Hey everyone so I inadvertantly debated a guy who'd called on the show claiming that subjective is objective.
Video -
It started while watching Cantwell live and I kept getting timed out in the chat for posting too much so I decided to just join the after chat to continue the debate, I join around the 20 minute mark and for the most part Dale is speaking and he might be drunk, after 50 minutes Dale leaves and we're able to debate 1-on-1 for the most part, unfortunately the hangout stream got cut off halfway through but we still continued the debate for another hour/two.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Cp5hGBJ1k
I feel like I didn't force the issue enough and I kept getting hit with these random claims without evidence near the end, also it was 1-3am for me and I had to stay quiet so I couldn't really talk over anyone.
Anyway feedback would be nice, where I went wrong, where he went wrong, etc.