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Everything posted by Josh Takacs
I've never understood why they hate the idea of anarcho capitalism so much other then because it has the word capitalism in it. They should understand that they would be totally free to have communism as long as they leave others alone.
i was in a situation very much like this when I had just turned 21. I learned one thing. Anything that started in the soil of lies will only produce fruit from that which it is sown in. Walk away and save time and heart pain. However if you can't and you must learn first hand as I did please be safe. I was lucky. Had I had children with her by mistake they would have had a life time of dealing with a poor parent set because of my hard head. You do not want this.
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Anarcho-communists (holy shit...)
Josh Takacs replied to DSEngere's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Lovepervails. Who is that man? Would love to see if we could get him here for some conversations. Its nice to see someone who I dis agree with who's speaking doesn't sound like the verbal equivalent of throwing shit. -
I totally agree with you Patrick. However I just couldn't resist the chance to ask the questions.
If people did this libertopia could come into being much much sooner. If they came here they would have a total mind blow on all three of those "truths" in the video. Its a training video for sophists.
I agree. I am only seeing if there is some way of looking at it that I violated private property in some way. I don't think I did but I thought it would be fun to bend our brains around. Could it be argued that he only wants things in his mail box that have state blood money involved in some way? Again this is not moral on his part but its his property. Even if this where true would it be up to him to produce a sign saying this?
I think a better comparison is teaching a dog tricks. There is only so much you can teach a dog and only so much they can truly understand. Some dogs can learn more then others just like some are just stronger or faster then others. Its the same basic concept with people. Now I can't say if IQ tests are a valid way to see how "smart" a person is because I too have not studied them.
For starters I want to start by saying I'm sorry. For those of you who don't know me I have been here before and I was and still am an asshole. I stand by the arguments I have made but am deeply sorry for the way that I made them. I have been working on self knowledge and take ownership of my actions. I am sorry for the way I acted and if my language offended anyone please accept apology. Now on to the topic. I own a maintenance business and spring cleaning is around the corner. I printed up flyers and was walking down a public road (I know there should not be such a thing as public but its the world we live in) and putting flyers in mailboxes. A man walked up to me and told me (in a very angry voice) that I need a solicitors licence and that what I was doing was against the law and he would be reporting me. I said I was not on private property and I was simply putting mail (paper with information on it) in the mail box. He said I needed to mail it or get a licence to do what I was doing and again said he WAS going to report me. I said so I can't put mail in your mail box but I can pay a postal working to do it for me or I can bribe the local government to allow me to do what I am doing now and pass the cost on to the people who want my services. I then asked him how this changes things for him in any way. Finally I asked him if he didn't want things like this why he even had a mail box. He got angry and illogical and I'm sure I will have an extra helping of harassment from the local government but that's okay. Still the question stands. Did I do something morally (not legally because legal and moral have nothing to do with each other) wrong? What do you think?
Earning an income separate from the state
Josh Takacs replied to square4's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Even then your being stolen from and supporting immoral behavior thought taxation but this is the way of the world right now unless you want to live in the middle of nowhere and live off the land. I find for me its best to just not be a "willing" participant. Follow the law to stay out of jail but don't think it is moral and say so. Pay the tax but don't fall for the "common good" line and say so. Be civil about it be let everyone know you are not a willing participant in this violent system. Know where and what you stand and know how to communicate it. Don't be docile live stock. Buck at the harness kick at the fence and speak of true freedom and morality with pride when asked. -
I think? No I know. I’m tired today. I think? No I know. I’m tired every day. I awoke form my sleep which was a little too little to start a day a little too long. I traveled a road a little too narrow for a little too fair. I worked at my job a little too long a little too hard. I came home to a family I’ve known a little too little for a little too long. This is the only way? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I’m tired today. I was watched today. I think? No I know. I’m watched every day. I feel eyes at work and eyes at the mall. The feeling has stopped being so small. They were listening too it’s not really new. This I knew because I was told it was true. They said they weren’t at first but now they fear the worst. They aren’t watching me I’m not paranoid right all I have to do is not put up a fight? This is the only way? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was watched today. I was lied to today. I think? No I know. I’m lied to every day. The disappointment around me makes me so sad that honistally I can’t even bring myself to get mad. I was promised this and my neibor that it would come from our fat. I gave them my vote they say I have because of their mote and I hoped and I prayed. It hasn’t come yet, it’s my neibor I’ll bet. For I am good because I stay while they have gone the other way and surely ruined the deal. This is the only way? That’s what they stay. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was lied to today. I was robbed today. I think? No I know. I’m robbed every day. For you see new laws they pass and this brings robbers with costumes instead of masks to take that which was never there’s. It’s not so bad we all say most hid something away but in the end everyone pays. Some don’t even feel the hand the same as cattle with a brand but I feel it every day. There is no other way? Or so they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was robbed today. I was scared today. I think? No I know. I’m scared every day. For you see their weapons, they flash and with clubs they will bash any whom stand in the way. I want to see old age and so I’m scared of the cage who’s snare never let’s go. Most never hear the screams of the land be it from the fox or the lamb but I can never seem to find peace. This is the only way? That’s what they stay. