What if manipulation is used not for malicious purposes but to defend ones self? I mean, we live in a society where no matter how you look at it, we still abide by some forms of tribalism to a degree. I think in a way manipulation was used to keep a way of peace sustained. I always saw peace as a form of manipulation in some areas, because as honest as I myself try to be. Sometimes you just KNOW the other person is going to get mad if you tell the truth. (However, at the end of the day through honesty and understanding, you will be set free.) I feel as if I am going off topic here.(I apologize in advance if I am.) but I see manipulation more as a way to hide insecurities. I don't feel it breaks the none aggression principle USUALLY, because most people who have tried to manipulate me for example, where attempting to hide some form of inadequacy. I think manipulation rises from people who are constantly treated negatively as a child. People for example who can't confide in their parents over emotional issues, I feel are more likely to become manipulative as adults. Because there's a sense of anxiety they feel if they tell the truth. So in short, I don't feel manipulation breaks the none aggression principle, because from my understanding, aggression is generally used by "bullies" as a cheap and fast way to win an argument. Manipulation is like the spawn off aggression. It's used as more as a defense mechanism. Not so much as a way to attack others.