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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. I graduated from SCAD. Companies like TGC, Valve, Supergiant, Paradox, Insomniac, and Blizzard interest me the most. A lot of the game companies I've researched outsource their audio work, so I've applied to audio post-houses as well. Ah, yes! There is a balance between technique and creativity (left and right brain). There's this sense that when I talk to folks from more math/science/programming disciplines they view audio work as being very creative, and when I talk to visual artists they view audio work as being very technical and complicated (with so many faders and encoders on the console for example), but I have enough experience to hold a conversation with both sides; consequently, I'm also one of those people on a project that is aware of what other departments are doing on a more intimate level. I started in audio during school about four years ago, though I've worked in different artistic fields for much longer. You mentioned Blizzard and sword-wielding; I'm guessing you've played Diablo and/or Warcraft? Maybe even D&D?
  2. Recommendations: Crusader Kings II (highly recommended) Feudal simulator that is a cross between D&D-like character role-playing and Civilization-like strategy with a historical focus (there's also built-in Wikipedia links to historical figures if your in to history and stuff like me ). Europa Universalis IV (highly recommended) Similar to Crusader Kings II, but with more of an economic and national focus during the Age of Exploration. Civilization V More accessible to new players, and it looks like we have a few experienced players already. Total War Series Primarily battle-specific strategy focus. DOTA2/League of Legends Free to play and fast-paced co-op play. Steam ID: luxfelix
  3. The way that I understood the purpose of cursive (and handwriting in general) is two-fold: 1) As an indicator of class and education, like some secret handshake or a fancy business suit. And... 2) That the benefits of physically writing down thoughts, notes, etc. engages more areas of the brain and increases memory, among other aspects (like the kinesthetic learning from playing an instrument?). Has anyone else heard this as well?
  4. Would holding the door open for someone count (to a lesser degree), or maybe when receiving charity requests?
  5. I do need to change the definition of capital, and we're on the same page with action axiom. Perhaps: Capital: A vehicle of will. ("Vehicle = a thing used to express, embody, or fulfill something", & "Will = the faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action") Is it E=mc^2 yet? Nice catch on inter- and intra- for revision! The point I'm making (or failing to make) with measurements is, money may be a currency but not all currencies are money (Financial Capital). It could be too far of a stretch. Maybe just call it "appraisals", "valuations", or "measurements" to keep it simple? Thank you for introducing me to Hayekian triangles! It sounds like a compatible diagram, turning the color wheel of capitals into a cone to denote time and production stages. The mixing you mentioned, are you referring to something like primary, secondary, tertiary, complimentary, split-complimentary, etc. color schemes?
  6. Ah, good point! I notice that as we go down the list, the different capitals become more subjective (and therefore harder to measure...?). That might be a good way to organize the list as well. I feel a similar overlap between Social and Cultural Capital. One example I could use to differentiate between the two is, if a friend recommends you to an HR department at a business firm they work at (Social Capital) than you have a better chance of getting hired, but if you show up in flip flops and propeller cap (Cultural Capital), then you may be perceived as not very serious about the position you're interviewing for... "We'll be in touch..." (Unless they're a fun business firm! ) Maybe that doesn't really justify the separation, maybe there's a better term for communicating the difference, or maybe I've missed some capital archetypes that should be added? Part of the purpose for color references is, just like color, there is an objective (wavelength) and subjective (hue) quality to this. (By the way I'm glad you pointed out that I was missing that clarification. ) As different languages have more or fewer names for colors than English, different economic systems identify more or fewer capital archetypes (and/or really focus on some forms over others). Thank you, I'll continue to update this theory as I receive more suggestions like these!
  7. (Maybe there's another term for spiritual capital that has less connotative cargo attached to it?) I'm glad you like it for visualizing; if it's useful then I've fulfilled one of my goals with this. Is the debate over humanity in capital vs. rationality something along the lines of, "human/environmental concerns are opposed to corporate profit goals," or, "you can't put a price on love"? Please clarify for the discussion if you don't mind.
