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Everything posted by Jamesican

  1. Of course. I was religious when I started listening to Stef. Glad you found out about him!
  2. So I've been looking up different beliefs on the topic of violence and had a question about the non-aggression principle. Is starting an argument (or even a debate) in violation of the NAP?
  3. Very, very, very good argument, sir. I do, however, disagree with you. The nature of God or gods is divine. They are outside time and its effects, so they aren't aliens. Aliens are physical beings (if they do exist). I couldn't counter your argument and say that all aliens with advanced technology are gods.
  4. I understand your argument, but you need to understand that your consciousness only lasts as long as your brain does. When you die, your brain pretty much shuts off, so your consciousness ends. When you die, there's nothing.
  5. Hi, so, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Anyway, I'm in my teens and have been attending a Catholic school since I was born. I recently became an Atheist, but I'm still having trouble fully "leaving", if you will. Any advice? (Sorry if I don't respond immediately. I've run out of posts for the day, and I don't know how that works. I'm a newbie.)
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