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Everything posted by Tworsley
Is kevin Trudeau a fraud or the truth that the "elites" don't like? I'm confused.
something my father said that is now bothering me
Tworsley replied to the wandering shaman's topic in Peaceful Parenting
Shaman, I am so sorry to hear how your parents treated you. That is a horrendous thing to say to a 12 year old, it completely put all responsibility on you when you were a child and probably made you feel guilty. Not only did your father put responsibility in your hands but you were also traumatized( as you said), when you were a child. I have a lot of sympathy for you because I am going through the same thing with my family. The fact that your mom had a stroke is not your fault, years of unhealthy diet did that. I would highly recommend talking trying to talk one on one with your father and RTR. How does that sound? Do you know about RTR? And do you have money for therapy? -
I just want to share my thoughts on being honest. A couple of hours ago I called my cousin and told him how I felt about him and our relationship. The first time I was ever really honest with him. I tried to maintain my honesty in the conversation/ rtr but I did not do that as much as I wanted. For example, he didn't show empathy by talking for so long when it was his turn and I feel like he made it about him....but I didn't call him out on it!! I did however tell him I felt disconnected from him in the conversation. damn, thinking back now I did not really rtr at all. even if that's the case it just seemed like he didn't get it. Same thing happened with my aunt, mom and dad. This reminds me of what Stefan said about having a need and not getting that need met and the need to re-experienced that pain. Its 4:00am right now I have been up since that conversation and feel afraid? I wish someone was in my bed cuddling with me. My other cousin who has applied philosophy into her life, encouraged me to call him up. I am glad I did because I do feel this confidence but I am afraid of something, and its very potent. Lately I have been applying honesty to the people in my life and its scary but at the same time, I am getting happiness from it. Have you all experienced this when you finally started to be honest with your family/ people you know. thanks everybody, you guys are awesome
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I thought it was pretty funny too. I can imagine people getting upset about this commercial. I don't understand why people would care so much. Kim is doing her thing
Your wife and you are one in the same, I feel. I believe that its hard for a child to say "my mommy is bad" and "my mommy is bad". I say that because I felt like you were trying to distinguish you and your wife. When two parents have two different parental styles that just creates conflict within the child. He will always remember how you made him feel. Did you apologize? if so how? If I were you I would not stand for my wife's parenting style. I would have a very long conversation with her about my peaceful parenting techniques until she gets it, even if it take a month of dialogue on this issue. Show her the statistics from bomb in the brain series. I am happy that you feel terrible for yelling though, That's a good thing. I'm curious, why yell now though? Have you not worked on projects before and simply muted the noise in the background?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-KBFuobhDkA "debate" between Bill O' Reilly and Jon Stewart about whether or not white privilege exists. I am not a fan of either, but Bill made some good points. In my opinion, Jon did not prove white privilege. When Bill brought up the economic success of Asian-Americans relative to whites, it was thrown under the table, because of course, it contradicts the "minorities are victims of the white man" narrative. No Jon Stewart, I am not a victim of systemic racism. One of my ancestors during slavery may have been a victim, but I am not one.So please stop speaking for all black people. And yes, there are white people who are born into money and have a solid economic foundation, but so what??.I find it frustrating when people bring up blacks having higher prison rates than whites and the knee jerk reaction that follows: "systematic racism!". There is no "well why is this the case?" or even an inclination for furthur investigation.
Oh my god, thank you all so much. Andkon, the "politeness" part is exactly true. I like how you are able to call a spade a spade. Not empathizing with her inner-child could be so destructive for your mind and body. And something inside me felt she was not connected with herself, her demeanor was very external if that makes sense. I would be the one digging deep, but not her. Right LovePrevails, since August I am having this experience, trying to bring people I meet in slowly, although sometimes I fail. It's exciting but frustrating sometimes because I will want more than the other person, if that makes sense. Right now I am just recouping and thinking about my relationships. I know for a fact I will find that person that I can have a connection with. Thanks Robert! That's probably why I was taking offense to what she was saying. Oh my God, without philosophy I would have been so lost in this discussion and may have concluded that this was my fought, but it is not. Thank you all of you for the posts, this gives me even more courage and certainty to continue down this path of philosophy.
