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  1. I think Stef/Mike should put up video of the first several minutes of the call with Andreas. It appears to capture FDR's focus at the moment.
  2. All of this is true, but Trump doesn't help when he occasionally tells rally attendees to "rough up" protesters.
  3. Definitely worth watching as I am reminded of Stef's approach to these issues
  4. It is indeed a joke, a hilarious one.
  5. https://www.change.org/p/hbo-replace-john-oliver-with-a-woman Because it's 2016 people!!
  6. The poll that Trump cites to support his temporary Muslim immigration prohibition appears to be pretty flawed. It's an opt-in survey which means the respondents were not randomly selected, they were self-selected volunteers. It is reportedly difficult to extrapolate broader conclusions from opt-in online surveys. I myself am sympathetic to a moratorium on Muslim immigration (although I am more sympathetic to dismantling the welfare state), but it does not help Trump's cause to use shaky data like this. Any thoughts? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/dec/09/donald-trump/trump-cites-shaky-survey-call-ban-muslims-entering/ http://www.aapor.org/AAPORKentico/Education-Resources/For-Researchers/Poll-Survey-FAQ/Opt-In-Surveys-and-Margin-of-Error.aspx
  7. Welcome! Please make some anarcho-film for us!
  8. The film's about the Milgram Experiment and, judging from the trailer, it looks like it touches upon certain topics from the FDR conversation.
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  9. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amypeikoff/2015/10/16/heists-homicides-heroes-high-wires
  10. Also, Walter Williams is another person to consider
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