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  1. A Few others for you that I did not notice. 21. We have been contacted, but it has been kept from the Public. 22. Contact Occurred, but .gov(s) of the time feared potential loss of power and told them not to try again. 23. .Gov(s) are Ignoring them and jamming the signal.
  2. IMHO Both are purely Irrational Reactions. Both have a literal mountain of facts proving the fears to be baseless, both have fears based on ignorance and a refusal to research the facts on the subject. sad and true.
  3. http://louderwithcrowder.com/feminists-now-say-that-not-allowing-wives-to-cheat-is-sexist/ Pardon my language but WTF???
  4. Yes, it is the same (and in some aspects more so) with those like myself who were born intersexed, every aspect of it or even discussing it is viewed by many as something that you are expected to be ashamed (almost literally) to death of. and it isn't "Just" religious groups pushing that mindset. much of this can be referenced by past histories of people with nearly any abnormality being once and often even today classified as "Circus Freaks", a good example of which are women who have male pattern facial hair, still human, still female, but has a beard, yet gets told likely from childhood that she should be ashamed of her existence... I could almost literally list examples for the next year.
  5. another video, sadly only a 20 min intro for a documentary under production but it does cover a good deal of science. more related to my own case, but touches on many issues that also effect transgendered.
  6. In case you did not notice, I had already written quite extensively about the science that was covered in that video (and a great deal more) more than once. I am quite puzzled as to why it keeps going un-noticed.
  7. Good Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9kry_VfFSh4
  8. A video (NSFW) you may want to watch. http://media01.commpartners.com/AMA/sexual_identity_jan_2011/index.html
  9. found an interesting article related to this. http://happyplace.someecards.com/beautiful-irony/this-guy-actually-changed-his-mind-about-caitlyn-jenner-because-of-this-photo/
  10. I am not saying otherwise, I was just listing the root cause of the suicide rates.
  11. how many times do I have to write this before someone will read it and have it stick....? The MAJORITY of the "Post Transition" Suicide rates are down to downright evil treatment by other people which are caused by baseless religious and socially driven stigmas. If for example you kept bringing up and pushing an issue that a person with depression gets severe depression over and constantly harass them about it then their likelihood of suicide will increase in the same way. Many Transgendered Individuals often have depression problems as a result of the Gender Dysphoria and or (or a combination of) needless highly negative interactions from other people. I apologize if i seem overly blunt, but when spending hours writing well referenced and detailed explanations that ultimately get completely ignored my patience tends wears somewhat thin.
  12. I don't know if you have heard about it but their is a big stink being created by Feminists over the more recent Marvel Movies, why I don't know. I have seen all of them and have not seen how they could possibly be considered by any stretch of the imagination to be sexist without the offended persons simply deciding to be offended "just because". all the same the offence taken has reached even this level. http://mashable.com/2015/05/14/gender-swapped-avengers/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link either I'm simply not noticing something, or the feminists are making a Mt Everest out of something that simply doesn't exist... (please correct me if I am wrong.)
  13. ok, maybe the 3rd time will be the charm, I keep having computer problems that wipe my post before I am done writing it. Please do not take this in a negative way (it is meant to be constructive). you seem to be linking things where the probability of them being linked is very small if not non-existent. (or it could simply be how you worded it) your mothers Anxiety issues for example, you seem to be confusing a concern over a legitimate and likely future probability and preparation for its occurrence (the same as buying Insurance) with an inability to explain it to your/others satisfaction as a Anxiety/Mental issue, and then cross linking it with phantom limb syndrome.....? You are attributing inability to describe something accurately to Mental Illness? why not the Degradation of education? their is literally mountains of proof that the quality of Education (at least in the USA & Europe) has degraded significantly. here is a small example of the amount the US education system has gone down hill. http://therundownlive.com/8th-grade-test-from-1912-shows-how-far-american-education-has-been-dumbed-down-take-the-test/ ok, a few corrections, Hormones are not a Drug, nor do they alter your brain state, Foreboding does not directly enter into the equation with Gender Dysphoria symptoms, it is more of a Extreme Discomfort & or Extreme Stress with no apparent cause etc. unhappiness is only a symptom of the "symptoms" of Gender Dysphoria (are you Happy when you don't feel well?), the Control group test you mention has been done, the only ones they found to have the same kind of brain development were Intersexed Individuals (those born Physically both male & female), Tomboy's etc did not have the same kind of brain development. See Above. Tomboy behavior is more of a personality and preferential trait, it may appear to be similar to Gender Dysphoria, but is not. not a lot of major research has been done into the root cause of Gender Dysphoria for a multitude of excuses, some social, some political, and some financial. Never seen that documentary, but then again I do not speak/understand Norwegian. On Hormonal exposure during fetal development, this I am familiar with and is quite well known and in some cases has been proven to be a likely root cause, although most of those cases are in relation to chemical pollution & later discovered side effects of now banned medications, it is also theorized that a mother that experiences high levels of stress during the same stages of fetal development can can have the same effect. one documentary (in english) I have personally watched that covers a reasonable amount of actual science rather than focusing on purely emotional or sensationalized content like many others, is the 2009 National Geographic Sires "Explorer" Episode "Sex, Lies and Gender" more has been discovered since then but it does provide a good foundation of facts to work from.
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