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Everything posted by Josh Takacs
It makes me very happy to see that you have discovered that your opinion is not fact, "I think your continued perception of "I win" is projection." When you say "I think" you are confirming that you have a theory but that your theory many not necessarily be a fact. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your personal revolution in consciousness. Now to address your question, "In numerous threads on the forums, I've asked you probative questions. You have yet to answer one of them. Does this mean your claimed goals are lies or that you're not interested in accuracy?" It seems in the conversations we have had in the past you and I both want a free self owning world. Where we differ is how we think it will be achieved. I think (my opinion) that it will be a slow methodical process where we must actively talk to and persuade as many people as we can to embrace freedom and self ownership though activism, peaceful parenting, politics and any and all aspects of our society. I also think (my opinion) that less oppression in society as a opposed to more ( china compared to Hong Kong for example) will make a cause and effect reaction for the average person. They will see freedom + self ownership = prosperity. This will cause the average person to pursue freedom and self ownership. Again this is only my opinion if you disagree I would love to hear your case. You said, "Did you know that in order to "stand up to the State" one only needs to accept their own self-ownership?" This leads me to believe that you are under the impression that self ownership makes you impervious to attack form a violent person. (possibly though magic or a freedom force field?) This in turn prompted my question that I will now ask for a third time, "And when the day finally comes and the murders in costumes finally come for you like the Nazis came for the Jews or the Khmer Rouge came for the teachers what will you say? I own myself?" Did you see what just happened there?You ask a question, I give my answer and then ask you a question in return. We are having a conversation, YAY frontal cortex! Finally You said, "YOU made the outrageous claim. The onus is upon you. The question was: How do you know? Your deflection suggests that the answer is "I don't."" In response to my statement, "If you feel you or anyone else here has done more to promote freedom or self ownership then he has please present your case I would love to hear it." To this I say Adam his a website and a podcast that are dedicated to promoting freedom and self ownership. 35,000 plus twitter followers with all or at least most tweets pertaining to freedom. Multiple self made YouTube videos that promote freedom. Hundreds of speeches about freedom and his new book "Freedom" to name only a few things. Now if you or anyone else would like to make a case that they have done more to promote freedom and self ownership I would love to read it and then shower you with my admiration. I Apologize for not spelling out my position earlier I was just under the impression that if someone was to attack someone else's actions they would have taken the time research that person. This was a gross assumption on my part and I admit my mistake. Finally you said, "Hero worship is a dangerous thing." Please understand that I do not "worship" Adam as you seem to think. I do like Stefan admire the things he has done and take inspiration from him. All of the quotes I used in my first post was to show the level of respect Stefan has for Adam. I hoped because obviously we all have respect for Stefan on this site it might persuade people to act with a little more respect for Adam. Once again it is obvious I was wrong.
An effective was to enlighten minds
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Thank you for your constructive criticism. What improvements or alternative ideas do you recommend? -
Again, "I addressed that it wasn't an argument at all. It was a mix of assertion and an appeal to authority." That is an opinion you present as a fact it may as well say I win ten times in all caps. I ask questions that you refuse to answer, "When the day finally comes and the murders in costumes finally come for you like the Nazis came for the Jews or the Khmer Rouge came for the teachers what will you say? I own myself?"In my original post I present numerous quotes and I stand by my statement, "He has done more to promote freedom then you, I or anyone else on this site save Stefan." If you feel you or anyone else here has done more to promote freedom or self ownership then he has please presentyour case I would love to hear it.
You will sit by and watch as what little of the worlds freedom remains dies around you. And when the day finally comes and the murders in costumes finally come for you like the Nazis came for the Jews or the Khmer Rouge came for the teachers what will you say? I own myself? You will only be the owner of two things. The bullet in your held and the shallow grave for your body. You can't just state your opinion and act like its a fact. "Did you know it was foolhardy for me (and him) to do it? Did you know that in order to "stand up to the State" one only needs to accept their own self-ownership?" You may as well have said I'm right because I say so...... I win! You didn't even address any part of my argument.