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was scared today. Someone was taken today. I think? No I know. Someone is taken every day. For the taxes buy cuffs and with but a whim they can snuff dreams and lives alike. I just wanted to be safe and I know their pain I will never have to face unless I step up to the mic. And the beast O how it hungers and it is little wonder that the work will never be done. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was taken today. Someone was raped today. I think? No I know. Someone is raped every day. For though you don’t hear the screams they are what make up others dreams or anger, revenge and pain. For this is what we have bought though it was something we never sought our sight being violent and vain. This is what they serve while saying it’s what they deserve a life without the light. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was raped today. Someone was murdered today. I think? No I know. Someone is murdered every day. For with death they will strike at even the smallest of tikes if they happen to be in the way. Booms must be sold or the pockets will grow cold and dame to hell the cost! Fill your heart with hate and they will find the rate and forever is how long it will stay. And when all have died and your mind it is fried we will forget what we have lost. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was murdered today. In every way this was your day no madder what they say. Is this how it must be? Can we do better? Do you think or do you know? Just like you know what just happened today.
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And how do you propose keeping them from being exposed to French when its the language of the state and is forced on them at every turn in an Orwellian nightmare.
An effective was to enlighten minds
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I love it! How about a T shirt of a cop dressed in full armor and an assault rifle. Quote, I'm going to serve and protect the shit out of you! Or government serving and protecting people to death since forever. -
An effective was to enlighten minds
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Any Ideas? -
Thank you for you post again I am sorry for my actions It was small of me and I agree with your insight on anger. My answer is. When I said "anybody" or "anyone" I am referring to any single individual not the collective actions of all members of free domain radio. To know with any form of certainty the total affects of any one persons actions is impossible let alone the collective actions of all the people involved with free domain radio. If I where trying to make this claim I would have said, Adam and all his follower have done more then free domain radio followers. This would have been a baseless and ignorant statement, The point I was trying to make is that in my opinion Adam as an individual has done more to promote freedom then any other individual on free domain radio and to dismiss him and his actions for not sharing your views is (in my opinion) both elitist and disrespectful (Which angers me and is something I must work on.) I concede to you that I can not know this for a fact because like I said it is impossible to know the collective affects of any individuals actions. So yes in this relent you are right and I am wrong I can't know for sure but I think my examples make a strong case. If you have would like to present a case that this point or any of the other points I have raised is wrong I would love to read them. Otherwise please don't respond to this because I too am tired of what I now view as a long philosophical argument over the definition and use of words in the English language.
I agree. I think we will also agree that peaceful parenting is the best long term investment we can make right now for a peaceful tomorrow. I believe it and I live it to the best of my limited abilities. But I also want to do something today for tomorrow. It is my belief that if we only invest in peaceful parenting today the dividends it will yield tomorrow will not be enough to pay the principle and the interest accrued by the violence today and then. We must do more now or we will shackle are children with a debt both financial and social so great no person no matter how virtuous could ever hope to pay for it. If anyone can show me where I am wrong please show me.
I both agree and respectfully disagree. A do wish he talked more about peaceful parenting and I don't agree with every way he try's to change the world. But I see he's trying and I see it is working to some degree just like Stefan does here. That's why I support both of them. As far as not living to see a peaceful and prosperous world I agree that in all likelihood I will not live to see it. I am also not yet willing to accept that yet. If that means I'm young and idealistic ill take that. If it means I'm young and foolhardy I can live with that as well. I think when you give up hope a piece of you dies inside. Like George Carlin said, "inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist" My idealism died once when I was younger. Free domain Radio Stefan Molyneux and Adam Kokesh revived it. I'm not ready to bury it again. please note I say this with nothing but respect for you. In closing I will say only these things. 1. I am sorry for the anger and disrespect I showed and if it offended you and you are reading this now please accept my most heart felt apology. I have a long and violent past that I still struggle with every day. Please note I am not trying to make excuses or doge responsibility for my actions. I also stand behind every point I have made even though I deeply regret the way I made them. The only reason I leave them up unchanged is to remind myself and hopefully to show others that anger is like violence in that it is poison to all that it touches. Again I take full responsibility for all I said its one of the reasons I use my real name with my real picture and have my real email for contact. I am willing to take praise or condemnation. 2. If you have listened to Stefan and supported his position on peaceful parenting please read Adam's book "Freedom". You don't have to think its the best or only way to make a peaceful world I've never made that clam but if you find it's message virtuous consider supporting it and him as you would Stefan. We all know in this world any form of freedom needs all the help it can get.
