Hello fellow truth-seekers, greetings from Europe.
David Webb is not my real name, but an alias I chose because I identify with his story as Jason Bourne: a high-functioning government killer that eventually learns what he really is and how he's being exploited. He then turns around to fight the very organization that's doing everything to control and contain him.
I too have been a violent-minded, right-wing, religious, tyrannical, patriotic nut for most of my life. So much so that I tried to join my tax farm's Marine Corps at age 17. I only just failed to pass the final test - something I'm pretty thankful for now as you can imagine.
I still went on to study economics and then another government-focused study that I now have to finish because of entrapment. Although I was still a despicable government drone when I started, I got more and more interested in the ideas of liberty along the way. I joined the liberty movement via Milton Friedman and Ron Paul, took a few years to progress to anarchism through Rothbard and eventually became a fan of FDR. I haven't looked back since. Both FDR and Stef's books helped me change my mind about so many things, including but not limited to: spanking, relationships and recently even about the existence of God.
I'm really anxious to confront my family with the news that I am now an atheist, because so much in the family revolves around Christianity. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ostracized, which would be a real shame, because I have a pretty good bond with many of my family members, especially with my eight cousins (aged 10-22) and also with my little brother. I hope I can find some help with that here.
Beside that, I'm also interested in learning about peaceful parenting and a host of other general philosophical topics, so I'm sure I will enjoy it here.
I hope this gave you a good general idea of who I am. If there are any questions, ask away.