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  1. Hey. I play guitar and sing. From Sweden, Tranås. My shit is good Email: [email protected]
  2. Looking to start a band. Probably a good place to find like minded band mates. I've tried convincing drug addled musicians to be better, but they prefer their drugs. Maybe I'll find something better here. I play guitar and sing. My shit is good. I'm in Sweden.
  3. mang


    Looking to start a band. From Tranås. I play guitar and sing. Email: [email protected] I realize this post might be in the wrong category, but I really couldn't care less.
  4. Tjena, och välkommen!
  5. Välkommen till fdr
  6. You're either a national socialist, socialist, communist, or a pussy. Swedish politics are great.
  7. Don't think you'll find a lot of religious or agnostic people here. Everyone seems convinced that there is no god. This, of course, doesn't mean that you can't be welcomed to the community! Welcome!
  8. Länken funkar inte för mig.
  9. Välkommen till gänget!
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