I fully acknowledge that, I was wrong to act that way and I apologize. I just saw the same dismissive attitude for Adam that I encounter every day as well when I speak about freedom and self ownership. I never saw that here until now it made me see red and I acted foolishly. I will now say these points and leave it alone because I just don't see what else I can say. 1. I never said everybody I said anybody as in any single person. I still stand by this. 2. Please anybody address any of the other points I have brought up.
instead of hearing it used as some fairy world as a murderous political fool talk about why you should let them put a gun to your head because its whats best.
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We are in agreement. I should have said a free society with no one using force. The only point I wanted to make is that this society could lead to a "utopia" where the problem of immorality could be a thing of the past. Again I know this is a bold statement without any facts but when you see what limited human freedom has done in the past. It's reasonable to think unlimited human freedom could find a way.
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Yes and I fully egknowledge your point. The only thing I wanted to bring to the conversation is that MAYBE in a totally free society such things could be seen as a thing of the past. More of a philosophical debate then a real societal problem like air pollution is now. I don't want to compare a totally free society to a silver bullet to all human problems but a boy can dream lol.
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"Using your daily allotment of downvotes as an ideological weapon against me won't change this. ;)" You have done the same thing to me. but still this is true and I admit it was childish of me and I apologize, now moving on. I will first address "All that text and you still have yet to answer "How do you know?"" The simple answer is that I don't know if this is the best or even only way to create a truly free world because there has never been one. So in this regard no one knows including yourself I though this was pretty common knowledge but again I was wrong. I also never claimed that it was the best or the only way. It's like no matter what I say you hear me say, "Adam good because smart peaceful parenting bad because dumb." The whole point to "all that text" 1. What Adam has done is valid and has helped promote freedom and self ownership in the world. 2. He has made more people aware of self ownership, non initiation of force, the violence in our lives and a better way of life then you, me and everyone else here save Stefan and you should be show more respect. 3. Again if Stefan has said the things he has said about Adam you may want to at least consider that his actions are virtuous and you may want to show a little more respect to the man. Also my X,Y and Z was my China/ Hong Kong section. How this will be done exactly I have no idea just as humanity had no idea how it was going to feed itself when it abandoned slavery. I do believe based on all of history that the "more free" people in the "more free" society are more likely to find a way. I also believe that Adam, Stefan and active people like them will help make this happen. It is apparent we do not share this idea and that is okay. Next I will not ask you what you would do if faced with what the Jews faced under the Third Reich or any other people who where crushed under the boot of homicidal violence though out all human history. I will how ever ask you to ask yourself. It is something every self owning, self aware and free thinking person (whom you obviously are) must ask themselves because historically it was a decision they had to make. To ignore it is to leave one cage for another. Finally I will say it seems obvious that we have developed a rivalry that is close to hate. I want to say that I do not hate you and I think you are a very talented and intelligent philosopher. I as think that you are very negative and inflexible. I understand that truth is inflexible. 2+2 isn't 4ish but we don't live in a world based on truth. I think to ask for truth applied in our world today is like asking a driver to stop his car by hitting a wall. I want to use the breaks and I know I must compromise truth to do this but if it stops the car heading for a cliff like I think it will, I can live with that. For anything I have said to insult you, I am sorry.
An effective was to enlighten minds
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
All listened and most agreed with self ownership, peaceful parenting, the free market, the non initiation of force, freedom and being active. But the problem I keep running into is making people care. The attitude I keep running into is one that basically says, "Ya your right but that's how its always been and that's how its always going to be." Its like talking to a wall sometimes. I have been looking for people who will speak out and not just go to work and watch the game. -
I think we are missing an critical part of this conversation. From a societal standpoint whether the act is aggressive or not is not the issue. The issue would be the consequences for actions. Even in a peaceful utopia where no one uses force there would still be consequences for the polluters actions. The first one that comes to my mind is that the polluter would be totally ostracized for society. We live in a totally peaceful and prosperous world and you can't make what ever it is your making in a responsible way that doesn't hurt other people? This alone would be effective in stopping the polluter weather the act is aggressive or not. This is only one quick solution I have come up with, who knows what solutions the free market could produce. After all who would have thought 300 years ago one of the answers to starvation was invent the tractor.
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An effective was to enlighten minds
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Yes I did. I was wanting to cast a wider net though. I've also used Facebook and other social medial but I thought this was a more local feel.