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Everything posted by Tresor

  1. I don’t find it that strange for the pope to now believe in evolution. It’s just a change from one religious concept that god created us, to another religious concept — we come from monkeys. I don’t understand why atheist and so called rational people would believe in something like evolution while there is simply no evidence that species are able to change from one species to another. There is small range of evolution that takes place if you look at black people for example compared to white people, but they are still the same species. And there is still—the missing link, even now they completely removed; any mention of the missing link, from the so called secular education system. People are always carried by their egos; they just don’t want to look at the evidence. There are some many examples, which make Darwinian evolution inconclusive, even the carbon dating of the planet is highly questionable. All those concepts of evolution all come from India and Hinduism; it has nothing to do with rational thought The big bang also has nothing to do with science. It’s just, again, a religious concept and has to do with god having an orgasm. I think it’s important for so called rational people to understand, where these ideas come from, and not just accept what other people tell them is logical. For a lot of people it’s just so scary that we don’t know anything, so they take some religious ideas and make them sound like its science and it’s not. Most Atheist and Christians believe in exactly the same things, they just have different reasons for it. We just don’t know— start from there.
  2. Hi Ian! Welcome to the forum. Quite a story and I think it’s really impressive you’ve already so much self-knowledge at this young age. How is the relationship going with your parents, since you started, watching the videos?
  3. Awesome stuff! I saw the Godzilla Wars and it was quite entertaining! What got you interested in this?
  4. I think it would be a great thing if you could make some kind of state or religious entity the causal of his demise. For example, because he his Tunisian there could be a job for building a sculpture for a mosque, while he is doing this he gets accused of being in league with some kind a fundamental group. When he gets afraid, the imam helps him flee to Saudi Arabia. When he arrives he is so desolated, that he falls in love with a muslim girl. He becomes a muslim and in the end dies being a part of the Kaaba and has to witness every year people running in circles without end.
  5. Yes, it’s a very artistic magazine. It gave me the idea of starting a magazine myself. I have been brainstorming a lot on ideas on how to spread a message of empathy, peaceful parenting, love etc., in a way that moves people, and above all is engaging. I think they(kinfolk) took the idea of food and community and brought it to another level so, it’s very interesting. Are you some kind artist or interested in being creative? I saw one of your posts that you read some book on how; Venetian oligarchs started the protestant reformation. Do you know about machiavelli and the Medici family?
  6. Chomsky the ‘Anarchist’29th May 2013 by: Tom Woods 35 Comments Noam Chomsky speaks on anarchism and his gripes with libertarians. A sample: It’s better to be able to make your own decisions than to have someone else make decisions and force you to observe them. I mean, I don’t think you really need an argument for that. It seems like … transparent. The thing you need an argument for, and should give an argument for, is, How can we best proceed in that direction? And there are lots of ways within the current society. One way, incidentally, is through use of the state, to the extent that it is democratically controlled. I mean in the long run, anarchists would like to see the state eliminated. But it exists, alongside of private power, and the state is, at least to a certain extent, under public influence and control — could be much more so. And it provides devices to constrain the much more dangerous forces of private power. Rules for safety and health in the workplace for example. Or insuring that people have decent health care, let’s say. Many other things like that. They’re not going to come about through private power. Quite the contrary. But they can come about through the use of the state system under limited democratic control … to carry forward reformist measures. sweatyfederalist • We all agree that free bananas are desirable. Bananas can be obtained in many ways. One way, incidentally, is that the state can provide free bananas. The state is publicly controlled. You are part of that public. Therefore, you can give yourself free bananas. Gee, why didn’t anyone think of that before!
  7. About the magazine, I want to know what people think of it? Because I want to use some of their concepts for something I'm working on. Do you read it? What do you think it of it?
  8. Hi Misogynerd, Welcome to the boards! Great you’re into peaceful parenting. There is a lot here about peaceful parenting, I hope you find something that’s able to help you
  9. Hi helot! I’m incredible sorry for the things that happened to you, I can’t imagine how tough it must have been. I hope this forum is going to help get you some tools, which you can apply in your daily life. Why are you fighting exposing; “the flaws inherent in trying to force a chaotic world to conform to human ideals.”?
  10. Hi Direk! I would love to see your work? I got pretty excited hearing you make peaceful parenting, and other very important issues! I hope the boards are going to help you finding the things you want!
  11. Hi Jenny, I found your story very touching and feel deeply sorry, you have to grow up in an environment like this. You’re absolutely a rock star, for surviving and hanging in there. I think it’s great you are now part of this forum were you can find other people to talk to and share you experiences, and gain new positive experiences. You are 18 and there is a lot time for building something beautiful. Fdr helped me to find some great people that help, listen to what I have say, and like me for who I am. I hope this also happens to, you definitely deserve it. I hope this message makes you feel welcomed and appreciated. All the best
  12. HI Talche and Nitpicker, nice hearing Fdr is helping you guys. Is there topic you want to talk about? Nitpicker could you tell more about the relationship with you mother? She didn’t beat or yell, and if it was not all negation, what was your experience of the things your parents did? Talche, can you tell me how you got into philosophy? I think it’s great you became a donator and are now actively participating in the conversation on this forum. I hope you both have a nice time on this forum and meet great people!
  13. Hi! If you are an Artist, Photographer or you are known with Kinfolk Magazine! Can you contact me? I would love to talk to you!
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a fashion designer or anyone with interest or knowledge of fashion. Just contact me and I will tell you more. Thanks
  15. Hello, I 'm Tresor, I have been listening to Fdr for about a year and thanks to Fdr, I have now some really great friends. I was born in Africa—came to the Netherlands when I was 7 years old. I always felt that there was something very wrong with the world, but I never knew exactly what it was. When I was 15, I started to see that almost everything I knew was bullshit—and that history was fabricated by people in power and my parents, to keep me ignorant. It’s Fdr that offers tangible solutions for all the things I see around me. Fdr also made me realize how important self-knowledge is and why it is essential to look critically at your parents. I live in The Hague and I’m currently studying business management at The Hague University.
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