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  1. Denmark has the advantage of being somewhat behind in the race towards perfect cultural enrichment. Which of course offers a chance to look into the future, and ask the simple question; "do we really want that?". This does not fully explain it, there seems to be a huge different of mentality, now and historically, between Sweden and Denmark. The public debate here is quite hopeful. The hypocricy of the political elite is being exposed and we have politicians who dare address the islamization problem. A current issue is about imams preaching hate, and advicing in wellfare fraud. The extreme measure of deportation is being dicussed and how that violates the freedom of religion in the constitution (because after all, the imams were just reciting the quran). I don't suppose the public knows what is being said behind closed doors of mosques in Sweden?
  2. I like to think of it as a process of inception, just planting a seed. I write that I'm afraid to drive them further away by trying to hard. Yes, they contradict themselves and stop and don't know what hit them. It can go two ways from there, usually they get emotional. Humor seems to be the right way to go, it's just hard to incorporate. I will read up on the socratic method. Feels like a full time study to enlighten people, and I don't really have enough hours to day.
  3. Thanks for your reply. Yes, morality and basic principles seems to be the right place to start. To be honest, convincing them of Anarchism as opposed to a smaller state seems like a long shot. Emotions certainly was very ingrained in our debate. We touched upon natural rights a great deal and poverty, of course the obligatory one; "don't you care about the poor!" arghh I always get trapped on their ground, and end up arguing on premises that I don't hold to be true. You have to be wide awake not to get caught in that trap. I have some readings to do I guess.
  4. Hello there! I also decided to break free. Scandinavia, and the rest of Europe for that matter, really is in deep trouble. I am from Denmark, and it's good to see other Scandinavians here. Things in Denmark are not quite as bad as in Sweden. I am looking across Øresund to Malmö in horror. Common to most people I hear and talk to is a kinda pathological loathing for their own culture, if they even know what their culture is. I have not talked to Swedes, but hear some crazy stuff.
  5. and initiated a conversation with my peers at university on relevant world issues. Plus I decided to actively join this forum, to give me some pointers - boy do I need those! Hitherto, I have only discussed politics and philosophy with my libertarian friends and parents. It was a heated discussion today, and to be honest, not really a fair fight. It was 4 against one, me being the one, but the others seemed eager to discuss these topics. They did not look at me as if I were a strange creature from an alien planet, and they are good people. However, I did not seem to be able to move them much in the right direction, rather I fear I might push people away if I do a poor job. Upside is, that there seems to be no lack of opportunities for a round of debate practice. Leftist people are quite predictable, when it comes down to it. To have control over the conversation seems like a must, how do you go about that? Do you practice a certain topic really well and lead them on? Also, hello to everybody from Denmark!
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