An amazing new way to promote freedom
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Did you go to the website? -
I have found a reasonably effective way for bring enlightenment to people. I have been going to hospitals and putting flyers on peoples cars that read one of two things. If the car looks like a conservative owns it (republican bumper sticker, anti Obama, extra.) The flyer reads "Hope you enjoyed your "free" health care." It then says Please watch "How government solved the health care crisis." If the car looks like a democrat (democrat sicker, Pro Obama, extra.) The flyer reads, "Hope you enjoyed your new and improved health care experience." Please watch "How government solved the health care crisis." If I see a person with anything passionate on there car or even an old car the note reads, "Are you like your health care?" Please watch blah blah blah. I also have my email for contact. Every now and then I get the occasional right winger who never even watched the video sending me an angry email or a democrat not willing to let go. But for the most part the emails I get are heart felt people who didn't know and want to know more. I direct them to watch Stefan's "the story of your enslavement." read Adam Kokesh's "Freedom" and finally watch "Anarchy awesome speech". If they do I ask them to talk about it with at least three people they know. Three other people they know, People that where like they where. Finally I ask them to support free domain radio and Adam Kokesh and learn all they can. It hasn't been super successful but every person's who's eyes have been opened will not be closed again.
Are you all really serious? How can you sit safely behind your computer screen and throw stones at a man who has had the courage to sand up to the state at great risk to both himself and those he loves. Adam opened my eyes to the violence that surrounds us all. He has done more to promote freedom then you, I or anyone else on this site save Stefan. To criticize him without having had the courage to sacrifice what he has is nothing short of cowardice. Adam and Stefan have the same massage they just go about spreading it differently. Adam has said before introducing Stefan for his speech "Statists don't care about you" that each of Stefan's 9 million YouTube views represents an epiphany and a personal revolution for someone. He then says and I quote, "To me Stefan Molyneux represents the epitome of the modern evolved human mind." He then goes on the credit Stefan as one of the four people that have made him, "The man he is today." At the start of Adam's speech "Freedom is inevitable" Stefan says "I can't tell you how much I admire him." within the first 6 seconds of the video and then goes on to say he was "very much humbled by the amount of integrity, courage and sacrifice to go from being a Marine to a incredibly passionate anti- war activist an incredibly motivating speaker and an incredibly powerful community organizer." If you watch the opening to each video it will take no more then five minutes to see the deep respect they share for each other. All the people who's eyes I have opened to the cancer that is the state is because in part due to Adam. He is a true hero of freedom just like Stefan who has made sacrifice after sacrifice at the alter of freedom. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you have done with the precious gift that was your enlightenment. I would bet my very soul it is laughable in comparison, I know mine is. So the next time you want to throw a stone at some one who is fighting for freedom look at the glass house that you, I and everyone else lives in and ask. "what have I done for freedom today?"
An amazing new way to promote freedom
Josh Takacs replied to Josh Takacs's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Did you even look at it? It gives people who want to help their local community a way to connect directly with people who need help. Charity and cooperation between people with no need for a central authority. If bitcoin is used with it, a person in Nebraska could directly help someone in Tibet instantly. -
I found this new web site in progress called helpyourneighbor.com. I think that it could do more for promoting freedom and understanding then Facebook and Twitter combined. If we could promote bitecion, litecion or any other crypto currency to be used on it I think its potential could really be limitless. We need to get behind this and help promote it in any way we can.
The best thing we can do is get the state out of the class room all together. The state should have no say in whom is payed, how much, what is taught, where or anything else for that matter. Really its an easy sell too. Ask any parent who knows whats best and has more interest in your child's education you or a bureaucrat you will never meet or know. Then ask them why they are fine with a system that does just the opposite. School vouchers would give the most liberty to the most people and increase competition. I fully admit that it dose nothing to stop the theft that is taxation right now other then making schooling more efficient and as such less costly but when you are dealing with the whale that is the public school indoctrination complex you can only take a bite at a time.
