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Everything posted by jaskol

  1. Thanks a lot guys. I knew Soviets murdered most of the people who were active in the anti-German resistance during WWII but I've never heard about them pretending to be the resistance and cash in on it. Ruben, the operation of acting as resistance was codenamed "Cezary". Couldn't find too many sources on this in english. The proceedings seem to be roughly described here: https://books.google.pl/books?id=Ng7myCguewAC&lpg=PA123&ots=LH4Vmjb6IX&hl=pl&pg=PA124#v=onepage&q&f=false but I don't know how credible this is. And it seems to present a pretty narrow view. The Polish wikipedia page about the operation states that at that moment even the Polish PM in absentia, residing in London cooperated with the Soviets.
  2. Hi, I know the podcast is generally about gold but Stefan mentions (around the 11:20 mark) that during cold war some gold was dropped over Poland to aid the resistance and has been captured by the Soviets because they've already infiltrated the movement. This seems wrong on many levels but maybe someone knows the source of this information. I'll be grateful for your help or comment. P.S. Yes, I'm Polish
  3. Thanks Patrick. A meet up would be an interesting experience to have as I don't have too many friends that are interested in wasting their time on "something as inconsequential and devoid of meaning as philosophy"
  4. Hi, My name is Pawel and I'm 32. I've found FDR a couple of months ago and have been treating the podcasts and videos as many people treat TV ever since. Meaning that I like to have them on when I'm idle or cooking etc. I'm a software developer but I've always had an interest in philosophy. Never could pursue it as much as I'd like to. Probably because I haven't come across as easily available a source of information and inspiration as FDR. So thanks for that guys. I'm also in therapy after yet another failed relationship and I've found the nano-therapy-sessions of the call-in show very helpful and a good source for questions I could ask myself. Thanks for that as well.
  5. Hi. I stumbled upon a clip from a campaign against drunken parents on reddit today that tries to convey the message by taking on the children's perspective. Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46h9dAaDfo and here's the link to the discussion(although it's not very heated at the moment that I'm writing this): http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/2jvj6n/finnish_commercial_against_drinking_parents/. Here's an older clip from that campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwdUXS94yNk. I remember that I've seen the "Monsters" clip before, and I think I appreciated it but can't exactly recall whether it has had the same effect on me then that it, and the new one had this time. Now, after I've had the problem of parents' violence against children explicitly stated to me by the FDR podcasts and videos, they both seem much more meaningful and touch me deeper. I think that this kind of approach could have the quality of an eyeopener but also, and maybe more importantly could be attractive enough to reach wide audiences if used in a format as popular as a tv series of some kind. I'm mentioning this because I remembered that in the video in which Stefan interviewed the creator of the http://acestudy.org/ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRaNwIdrKuc&list=PLB3F2CF45EEB95C80) Dr. Felitti said that he felt that the way to go would be to find some good screenwriters for that exact purpose. What do you think?
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