This is a great documentary from Australia that I would recommend to anyone on the fence about this medical procedure. I've been following this topic for some time and there have been some pretty explosive info coming out about the dangers and ineffectiveness of injecting foreign DNA into the human bloodstream, as well as aluminum, formaldehyde, and mercury, from health advocates and medical industry insiders over the last few years.
Most people don't realize that like poverty reducing 1% every year before the introduction of the welfare state, that rapid and widespread decreases in diseases such as polio and whooping cough actually started a few years before the introduction of vaccines, when improvements in hygiene, and nutrition became widespread in developed nations, thus increasing natural resistance in the populations:
I recognize that this is an incredibly explosive topic with much conflicting evidence and propaganda. Peoples scientific, medical and economic futures could be ruined if and when conclusive evidence of bad science and cover-ups become widely known. I wonder though, if vaccines are so effective and established, what do the "anti-vaccer's" have to gain from speaking out about the dangers of this procedure except ridicule, ostracism and legal action?
On one side, you have a highly entrenched, multibillion dollar state sponsored industry and medical professionals responsible for administering vaccines to billions of people worldwide, on the other, parents and family members of vaccine-injured/killed people, whistleblowers who face severe repercussions for speaking out, and independent health advocates who are brave enough to go against public opinion to speak truth to power.
What do the "vaccine truthers" have to gain by warning people about vaccines vs. what does the government and medical industry have to gain by maintaining the status quo? I hope people will ask this question with an open mind and start researching for themselves., have some great articles on this topic and have been very outspoken about the who, how's and why's of what I consider the modern equivalent of what cigarette's were in the 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's where doctors and scientists raved about the safety and benefits of smoking, and only after a mountain of whistleblowers, evidence, illness and death caused a shift in the society.
Im sure I'll get lots of hate for going on record about this, especially from people in the industry, but just watch the video, research the other side, and use your common sense.