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grithin last won the day on January 16 2017

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  1. Consequent to never finding anyone who understood the constitution well, I've created a site to help destroy some misconstructions of thought about it: https://constitutionalists.club/
  2. This book: https://www.amazon.com/Tragedy-Hope-History-World-Time/dp/094500110X Societies, brotherhoods, corporations make long term plans. These tend to be excluded from the common teaching of history leaving the naive graduate of the mind that things just happened.
  3. Go read Tragedy and Hope. Apparently there are managed efforts to take down the US. Taking down the US is not for regression, but for replacement with countries that follow more controllable/socialist models. The trending reaction of self benefit (make no efforts towards improving society but rather towards self and family surviving) is probably the situation described behind "the only thing it takes for evil to flourish". This isn't some "The Postman" society rises from the embers fantasy. It's an endgame, your lineage won't continue.
  4. With "Modern Money Mechanics", an understanding of the primary mechanisms have been available for a very long time.
  5. Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch.
  6. [disparaging remark] The reason the debt can't maintain was illustrated for decades by a guy who came out with "the mathematically perfected economy". It's based on the obvious nature of paying debt back with more debt (fed system) leads to an ever increasing interest portion, which eventually stifles out business activities. This, however, is naive - not taking into consideration negative interest rates or QEs or etc. The notion debt unsustainability is equivalent to human unsustainability is similarly principally wrong. It would require that production capacity were optimal, that unknowable and/or long term factors were priced in (land degradation from farming), and that debt backed payments were rationally priced. If the IMF creates a giant debt by manipulating the government in Jamaica into debt terms, does that giant debt reflect unsustainability of humans? PS: These damned public schools do such horrible jobs with economic, and to top it off we keep importing idiots - it's almost as if a widening high/low class disparity were intended.
  7. 2. people tend to fail to recognize one of the principle themes of The Wealth of Nations, and that is the natural formation of monopolies and cartels, and the prevention of abhorrent ones being one of the key reasons for government. Anarcho Capitalism is naive to this pattern. 3. Haha. I missed the opportunity - that's delightfully humorous. Go read Tragedy and Hope or listen to Alan Watt.
  8. "Follow" is hardly worth anything. Donate or spread (I do both). And, if you don't have any money, perhaps go work at McDonalds (their working environment is probably cramped enough for you). The depth of corruption in the education system is not that important. For the people that care, the fruit it bears is evidence enough for there being an issue. And, if your intent is to spread info to alert others, there is plenty of information on the surface without the need to determine the in depth connections. If the issue is a matter of identifying corrupt politicians, well, that is done easily enough by just looking at how the vote. So, I assume the interest here is a personal itch that serves little public interest.
  9. Unless the skirmish comes to you, the tentacles aren't worth fighting - rather attack the head. To my knowledge, the best avenue for this has been Judicial Watch, of which, I stay amazed at how little coverage they get by so called liberty movement heads. Separately, the way to go about defeating the education cartel would be through decentralized education, perhaps started as homeschooler resources. If you are interested in particular entanglements, see https://littlesis.org/
  10. Depends on how many layers of separation that you need to consider helping a murderer moral. You could consider paying tax as contributory to the dollar value which enables the military through funding. And, then, apart from the layers of separation consideration, there's the greater good consideration. Perhaps you should consider that, with all the hot air the liberty movements produces, it was the military that saved us from a dark era signaled by Hilary.
  11. Indeed, in my seeking humor your post did go over head. Perhaps if I had read your response to the OP I'd had known that you were playing the psychologist and had a vested interest. And, perhaps there is a deeper reason for the nightmare, but it is some times the case that chemical imbalances owing to diet in combination with stress are sufficient to cause issues. But, I suppose I have found my comedy after all with "Secondly, would you be inclined to stick with the dentist that recommends such an approach?" - all yours.
  12. Pain killers (NSAIDS in general) have multiple potential negative effects, especially depending upon your genes. Have you tried electroshock therapy? Personally, I find sucking on ghost pepper powder sufficient for removing attention from minor pain annoyances - you'll have the added benefit of increased blood flow to the gums. Most dentists are horrible. For more than a decade studies have been around that show baking soda based toothpaste works better than fluoride, and yet, I haven't encountered a single normal dentists who knew this. Fortunately, market demand has led to a new set of dentists called biological dentists. Unfortunately, they are rather pricey.
  13. Take a TENS device and apply it to your frontal lobes. Or, try pruriens (general neural chemical plant based supplemental), 5-htp (serotonin), theanine (anxiety), melatonin (sleep) [but only after trying the lobot... electro therapy]
  14. No. ASVAB correlation would put it somewhere above 140, but I know someone else who supposedly also was in the 99 percentile, and I estimated her IQ around 125-135. Also, I've encountered plenty of brain damage since then accumulating in a general decrease of 30% in multiple metrics (typing, n-back, etc).
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