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Everything posted by Tservitive

  1. So, I've been curious about if reading body language can help one better spot an unempathetic person without talking to them. I do realize that this idea would not be true of everyone who shares certain body language and that this might sound as legitimate as phrenology, but what do you all think? So far, my list looks like this: - lack of eye contact - loud/stomping foot steps Not a very long list, but the two things that I found most universal in my life.
  2. I really liked the video about John Lennin. I have just bought this guy's book. Thank you for sharing these videos!
  3. I'd be down to play, although I do not have a board
  4. Welcome to the boards!!!
  5. Its a term from Pittsburgh that means You All's or 2nd person plural possessive
  6. I totally agree. Another possibility, do some significant research or amass some sort of following and develop a following. Other than James Flynn, there really haven't been too many interviews recently and I can't remember the last non-call-in-show debate that I've listened to of FDR. I'm currently working on research with regards to fascism in colonial Jamestown and the effect of physically possessing written promises on one's self control. They're exciting subject to me, but I'd love to know what research other FDR listeners have down that further validity for the NAP, UPB, and Philosophy.
  7. You may want to edit. The girl's name is reviled in the second purple line of dialogue. Still good though.
  8. For whatever reason, the trailer for episode 1 reminded me of a cross of Alan Wake, The Walking Dead (GAME), and Scott Pilgrim.
  9. I do think that its a combination of what MagnumPI and Omegahero09 are saying. Grunge reveals the terrible results of first wave feminist parenting and the politicians, who represented those that were part of the 1960's protests were in office at the time. Meanwhile, conservatives would have disliked the messages due to the opposition of Christianity and suicide as well as the opening up of male emotions.
  10. This sounds like a paying someone back in their own coin kind of situation. It appears to be a morally fine issue. My only question would be: is it worth it? I agree with AccuTron on this, but its up to you.
  11. So I just listened to the call in show from last Sunday and at the end Stefan mentioned he was going to make a Q&A for Dating presentation. Before the list is complete, does anyone have any suggestions based on either experience or reason & evidence?
  12. I could see Truth about Singapore as a very valuable episode, especially for people who have considered expatriation and are recommended Singapore and Hong Kong. I'd expect that this topic could be tied into the overall theme that there is not existing Ancapistan and that the only free place is Youtopia.
  13. Agreed. Stefan also has said on multiple occasions to watch out when other people invent words when there are so many good words out there. This is a direct quote from my MacBook Oxford Dictionary for the definition of love The reason why Stefan defines love differently than above is that the above definitions are too vague to convey any useful meaning in a philosophical proof or argument. That is why he defines love as our involuntary response to virtue since it is an objective measure, or at least more objective than an intense feeling of affection since once can define virtues but how do we measure comparative affections? Lando, I hope this was helpful. It took me a while to understand why love was thus defined for my own reading of RTR.
  14. Prepare your mind.... for a mind explosion from the dark side of the internet. This is just ridiculous. I dare you all to not find parallels to philosophy in this one. This next one is a video by PurpleEyesWTF. You do not need reference in case you're wondering throughout this video.
  15. Hey everyone! I apologize if I'm lambasting a sacred cow here, but I just came across a video about Queen's lyrics that was pretty funny. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  16. I now really want/need a hug after watching the video. I'd give you a hug if the internet would allow that. Maybe that technology would be developed in a free society.
  17. I know that Australia has a mandatory voting law already. As to how, I'm unsure but the precedent has already been set.
  18. I have just read through the entire chain from start to finish. I will most likely need to process my emotions and thoughts as well as read through some of the more recent responses before I can contribute in any meaningful way to the discussion. Keeping the above in mind, I do think that the rape subtopic would be better suited to another thread altogether. This is due to the fact that this thread has become a character evaluation of MMX2010 and while links back to my topic https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43354-help-i-like-this-girl/#entry396846 have been informative, I feel as if the subtopic is close to derailing the thread. I do agree with Jer and EndTheUsurpation that MMX2010's statements and arguments about rape can contributed to his mentality as a whole and maybe why he did not get along with the NYC meet up group, and I could very well be wrong about my thoughts on the matter (for which I apologize ahead of time), but it seems to me that the rape subtopic will need to tie in to the main thread or will need to be discussed in another thread altogether for the sake of other posters coming across this topic only to be repelled by blocks of text and as seemingly disjointed conversation. I hope my viewpoint was helpful and that it furthers the conversation
  19. Podcast 2932 "Truth about School" will not download. In addition, deleting the podcast will crash the app and will delete the saved downloads.
  20. Hey TF, welcome to the board. Love the pug! What's his/her name?
  21. I don't think we should limit "Regretfully Ate Too Much Spicy Food" to a day. It's got to be a month or at least a long weekend!
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