Hey Fellow Individuals & Lovers of Freedom!
Today we start building freedom! I'm Scott Mraz, a long, long-time fan, & supporter (financially & otherwise) of Stef & Freedomain Radio- such a big fan, that he's inspired me to create my own show: Freedom Solutions. I'm focused on building tangible solutions, we can implement today (UberGuard, ScienceStarter, DeTube, etc.) & launching them (OpenSource) into the marketplace. I'm not quite as eloquent as Stef, however, I do have a very similar background: IT exec & entrepreneur (Cloud), studied philosophy & computer science, CryptoCurrency developer, & now full time freedom philosopher & developer.
My goal is to fill the gaping void of solutions in the freedom marketplace to build systems which incentivize freedom behavior (Freemarket innovations), while Stef works on enlightening & driving people to Root Cause, NAP, UPB, & Peaceful Parenting, & disincentives (social ostracism). I believe these drivers (enlightenment & systems) will drive the strategic & tactical changes we all desire.
I'm following the same model as Stefan- donation based, so my very existence (literally) depends upon the quality & value of my work, while being solely accountable to you. Thus i'm looking for community involvement- to help evangelize, support financially, build software, take on particular solutions we build & run them long term as a business leader (running UberGuard for example). Ultimately as we build out the Freedom Solutions #DAO, we can have a potential investment vehicle in which everyone can share equity, similar to "TheDAO," but with the express purpose of building freedom solutions for profits. On the show I build decentralized prototypes focused on expanding freedom across various industries. I cover current events, philosophy, software development, & business development. While focusing on these key pillars, I & hopefully with your help- will build actual products on the show, which put freedom into people's hands & while enabling everyone to become an entrepreneur.
Please check out the show, subscribe to help us expand! I am also looking to find people to interview & have call-in shows. Please let me what your working on & know when you have time to do a 1hr interview (15mins prep time), over google hangouts. I can provide a question list as well if you desire- but it's all about you
Check out the show here: Freedom Solutions Show
full URL (from above):
Thanks my fellow freedom lovers- lets change the world together!
-Scott Mraz
Background info on me:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmraz ---------------------Updates / Edits---------------------
Made some minor formatting changes