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Everything posted by wizzzardry

  1. The LouderWithCrowder folks are also fans: http://louderwithcrowder.com/last-man-standing-keeps-coming-takes-firm-jab-at-obama/#.VzcoxZGLTIU
  2. This is like watching a car crash in slow motion.
  3. If they do weigh in, it's going to be in "stones". And who actually knows how that actually works? Limey bastards.
  4. Totally legit question. Mostly people are dabbling, doing it as a hobby. Icelanders are excellent at English. So there is not a high demand for this type of service, but I have a few clients and make some extra money as is - but would like to make more
  5. I am not in Norway, but Iceland. But I'd like to get in touch with more FDR minded people.
  6. Hello, I'm not totally sure if it is right to post this here, but I teach Icelandic online and have been doing so for 2 years now. If you are interested in lessons, feel free to send me a message. Also, if you have any comment or criticism, let me know. I am a native Icelandic speaker. I have an excellent handle of both English and Icelandic. If you want to get a better handle of the Icelandic language, I‘m here to help you. Whether you‘re new to learning – or if you want to take your existing skills further, let me be your guide. It can be both difficult and frustrating, learning Icelandic all on your own. The task may seem daunting at first, and you may have been putting it off for fear that the language is simply too difficult to master My lessons are geared towards solving your problems. The focus is on practical use of the Icelandic language. Examples used apply to real-life situations. I aim to simplify the learning process and tailor it to your specific preferences. If you have any questions, don‘t hesitate to drop me a line. If you feel like you‘ve been putting off the task of learning Icelandic for too long, there‘s no time like the present. All it takes is one little step. I invite you to discover the language of Iceland with me. best regards, Your Personal Icelandic Teacher
  7. My bad, the embedded version doesn't have the Settings button. If you follow the Facebook link you can choose English Captions.
  8. Anybody out there seen or heard this interview? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0plhCBVJlm8"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. I give you an objective take on the Panama Papers leak and the effect it has had on the Icelandic PM: https://www.facebook.com/KrakkaRUV/videos/1693690640887904/
  10. I read the articles, thank you for bringing it up. This struck a chord: "For example, say my parents intentionally or accidentally, through neglect, bullying or pampering, made me feel growing up that my job is to self-sacrifice and be responsible for their emotions. I may surrender to this feeling and decide to accept these self-sacrificing values, and become a caretaker who seeks out dysfunctional people to fix, and I always emotionally and physically give without ever asking for much in return, hoping one day it will be my turn to receive. This is the codependent’s solution." "The codependent wants to erase his feelings of worthlessness by finding someone to please, impress or fix in the way he could never please, impress or fix his parent." Yeah, this was really good. I'm very prone to "magical thinking" - I think I need to stay away from that as a solution. In 'The Drama of Being a Child', Alice Miller writes: "If a person is able..to experience the reality that he was never loved as a child for what he was but was instead needed and exploited for his achievements, success, and good qualities - and that he sacrificed his childhood for this form of love - he will be very deeply shaken, but one day he will feel the desire to end these efforts. He will discover in himself a need to live according to his true self and no longer be forced to earn 'love' that always leaves him empty-handed, since it is given to his false self - something he has begun to identify and relinquish."
  11. I have not read RTR, it's on my to-do list. Will get on it soon.
  12. Just wanted to give a quick update, my cousin recently met his biological father for the first time. I talked to him yesterday, and he said it went fine. He sounded good. He still has problems at home, but we're talking on a semi-regular basis.
  13. Hi Dibble, sorry to hear that you've faced this type of adversity. A classmate of mine did the same thing. His front teeth jutted out and apart very noticably. He was a middle child, with an older and younger brother. A friend of mine bit his fingernails to the point that he would get infections. This may not be relevant, but sometimes when I feel unsure of myself I will touch my ears. Not a huge thing. But these insecurities telegraph out to others.
  14. Thank you Sam, I appreciate your sentiments. On the father's part, I think there's a mountain of regret and guilt that's holding him back. My cousin has said that he is open to the possibility of reconnecting, but doesn't think right now is the time, because of everything that's going on. I think you're right that the things that he should know, should come from his father. I've been considering the possibility of talking to them about meeting under the guidance of a good therapist, who could talk with them seperately and then together, later on if they indeed want to go that route. This really resonated with me Sam. I can't begin to tell you how much it resonated with me. I remember when I got the call from my uncle, asking me for advice. I got this strong charge through my body, like a triple espresso. It scared me, and it continues to scare me. That's why I've been sitting on my hands, because I don't want to go charging into other peoples lives like a bull in a china shop - under the auspisces of "saving the day." Again, thank you and everyone else for your kind words, it means a lot. I've been able to talk about this situation with people in my life as well, so I'm not alone - and its great to be able to reach out here, on the forum.
  15. Thank you Drew, that's very kind of you to say.
  16. Hi Sue, thank you for responding. Based on the information I have, its manipulation. Once his mother decided she didn't want a relationship with my cousins biological father, she slowly fazed him out. Constantly undermining him, in front of my cousin, until my uncle felt it was impossible to be a weekend dad without it resulting in constant stress for my cousin. So he backed out and stopped seeing him. I'm not saying that's okay, or that it was the right thing. Does that make sense? Am I being too unclear?
  17. Hi everyone, This is my first post. I am in something of a quandary. A month ago I reconnected with a cousin of mine, after eight years of no contact. He turns 18 this year, I am 27. I had nagging guilt about not being more in touch with him over the years. When he was younger he would come stay at my house, but when he was around 10 this stopped. I didn't ask myself why this was, and I feel shame about giving up contact so easily, now looking back. If I can keep this as short as possible, here are the facts: When I finally did reach out, he was in the midst of massive depression. We spoke on the phone for a couple of hours, two days in a row. He told me he had been depressed for a long time, miserable at home, awful relationship with his mom and dad. And he seemed totally lost. He told me he wanted to get help, which he got a few days later. He put his foot down at home and said he needed professional help. So he was voluntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital, for two weeks, where he was treated for depression. I had time to meet him and talk to him, and got a lot of information on what had gone on with him for the past eight years, and what was troubling him at home. Now, this is the thrust of what I'm trying to figure out: I am related to my cousin through his father, they haven't seen each other since my cousin was five. So he grew up with his mom and his stepfather. From what I've gathered, his mom has been grinding his feelings and emotions into dust, and lying to him about why he doesn't get to see his father. I have heard information about why they stopped seeing each other, I believe he deserves to know that information, but I don't know if I should be the one to tell him. His father, my uncle, has expressed wishes of getting back in touch - if he is willing. Does anyone have experience with these sort of delicate matters. How do I get my cousin the information that he deserves to know? Help, please.
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