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    England, UK
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    Politics, Economics and Philosophy.
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  1. Hey everyone so I inadvertantly debated a guy who'd called on the show claiming that subjective is objective. Video - It started while watching Cantwell live and I kept getting timed out in the chat for posting too much so I decided to just join the after chat to continue the debate, I join around the 20 minute mark and for the most part Dale is speaking and he might be drunk, after 50 minutes Dale leaves and we're able to debate 1-on-1 for the most part, unfortunately the hangout stream got cut off halfway through but we still continued the debate for another hour/two. Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Cp5hGBJ1k I feel like I didn't force the issue enough and I kept getting hit with these random claims without evidence near the end, also it was 1-3am for me and I had to stay quiet so I couldn't really talk over anyone. Anyway feedback would be nice, where I went wrong, where he went wrong, etc. Thanks.
  2. Thanks everyone for the replies and thanks to ParaSait, this cleares it up for me, the message (threat) of "obey or be tortured in the afterlife" is a form of coercion disguised as god's orders. I'm sure I could go a lot more in depth and I will when I do some more research on UPB and philosophy specifically how one can determine the universality of an action but right now this is fine.
  3. Hi there. I was just wondering if it cannot be universally prefereble to teach children religion, to give a bit of context it cannot be universally prefereble to rape because 2 people raping each other is just sex thus rape is immoral/un-ethical because by it's definition it uses force against someone who doesn't consent to your action. I understand that telling young, un-developed minds to worship a god or go to hell and be tortured for eternity is a terrible thing to do but (and maybe I don't understand UPB properly yet) is the non-consent of a forceful action the only criteria to determine it's morality/immorality? If so is teaching children religion immoral? How does it fill the criteria? Because the children usually don't explicitly give or withdraw consent. This sounds like a stupid question but it's really confusing me. Thanks in advance.
  4. This is great. I'm 17 In England, I'm currently playing Hearthstone, Payday 2, Cs:go and occasionally Civ (pirated but I'll buy it next sale), I really don't like Moba's the only game I can play competitively (and enjoy it) is hearthstone. I use a x31 headset so I basically don't have a mic for pc, sorry. Very excited for gta v on pc and Civ: beyond earth. Steamid=http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheRevere/ Battle.net id = RaPiiD38#2802 (it's an old xbox name so I just use this, easy to remember)
  5. Squarespace is a pretty good alternative to wordpress aswell, It's pretty much all drag and drop but you can add custom css code as well. It has a logo creator that can make super simple logo's that look good in case you don't have photoshop and it has a pretty good blog post system where you can upload photo's, text, etc. And then people can like it and share it automatically. Joe Rogan was doing a discount promotion for squarespace a while ago, might wanna look that up.
  6. I'm curious if there would be any difference between sentient AI's and humans, if there was how much of a difference? Could they really 'feel' emotions, would their morals be pre-defined lines of code or would they be able to determine new situations as moral/immoral? etc. I definitely don't think it's a good idea while we have psycopath's running around with billions of tax dollars, we could possibly see the biggest democide event in history with conscious AI's being used for millitary.
  7. Yep I get satisfaction from beating those people. But if I'm having a normal conversation with someone about politics etc and someone says something wrong then I just explain it to them, no satisfaction from that. It might be a tribal thing, like showing off to the women of the tribe 'I'm stronger than this guy' would give you much higher odds of getting women and thus have access to the baby making machine.
  8. The way I see it, philosophy is a state of knowledge and being. For example I know it is immoral to initiate violence therefor I don't do it. Whereas ideology is a state of wanting. The two are very different it just so happens that because of our philosophy we have an ideology of the world adopting this philosophy, if that makes sense.
  9. Hello everyone! Hope you're all having a good time, I'm Clayton. I'm a student in England and I love philosophy, politics, art and gaming. If anyone has steam my id is 'TheRevere' as in Paul Revere "The British are coming" as far as famous people go there are no Paul Revere's on steam so I thought it was a good name. I'm also interested in good books that explain Keynesian and Austrian economics if anyone has any suggestions that'd be great. Looking forward to spending time here, peace & love.
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