Well, i dont know if anyone already saw this movie, and i do not want to spoiler it if someone still want to watch it after reading my opinion.
I am not particulary interested on the photography, rythm, or other production values.
The story on the other hand, wasnt what I expected. If I could describe it in one word, this would be "disgusting", and this is the interesting part, because 2 years ago, I wouldn´t notice why, and of course, i would be numb about the messages that Lars von Trier is sending to the audience.
But this is not only happening with movies. This is happening with everything in my life. Suddenly appears clear to me, the behavior of the people, the way they use violence in their daily basis not even knowing why. Is like a sickness, that is invisible to apparently for everyone, or, at least, the majority of people.
There is a lot of sex on the movie, but the movie is not sexy at all. It was like watching someone eat crap with a very happy mood, the crap is crap, and i dont mind if a fly liked, i dont want to eat it.
The sad part, is that Lars von Trier believes that this crap "taste good". Because he is showing this woman like something that people want, or find "sexy". And when I think of this, i understand that it is me, that for once notice that this shit is not sexy at all.
If you want to check how much you still see crappy people as sexy, i really recommend Nymphomaniac as an exercise.
If you think your time is precious and do not want to wasted watching a really disgusting movie, stay away from this piece of shit.
What do you think? Someone already saw this movie?