Last week I tried to have an open and honest conversation with an friend of mine and the conversation ended with her leaving the table. I have known her since freshman year of college( so for two years now), but we were never close as I liked us to be. Over the Summer I had a phone conversation where I discussed the process I am going though, such as talking to my mom about my childhood and the horrors she did to me. She responded by saying things like "some kids can take it, but some cant"(whoopings), "my friend has an abusive mom and for some reason she still goes to see her", "my parents wooped me but I am not mad at them for doing so". After she said all of this, I immediately felt sad, why did i feel sad? I felt sad because I felt like I did not get any empathy for what happened to me and how I am trying to recover. I am not looking for a reaosn to be mad at this girl, but that is genuinely how I felt in that moment. And yes some will say I should have brung up my feeling to her right then and there, but I was too afraid to. So fast forward to last week, i try to do rtr with her at lunch and tried my best to sound non-aggressive/confrontational. Me:"I may be wrong but some reason I feel a lack of connection in our relationship". Her: "Why?" Me: "I have no idea". Her: "Okay torien, you have to understand we are not that close I mean, I only see you a couple time month, we are not at that level yet". Me:"How do you see me" Her:"i mean I see you like everybody else, someone to talk to, normal" Me:" Right, okay how are you feeling now?" Her:" I feel uncomfortable" Me:" why?" Her: "Because you bring this up out of no where I feel like you are not saying what you want to say" Me:" Okay, true, true. Over the summer I told you about my mom and what she did to me when I was little, and I may be wrong but I did not feel empathy coming from your end". Her:" I am sorry that you felt like I was not being empathetic towards you. I was not doing that intentionally". Me: "Okay, thank you for saying that. what do you think about my mom?" Her:" I mean thats family, you can't just talk about someone's mom like that. Also you never told me I could talk about your mom or that I you would not get mad if I do so".Me:"Right, but right now I am allowing you to talk about my mom!" Her:"You dont just talk about someone elses mom torien". Me:"Right, right, but I told you she was abusive though. No one will look at a man hitting his wife in a grocery store and say "well let them do there thing its none of our business"". Her: "Okay but thats a different situation, my best friend has a terrible mom but for some reason she keeps staying with her". Me:"Her moms abusive?" Her:" Yeah, but it seems like they get along now, I am not about to talk about her mom though, you just dont do that" Me:"What do you mean?" Her:"I dont think you are hearing me torien" Me: "but why not though??" Her:"Because I dont want to hurt her feelings" Me: "And thats your best friend?" Her:" I have some studying to do"- she then gets up and leaves the conversation.My stomach was in a tight knot after the conversation and I was breathing heavily, I was just taken by surprise. I need you all to help me out. Was it to early for me to start this type of dialogue? Can someone explain how true friends are created? Lastly, I realized what bothered me about her so much. She is very politically correct. She cant take a stand when it comes to something like comdeming abusers(particularly parents). I would have said that but that did come to my mind while we were talking. If someone can't condem abusive parents that really hurts my feelings. Was I being selfish in the dialogue? Did i not give her a fair chance? I desperately want to get to the level of friendship she talked about, but I feel that my passion for this philosophy may come in to early. It is like oxygen to me.
Hello everyone my name is Torien and I am from North Carolina. I was introduced to FDR through my cousin about a year and a half ago and have been hooked since. Currently I am in the process of bringing clarity to the relationships I currently have in my life and this is bringing me enjoyment and pain. In particular,today I tried to bring truth to one of my relationships ,which i will post on FDR, and I do not know if the interaction went well. Anyway, talk to you guys on the forum!