  8. Yes, heartbreaking really -- such a shame...
  9. [This is an open work-in-progress theory regarding Capital and relevant definitions]: -- Preface -- In the same way the color wheel and circle of fifths help to convey relationships and serve as mnemonic diagrams, I seek to simplify and clarify capital theory for ease of teaching and incorporation into our daily lives. This is also an attempt to make measurable those aspects of capital other than physical/financial forms (many of them already are measured to some degree). If this sounds like something that interests you as well, I welcome your contributions, critiques, and clarifications. -- Definitions -- Capital: The source for, and result of, exchange/interaction (...too vague?) Capital: A vehicle for will Capital: A means to an end Capital Archetypes: Subcategories (the "hues") of capital that share certain properties (convenient as a label but not mutually exclusive to another archetype) Inter-Capital: Exchanges/interactions between different capital archetypes (a change in "hue" on the color wheel, or for example, cash for cookies) Intra-Capital: Exchanges/interactions within the same capital archetype (a change in "intensity" of a hue on the color wheel, or for example, cookies for milk) Currency: Valuations: The unit of measurement used for a specific capital archetype -- Capital Archetypes -- [][/Red] Natural Capital: Capital that sustains life. This can include land/ecosystems, food, water, animals, and even the body (time too?). The implication here is that self-ownership is not only a foundation of responsibility for one's actions, but also a generator of other capital (what we make with our time and energy for example). Possible currencies valuations include calories, joules (?), weight, numerical count (head of cattle for example), ppm/pH (water purity), and carbon/nitrogen/etc. (?). [][/Orange] Financial Capital: Capital that facilitates trade. This can include physical and/or digital forms of money, credit, insurances, securities, stocks/bonds, and any other form of fiduciary contract. The implication here is that this capital acts as a middleman capital to ease economic exchange between other capitals with physical limitations (or otherwise), and account for wealth in an abstract manner. Possible currencies valuations include price, probability percentages, shares, and... (maybe an economist can elaborate further?) [][/Yellow] Material Capital: Capital that fuels/supplies industry. This can include all matter of resources, tools, and infrastructure. The implication here is that this capital maintains the means of production. Possible currencies valuations include weight/load capacity, grade (quality), production rate, tensile strength, and efficiency (energy, material, or otherwise). [][/Green] Social Capital: Capital that denotes diplomatic capacity. This can include your social network, recommendations/reputation/trustworthiness/influence, and legitimacy. The implication here is that who you know and who knows you can become a valuable asset (strength of connections within a network). Possible currencies valuations include the number of connections, friends, and followers you have (both in your local and digital/distant neighborhood), your credit score, public opinion poll percentages, etc. [][/blue] Cultural Aesthetic Capital: Capital that projects perception. This can include art (manifested appeals to the senses), rituals, prestige, luxury, etc. The implication here is that people and things (ephemeral or enduring) have intrinsic value beyond the material, medium, or action. Possible currencies valuations include... I dunno... provenance? (moving on...) [][/indigo] Human Intellectual Gnostic Capital: Capital that documents and imparts information. This can include diplomas, reference materials, an individual's collection of experience (knowledge/wisdom etc.), personality, and language/discussion/debate. The implication here is that (applied) knowledge is power (whether esoteric or exoteric) and can inform our decisions throughout various capital transactions. Possible currencies valuations include literacy, age (?), bytes/RAM/processing power, and informational accuracy/intelligence (error probability). [][/Violet] Spiritual (φ) Capital: Capital that encourages self-actualization. This can include empathy, morale/self-esteem, honor, mastery, and internal resonance (as opposed to cognitive dissonance). The implication here is that our emotions are valuable in ways like sensing a connection to others as well as an internal guidance system (for future thoughts and behaviors). Possible currencies valuations include the emotional scale, etc. (another hard one...) -- Discussion/Revisions -- [i look forward to hearing your thoughts.] StylesGrant: Humanity in Capital vs. Rationality AustinJames: Subjective vs. Objective capital, & Social/Cultural Capital overlap GRosado: Redefine Capital, Inter- Intra- Confusion, Currency/Measurement Confusion, & Hayekian Triangle Inclusion Josh F: Human Capital distinctions possibly unnecessary, & possible Coercive Capital/Political Capital inclusion. I made a model to illustrate the idea.
  10. Thank you Timur, My team and I went to E3 last year and won the College Game Competition! (...not-so humble-brag) But other than that, I doubt it. I haven't worked on any AAA or financially successful indie games yet. I'm currently sending out my portfolio/resume out to companies worldwide while working on a couple of passion projects (aka no pay) in the meantime. Do you play?
  11. My pleasure Rob. I can relate to you there with service and respecting artistic integrity. The short answer is yes, and for similar economic reasons (since graduating). The long answer is that I'm saving up and applying to various game development companies before moving out. I've also considered moving to another country with less living expenses since I'm able to work remotely (if I receive no offers by next year). How/when did you know you wanted to master records?
  12. I agree. This reminds me of a quote by Marianne Williamson: "Creating the world we want is a much more subtle but more powerful mode of operation than destroying the one we don't want." It's encouraging when someone comes up to me and asks (something along the lines of) what it is that I do that is working (even if it doesn't always feel that way from my perspective). It is also a much more efficient use of my time as they come to the discussion already receptive. It's an attractive posture, not of aloofness, but of preoccupation. (Like when I'm playing piano in a practice room and someone comes in to ask me about the music... in our case, the music we play is the message of voluntarism.) Put another way: When we burn brightly in our own endeavors, we become guiding lights. Though sometimes hard to see through the light pollution of the state, we nonetheless cast a constellation's glow.
  13. Hello Rob, I am also from Florida and work with audio from home! I remember hearing from a couple of the FDR videos that service donation inquiries are welcome at: [email protected] (contact Michael). From my experience, no other artistic medium encourages empathy quite like audio. Have you found this to be true in your experience as well?
  14. Hiya! I explore. (Like you I imagine.) Specifically, whether literal, literary, or alliterative, I seek confluence. In philosophy, I followed confusing outflows of thought from various places before, following hyperlinks like a Victorian explorer seeking the source of the Nile, I eventually found Freedomain Radio. I'm an artist by trade. Specifically, I record dialogue, compose music, and craft sound effects for interactive mediums (which is a fancy way of saying video games). No other medium I know has as high an aptitude to accrue a sense of agency in an active audience. It is therefore a frontier of both promise and foreboding. (True of art in general, but it's particularly potent in play.) I've much to learn and much to teach. Specifically, as my forte is in metaphor, my current deficit is in facts. My goals here at FDR are to read the facts, discuss the possibilities, and contribute to the course of humanity. I welcome correction, of course. (... course correction...) Thank you for your time and attention.
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