When you force the mother whom does not want to have the abortion to have one it is. If these mothers wanted to have an abortion (which is there right to do with there body as they see fit) the state wouldn't have dragged them away at gun point and sexually assaulted them to end a pregnancy they wanted. By the logic you present no one in prison is a victim of state violence either. The gun to there head had no baring on them choosing to go to prison. I think that peaceful parenting is the sing most important thing we can do to end the state. It will make the soil of the human mind poison to the idea of the state. However to think that it is the only action needed to put an end to the state is like planting a seed walking away and expecting a garden. If nothing is done in the present to stop and reverse the growth of the state the only thing the peaceful children of the future will get to do is fill a shallow grave. They will be seen as the heretics of the religion of the state that vast majority of people and will be treated like all other heretics of the past. We must start cutting away the limes of the state all the way down to the roots. Only then will are children be able to live in our world unmolested and start changing the very soil of society so that the homicidal flower of the state may never grow again.
The state first keeps half of the total money collected and then takes half of the money the winner gets. So right from the start its a 75/25 split for the state and they didn't even need one tax collector. O and by the way you lucky winner if you want to spent any of that winnings have fun paying at least a 7% sales tax plus others that are to numerous to mention. You know sometimes you look at a crook and think, "Your evil but dame you sir are good a what you do."
To think that any society can embrace and implement the truth at the state is an immoral institution of violence without manly long and costly steps is illogical. It is the equivalent of thinking you can convince a person the medication they have been taking all there life is not only not helping but slowly killing them and then expecting them to stop taking it cold turkey and thinking they won't have a massive withdraw. Humanity has been addicted to the narcotic of violence for a very long time now society is sick. The treatment of logic, activism and peaceful parenting will take a long time and have manly steps forward and set backs. Steps in the right direction are critical. We all know that the founding of the united states was an immoral act. It was people violently enforcing there will on others. However can we not say that it isn't better in comparison to communist china where in this century alone there government family planing board boasts it has preformed over 400 million forced abortions? One is obviously better then the other. The problem is that society gets comfortable in the prosperity that added freedom creates and losses sight of truth. It is philosophies job to keep society moving forward in pursuit of ultimate truth. It's not the peoples fault. It's easy to forget the dangers of the wolf when you no longer see him in your life nor hear his howl in the night. Just as it is easy for a patient to mistake a absence of the symptoms to mean the illness is cured. Just as a good doctor knows better so does a good philosopher. Just as doctors its is every philosophers moral duty to promote any societies movements towards the light of truth and to then not allow it to stop until ultimate truth is achieved.
I agree that using the state to show how bad the state is, is illogical. However as you say we live in a world where to the average person the facts don't matter. We can't try and speak logically to an illogical world we can only try and dispel its illogical delusions. If we went back in time 4000 years ago we could tell people that lightning doesn't come from Zeus until we are blue in the face. It wouldn't do any good but if we set up a lightning rod we could show them our "magic" controls lightning not Zeus. Faced with this simple reality most people would be forced to abandon the dilution. The same is true with the cult of the state prove by the experiment of ending the war on drugs that state violence makes things worse not better. Most people can't follow how the war in Iraq affected them. Democrats blame republicans the right blames the left one expert says this the other says that and it all gets lost in the noise just as the state wants. If we can coax people with the idea of free money though a tax break to take a leap of faith with liberty just as they do every day with state violence the paradigm of the cult will be broken. I also can't say enough how much is agree that peaceful parenting is the keystone of this movement and will ultimately be the final nail in the coffin of the state. We must see that our children will grow up to be the extreme minorities of society. If we do nothing in the present to check the growing violence and influence of the state they will be the heretics to the cult of the state. They will not be the seen as the people of the future Nietzsche wrote about they will be the Goldstein’s of 1984. We cannot leave them defenseless to the ultra-violent sadists the state will be sure to produce. It’s like planting a seed in a barren dessert that is home to homicidal gardeners and thinking the seed will grow into a garden.
