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  • Gender
  • Location
    Monterey, California
  • Interests
    I am currently training and planning a bike trip through Corsica, riding my road bike, reading history of different civilizations, cooking great healthy foods, political discussions, getting out in nature, road trips.
  • Occupation
    owner, treesacupuncture.com

Nathalie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, Corsica does look amazing. I was in Ajaccio a few times about 6 years ago and LOVED it, but I tend to love most things european Have never been to Greece. Slovenia? I would have not thought of Slovenia as a road cyclists destination, however, one of the worlds top professionals is from Slovenia, Peter Sagan. I am hoping to catch the end of the summer season and some beach time! The coast look stunning. I figured it would be a shot in the dark to serif anyone on here is from/going to Corsica, but I always figure its worth a try Thanks for reply and info. Nathalie
  2. From a female perspective, the women I have known who were super hot were just plain mean bitches, sorry to be so blunt. When I was in my late 20's/ early 30's I was living in LA and surrounded by super hot women, in every bar, every weekend and a slough of men trailing after them. I think at some point of super hotness, women just don't care about others (both male and female) since they know they will still get the attention they seek simply based on their looks. That video was classic!
  3. Hi! I will be visiting Corsica during the end of September and early October. I thought it would be fantastic to meet some FDR people while I am there, just curious, I guess. I will be riding my bike from Bastia to Ajaccio to Porto Vecchio. I will also spend a night in Corte (if I can make the climb up!). Would love to meet up for dinner with like minded peoples. Warmly, Nathalie
  4. Yes, I saw her interview with Steven Crowder and wondered where she went to! I thought her story was highly compelling and her warning was strong. I tell everyone I know about what she said regarding having mosques erected in communities. I agree, having her on FDR would be fantastic. Any response since you posted the request? Nathalie
  5. Hello Community! I finally signed up after 2 years of listening to FDR. Ive heard through the threads that its such a great community that I figured I Would take a little peek I live in a beautiful locale, right on the ocean, surrounded by forests to the south and mountains to the east and SF to the North. I spend lots of time riding my bike through backcountry roads and I am planning a fantastic adventure right now to Corsica, where I hope to ride my bike around the greater part of the island. I love French culture and am super exited to climb some mountain roads and eat a fantastic meal every night before my tired body hits the pillow. Cheers! Nathalie
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