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Everything posted by Free Will
That might explain why you don't approach women now, but it doesn't explain why you rejected the girls in your past. Does it make sense to you that the anxiety and nervousness you experienced was telling you that you were in a dangerous situation? That the girls were likely only interested in you because of your looks? That by not showing empathy towards you or trying to get to know you, they did not exhibit the qualities of a caring partner or loving future mom? That by having sex with them, you would have been putting yourself and perhaps the life of a baby into a potentially abusive relationship? Have you gotten any useful insight from the responses so far?
When negotiation is made impossible fantasies of violence become more probable. At least that has been my experience. Unless you are still in contact with the people who harmed you, then I assume the anger you experience is how you felt as a chld. I have heard (on FDR im sure) that anger is the emotion witch spurs us to action. Is there something in your life you want to change? Do you want to change yourself? I think MMX2010 was asking a question. Did you really choose to be helpless and isolate yourself as a child? What was the alternative?
16 age gap relationship. Co dependency with abusive narcissist
Free Will replied to Colin_Turner's topic in Self Knowledge
Have you heard this call-in show? I think many of the ideas apply directly to you're situation..I hope it helps with you're path to self knowledge...skip tp 35:05 To answer you're question..There is nothing you can do to fix her...She is the only one that can do that...You can only control your own actons. -
Actually, I have only fired a shotgun once in my life. I do mostly handgun training. I do own a Rock River AR, but I have only shot it a few times. I prefer more to shoot my friend's AK when we go to the rifle range or out to some land.
I highly recommend those books. They are about this topic. Here is the link to On Truth...I think I have heard Stef recommend reading it before RTR. I have never experienced it with a women, that is one of the reasons I think I have never had sex. What MrCapitalism said directly applies to me in many ways. What do you think of his theory? The contradiction is that, if you have a pretty good relationship with your mother, then why don't you talk with her about relationships that are important to you? why do you think you have sabotaged your relationships?
First he said Then he said..
Welcome! I also listened to "my girlfriend is in my attic" for the second time a few days ago actually..that was a really intense call. Have you seen and do you like the Atlas Shrugged movies? The third part is coming out next month I think.
Wow dude you're awesome..and somewhat lucky I suppose to have libertarian parents. Most people dont properly prepare themselves for self defense after purchasing a weapon so my hats off to you for getting some training. I assume you don't own any handguns but do you have a prefered brand or model to shoot? I personally carry a G19 everyday and a .40 cal Glock sometimes as a backup. What do you find most difficult to operate about the AR? For me, charging the weapon without a tactical latch added to the charging handle makes it much more cumbersome to operate quickly.
I agree with the sentiment of your entire post but this statement is patently false. After asking about this topic in the chat, all of the people that responded, said that they have never had a bad encounter with the police. I think they were all white middle-class too. So maybe you are onto something...I actually thought the majority of all people had bad encounters usually.
Hi Tree Frog! I was actually inspired to join the forum after reading yours and another members introduction from dallas. So its great to see ya! I'm Smack dab in the middle man. would rather not be too specific.But honestly, I roam all over the map...we have probably crossed paths before. Do your parents listen to FDR? You said you were interested in hunting. thats cool...have you done any firearms combat training?
Hi Ray! Thank you so much for sharing. I fully empathize man. I had almost the exact same experience in school. My situation may be worse by your standard, because I am a 24 year old virgin and in the past I also had that feeling of being less of a man or less mature for not having sex with the girls who offered it to me. You posted in the right section. Self Knowledge is the method to get your answer..I have been pondering this exact question since I was 14 maybe even younger, but I never came to any accurate conclusions until I found the FDR conversation on youtube...I'm new here too! After listening for about 3 years now, to me, the answer seems so clear as to why I sabatoged my romantic relationships. But I also would like some feedback in this regard just in case I am totally off base. I Haven't trusted anyone I know to talk openly about this, so I may be missing something. I was also going to post on this exact topic, but I dont want to Hijack your thread...so please somebody let me know if I should start a new one I think Rainbow Jamz's questions are the type that should be asked. My questions to you Ray that I hope will be helpful: Have you read On truth the Tryanny of Illusion and or Real time Relationships? What is your definition of love? I also noticed a contradiction when you answered Rainbow's questions and then responded to his next comments and questions. I think this may be relavent and a connection to your self sabatoge..I can point it out if you like...can you see it? Have you listened to many listener call in shows? Somebody please correct me if i am wrong, but isn't the method for learning about the self to ask questions and either be honest or then try to find contradictions in thinking? I am a newb. Last thing I will say for now is that your virginity makes you more valuable as a partner not less of a man. This could be my own bias though. ; )
I don't think you're asking me but...After how you described them, are you not terrified of the police? They're proactive enforcers of violence that believe that their crimes are virtuous. To me, bears and serial killers are not even as terrifying and dangerous...statistically that is probably true as well.
Hi Everyone! I'm a 24 year old gun shootin, poker playin, FDR listening son of a bitch from Texas. I found Stefan's work on youtube after watching this Alex Jones interview he did a while ago..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNGHRw4kBK4 Since then for about three years I watched almost every one of Stef's YT videos. The content totally changed my life and where I was taking it for the better. I have eternal gratitude to Stef and everyone who made the listener conversations possible. I was first drawn in because of my confirmation bias. I thought that his thoughts and arguments regarding politics and economics were simialr to mine, until I bagan to really listen. I changed my conclusion from minarchy to anarchy because of his concise moral arguments. Later and More importantly, I analyzed my relationship with my parents and came to the very painful but very very enlightening conclusion that there isn't one. Its just unhealthy attachment and codependency on the part of my mother, and complete self erasure on my part when I interact with my father. This conclusion though very painful has helped me tremendously in the long term. With this realization came the correlated fact that 99% of my voluntary friendships were either manifestations of unprocessed prior trauma or simply mutually beneficial but not deep and meaningful. I joined to talk with real people who don't lie as a matter of policy. To help and perhaps receive help in matters of self knowledge, relationships, and poker. Although I don't expect to encounter too many degenerate gamblers like me on here.jk ; ) Im not sure if I left out any relavent info that I should have included. And at the same time I feel like I have been too forthcoming. If anyone has any question please ask. And again THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to Stefan and everyone who has courageously called in to talk about their childhood trauma and/or adult relationships. Those conversations helped and continue to help me immensely with self knowledge and to analyze my own relationships. See you in the Forums!
Hi Kason, I share your terror. Every time a cop pulls behind me while driving my heart beats faster, my legs turn into rubber, and i feel sick to my stomach for about a minute or until he leaves me alone. I didn't watch the video because I get the sense from you that it is the type of footage that causes my terror and anger, and I have seen enough police YT videos to have an idea..I think. I break the law routinely (non-crimes of course) and I very rarely have any interaction with police. The best advice I can give is to completely avoid them in the first place. If you get into a situation where you are forced to interact with an armed abusive cop, unless he is actually trying to kill you, I suggest complete submission to his whim if you want to survive.