I agree that using the state to show how bad the state is is illogical. However as you say we live in a world where to the average person the facts don't matter. We can't try and speak logically to an illogical world we can only try and dispel its illogical delusions. If we went back in time 4000 years ago we could tell people that lightning doesn't come from Zeus until we are blue in the face. It wouldn't do any good but if we set up a lightning rod we could show them our "magic" controls lightning not Zeus. Faced with this simple reality most people would be forced to abandon the dilution. The same is true with the cult of the state prove by the experiment of ending the war on drugs that state violence makes things worse not better. Most people can't follow how the war in Iraq affected them. Democrats blame republicans the right blames the left one expert says this the other says that and it all gets lost in the noise just as the state wants. If we can coax people with the idea of free money though a tax break to take a leap of faith with liberty just as they do every day with state violence the paradigm of the cult will be broken. I also can't say enough how much i agree that peaceful parenting is the keystone of this movement and will ultimately be the final nail in the coffin of the state. We must see that our children will grow up to be the extreme minorities of society. If we do nothing in the present to check the growing violence and influence of the state they will be the heretics to the cult of the state. They will not be the seen as the people of the future Nietzsche wrote about they will be the Goldsteins of 1984. We can not leave them defenseless to the ultra violent sadists the state will be sure to produce. Its like planting a seed in a barren dessert that is home to homicidal gardeners and thinking the seed will grow into a garden. I completely agree peaceful parenting is the keystone to a peaceful state free world. However that alone is like planting a seed in a barren desert full of homicidal gardeners with lawn mowers and expecting a garden. If we do nothing to stop the growth of the cult of the state our children will not be seen as the wise people of the future that Nietzsche wrote of. They will be the Goldstein's of an Orwellian nightmare.
I think it is obvious we all want a peaceful and virtuous world. The question is how do we get there. I agree that peaceful parenting is the best long term goal but I don't think it will be enough. We always speak of investing in virtue and that it pays in the long run and this is true. The problem is most people don't have the money, time, or extra mental effort to invest. Its like giving corn to a starving man and saying, " Plant this don't eat it. If you eat it now you will starve to death." Even if he understands this concept he will reply, " I'm starving now. I know that if I eat now I will starve later. I choose life now even if it is only for a short time." I don't think we will ever be able to convince people to invest with capital they don't have when the state can always say here's 50 bucks. I think for real change libertarians need to take the political stance of a robin hood. Don't lead with how the war on drugs is morally indefensible lead with the cost and how its done no good only harm. People can become really tolerant really fast when they are bribed with a tax break. Tell people trapped in the welfare state night mare that a reverse income tax will cut out the bureaucrats and leave more money for them. They will drop the progressives like a bad habit. I know that these are not virtuous means or virtuous ends but it turns the tide. It will end the dilution that more state power is the answer and stop the bleeding. the problem of the state is still there but it does two things, Buys time and gives libertarianism credit and trust in the public's mind. We can say," remember how everything got a little better after we ended the war on drugs? Let me talk to you about the federal reserve and the banks."
I think it is obvious we all want a peaceful and virtuous world. The only question is how do we get there. I agree that peaceful parenting is the best long term solution but I don't think it will be enough. We always speak of investing in virtue and that it pays in the long run and this is true. The problem is most people don't have the money, time, or extra mental effort to invest. Its like giving corn to a starving man and saying, " Plant this don't eat it. If you eat it now you will starve to death later." Even if he understands this concept he will reply, " I'm starving now. I know that if I eat now I will starve later. I choose life now even if it is only for a short time." I don't think we will ever be able to convince people to invest with capital they don't have when the state can always bribe people with there own money. The state has taken on the role as the total protector of the people. It is now a father figure in most peoples minds almost like a cult of government. In this cult only government can do anything good and only government can protect you. This is truth in the statist mind set. They have painted themselves into a corner with the power they wield. If we could get the political power to prove one instance where this is wrong the whole house of cards that is the need for state power will come crashing down. The war on drugs is the best place to start if we can get the political power to stop this form of government violence we all know this will improve the lives both socially and fiscally of the common person. If handled right it can turn into a domino of truth. Libertarians will be able to say, "Hey remember how we said taking away state power to fund the war on drugs with violence would help help you and then it did? Let me talk to you about the federal reserve." In short we need to bribe the people with the very things the state stole from them.
The best thing to do is save up for at least 20% down for your first home you can afford. This will keep your monthly payments low. Make sure it is at least a 3 bed 2 bath home. You can rent out the other to rooms and for cash or bitcion if you pay your cards right your monthly living expense can turn into a monthly profit. Take half of the money and use it for your normal life (food & gas) and save the other half (gold, silver, bitcion). If you do this you will be off to a great head start.