soil. His lack of nutrients starts to show, better use some more pesticides! Hydraponics, Aquaponics, Permaculture; these are things to start looking out for in the future. It is hard, but there are already companies making good profits using these techniques. Shit ain't easy 'do. That is a really bad, utter, terrible, shit post. Try again with an argument, not with feces. I hope you understand why I say this.
So I was pondering this briefly...
NeoCortex replied to CallMeViolet's topic in Atheism and Religion
Plants, animals, humans.. they all play endless games of prisoner's dilemma . This part of game theory helps you understand why ''doing good'' is actually a viable survival strategy.Tit for tat seems to have become an ESS, evolutionary stable system. The selfish gene by Richard Dawkins is a great read on this subject. It explains how altruism is bio-economically viable. -
Thoughts on entheogenic substances? + Story time!
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in Self Knowledge
I agree with that you are saying. One thing though; it is a common misunderstanding that you either have a good or a bad trip. The real question is always how the person feels afterwards, or after a week. The best trips (with this definition I mean the most therapeutic) are the ones where you find light in the darkness i.e turning the bad trip around towards an experience which is preferable. A trip that goes from this ''darkness to light'' seems to be the actual mechanism which increases universally preferable personal properties like openness. Don't take my word for it, the research is there. -
Thoughts on entheogenic substances? + Story time!
NeoCortex replied to NeoCortex's topic in Self Knowledge
> I never said you didn't . You can have the same thoughts, of course, this comes back to the point of that these substances only give you another perspective, not some kind of ancient knowledge. So yes, you can have the same thoughts - but certainly not the same experience. > I would never confuse brain trauma with psychological trauma, I understand the differences very well. The link I posted in my initial post was just something I found intriguing, and I was not making the point that psychedelics cure actual ''physical'' brain trauma, I honestly do not know, although the research might imply something in that direction. I do know, and have empirical evidence of the fact that certain substances can be great mental tools, especially under professional guidance. > The fact that in most countries you can get jailed for experimenting with your own consciouses is pretty psychotic, indeed. So for people in those borders it it wise to take this into consideration when you take these drugs, absolutely agreed. Lets not look at man made rules, shove the law out of its way. Literally keeping fear out of the discussion. Let's look at the evidence suggesting that under the right circumstances these things have tremendous '''healing powers'' for victims of violence. There is a lot of anecdotal and empirical evidence. I think we've reached a point which is relatively (it'salwaysrelative) close to the metaphorical ''bullseye'' of knowledge; this shit works when you apply what we have learned from experimenting and evaluating these substances. This gained knowledge will not attribute to greater drug abuse, which is something we all want to prevent. If we learn people how to correctly use which I consider to be mental tools [entheogenics], they will be of more value. I am not talking about the popularity of said drugs. If I would go off and sell cocaine on the Internet right now, I would not actually increase the demand for it would I? I would fill the hole which is known as demand. Obviously this is only correct when I do not advertise my operation in any way (including friends and all other logical things..). Yes you could say that offering any good increases the demand for it in some way, but come'on. And let me be clear; we would not actually hand people a few grams of magic mushrooms with a note attached how they should be consumed after a simple doctor visit.. They are tools which can be used by the patient with an professional trained, empirical, rational psychologist to guide him. This could be considered modern, empirical Western Shamanism. The inducing of feelings, an journey trough our subconscious. Iraq veterans suffering from PTSD where given MDMA with significant results. Sometimes you just have to feel something which you did not feel for a long time, to help you get over your trauma. Or to think about the trauma consciously, without it hurting so much. Once again it is the experience that matters, the feelies. And whether these feelings where ''made'' by drugs, while they could also be attained without, is obviously correct. But does it matter? Wouldn't we want to heal the extreme traumatized, even it the feelings where made by drugs? We want to cure cancer right, even if the medicine/drugs helped them? Do we stick a band-aid to a kid with a small cut in his finger, while we might as well let the body do its thing? To me this point is totally futile. ''By exploring your own dissociated states and becoming connected to previously repressed information''. Funny you would say this, as this is the actual mechanism of mental healing, also true for these substances. I feel the opposite. The ego is a fantastic evolutionary trait, it drives greatness. I say this without a hint of doubt. But the ego is also something that sometimes forces itself to the foreground, which is not something you want in each scenario. Fear is a good thing, I never proposed a false dichotomy where fear was either bad or good. But letting go of fear, which on some levels you know is irrational, is great. I know someone who is fucking afraid of butterflies... see what I am trying to convey? For me it was the fear of dying in another fire, resulted from almost dying in a fire. But it is irrational to believe that would ever happen again, and even if it did, I would probably have no control of it, hence irrational fear. Letting go of everything and descending into an ego death directly resulted in me losing my irrational fear of dying in a house fire. A lot of these things seem to relate to the dangerous act of buying and using illegal drugs. But they don't have to. I think sex with someone you love is wonderful, one of the best things I have ever experienced. You can have psychedelic experiences without ever taking ''illegal drugs'', like a session in a flotation tank. For me personally, the psychedelic experience goes on the same list as making love, having babies, seeing your child get born etc. Only because of the actual experience. And only because the experience was profound for the one experiencing it. It is partly synesthesia, partly Ideasthesia, partly other human described ideas related to the use of these substances. These are all the things that are hard to put in words and actually define any drug (esp. hallucinogenics). People always tell you that they got realizations that they couldn't get without the drug, are obviously retarded. All roads lead to Rome. They just had these realizations (we are all one, I love the world etc) on these substances, but that is not by accident. You have every right to call them artificial if you want to, but it doesn't change the effects they have. Yes, we can also induce deja-vu's in people, does not actually change the experience of people having deja-vu's. People will always say stupid shit like they don't need all of that therapy because they got yoga or some shit. But that still does not mean that people cannot overcome a great deal of their trauma trough these methods. This argument revolves around value in certain techniques, which you or anyone else cannot really ever pin down. Now just some things we both agree on; Points where we both agree on: - The illegality of drugs enforces drug use - No moral issues with the personal, ''not influencing other parties'', kind of drug use. - No drugs are need to reach ''enlightenment'' - Drugs can lead to false conclusions - Drugs do not give rise to knowledge which was not already ''somewhere in that persons brain''. - Pain and anxiety (emotions) are there to help you Edit: Excuse me for the long post, I have done a great amount of research on the subject of ''drugs'', for me this also drives passion. I would also like to admit these stems from a lot of personal experience with drug use and users. My dad was an alcoholic, I have been to a lot of drug treatment centers, have been to a lot of conferences. And none of this makes my arguments stronger, I am very well aware of the authoritarian fallacy. I just wanted to inform you of my personal affinity.