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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. I'm glad the video was well received LoganB. and tasmlab. Hmm... If there's no challenge, then maybe he enjoys the easy repetition itself or feeling powerful? I dunno, ask him.
  2. Ignore it at your own peril... Since you don't actually know it was a private parking ticket (?) and you weren't obstructing other parking spaces, you should be fine. They'll probably just misspell your name on purpose from now on.
  3. Perhaps forgiving people who haven't earned/sought forgiveness results in inflation for social capital?
  4. If only we could subsist solely on photosynthesis from the sun... Sunbeams, Yum!
  5. Death culture (nihilist/martyr goals?)? Who comes up with this stuff?
  6. Two related topics: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41164-transhumanism/ https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41395-humans-need-not-apply-what-happens-to-society-when-we-no-longer-need-humans/
  7. Kevin Beal posted a cool topic thread with a video describing, in part, an automated market as well: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41402-self-owning-machine-market/
  8. Maybe Venezuela should try the Honduran ZEDEs method (or something similar)? https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41466-elevator-city-honduras-private-own-towns/#entry379456 With enough of these freer cities, perhaps a power vacuum can be avoided when the government collapses?
  9. Yep. ZEDEs/charter cities sound like a great way to test that idea and DROs etc. as an alternative to the legislative labyrinth of modern states.
  10. If machines advance to the point of sentience and are truly rational beings, than I imagine they won't stand for violence or their own enslavement and we'll have more highly-skilled free-thinkers to help humanity. If machines can't/don't reach sentience than we remain valuable in other ways unique from machines. I guess transhumanism is an option too if you're in to that as well. Since we're all building the future together, it's ultimately up to us and what we decide as individuals.
  11. So is the point then to spread awareness (and measure influence) through voting like Ron Paul stated? Is that why remaining apolitical is problematic?
  12. Ah, cool beans Bouncelot! -- and I'd bet that, even the shallow conversation had deep body language. In other words, sometimes a stronger connection can be made with small talk, a smile, and attentive eyes than a lengthy discussion with someone else in profile with their arms crossed and a wandering gaze. I hope you get a chance to meet back up with your BBQ acquaintances.
  13. Are you differentiating between apolitical on principle vs. apolitical without principle as being a problem?
  14. In response to the topic title, I do feel that is the case and, in particular, I've noticed the demeanor and witnessed forthright admissions to government disillusionment among peers. A good start I'd say.
  15. Two short books I'd recommend for this subject: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie http://mwpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/how-to-win-friends.jpg -And- Truth in Comedy by Charna Halpern & Del Close http://justinlukasewicz.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/truth-in-comedy.jpg
  16. Ah, but perhaps it is a matter of perspective: Can you take the trivial and transmute it into the profound? Sports may not appeal to you, but what of the principles of fairness inherent in the game? Talk of virtual gold coins could put you to sleep, or provide you a segue into a discussion about virtual currencies like bitcoin. You don't have to be an enlightened buzzkill at parties; Conversation itself is a game of give and take. Do you still want to play?
  17. In that single act you have shined a light into the cave of that child's life. He will not forget that there is another way; I hope he'll follow the light.
  18. Thank you for the update; I joined the group on Steam.
  19. The emotional blockage could be a way of identifying a logical inconsistency as in the case with cognitive dissonance; You can become aware of the inconsistency by checking the math/train of thought/etc., and/or you can feel the stress and anxiety as an indication of cognitive dissonance and inconsistency (similar to a signal on the dashboard). They're like the red and blue lenses on retro 3D glasses. If most people make the emotional over the rational decision every time (or vice versa), than they're probably not seeing in 3D. (Even if they do take the emotional decision, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're in tune with their emotions.)
  20. By surrounding yourself with entrepreneurs I imagine some of their economic enthusiasm and encouragement will rub off on you whether through envy and/or empathy.
  21. Ah, I see -- and what has been your experience with the Free State Project so far?
  22. Agreed, I imagine a "Truth About Capitalism" video will help enlighten the aforementioned nescience. I wonder, however, if we can't help Stefan Molyneux and Michael (Freedomain Radio in general) by providing preliminary research, image/video/audio assets, etc. along with the video request? (I've volunteered audio design services as my specialty.) I've already encountered individuals here with knowledge and sources on the subject, participating in a discussion about a potential way to communicate capital forms via diagram (similar to the color wheel or circle of fifths as mnemonic devices). A link to this discussion can be found here: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/40952-capital-theory-20-work-in-progress/ I do hope they make the video, but if they are too busy, maybe we can?
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