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Everything posted by Donnadogsoth

  1. You're a monad. Everything substantial is a monad, a locus of mentality with appetition (desire) and perception. So you are not a concept, you are a subject-of-experience. However, there is a concept of you as a species, that only perfectly applies to one thing in the world, namely you. Strictly speaking, you are part of a species of one. More loosely, the species-of-you can be applied imperfectly to images of you, pictures, statues, voice recordings, etc.. So there is you (monad), there is the concept of you (species) and there are things to which the concept-of-you applies. Forests, human groups, humans, atoms, all monads. Not all equally developed, but monads. Monad............Sample Species Forest..............forests, yellow, woody, birdsong Human group...human groups, parade, uniformed, musical Human............humans, white, long-haired Atom................atoms, motion, charge
  2. Why is one obligated to investigate every last detail of someone else, before deciding that one doesn't like them or wish to have carnal relations with them? Suppose one finds all members of an alien race to be revolting-looking and repulsive to date. Is that enough to satisfy you that one is postjudiced? 1. Find me any member of the Left (since the Left controls the official definitions right now) who would agree that rejecting a girl because she's physically repulsive because she's a member of an alien race, is not racism. 2. Everything is playing the odds and there aren't enough hours in the day to investigate everything. Do all single mothers have tough nipples? I can't be bothered to find out. Are all blacks criminals? No, but you'll certainly live your life safer by avoiding black neighbourhoods. These are postjudice, judgements after evidence has been presented. You may think it's insufficient evidence, but then what is? Prejudice would be selecting a resume at random and deciding before looking at it not to hire that person regardless of their qualifications. Wait for it. If “sexual racism” is a thing now, with sanctimonious Left-wing Gay people telling other Gay people they shouldn't reject sexual partners on racial grounds, that mentality is going to seep into heterosexual life, too, as I'm sure it's already doing, and once we're patting ourselves on the back about how un-sexually-racist we are, why wouldn't “sexual homophobia” be the next on the list?
  3. So, if a child finds an alien race repulsive and doesn't want to play with them, that's not racism?
  4. So long as 1. humans are depraved and need to be rescued from that depravity 2. humans are made in the image of the Creator and need to have their creative potential unleashed 3. humans cannot solve 2 because of 1 they will need and either inherit or create some form of religion.
  5. In other words, the word is like a balloon. Expand its scope so much it pops.
  6. Any sort of racial preference must be racist according to the definition you've supplied. The word undergirding "racist" is "prejudiced". But racists are not prejudiced. To be prejudiced is to judge before evidence, but I've never met anyone who judged anyone or anything prior to some sort of evidence. To do so would be to judge based on zero predicates about a subject. Does that make sense to anyone? Does anyone do that? No, what is going on with racists is postjudice. A white boy of dating age sees an eligible black girl and thinks "yuck" and avoids dating her. Racist? Definitely. Prejudiced? Not at all. He's basing his decision on her appearance (a predicate), and possibly what he knows about the typical class, education level, speech and behaviour patterns (more predicates) of blacks. Anti-racists might say the boy should do more "legwork" in getting to know the girl. See if she matches his personality. Maybe blacks aren't so bad class, education, speech and behaviour-wise. Maybe she's a diamond in the rough. Then he might be ready to date her, to "give her a chance." But this argument can be said by anti-homophobes to heterosexuals. A heterosexual boy of dating age sees an eligible boy and thinks "yuck" as above. Postjudice. But that's homophobic, he should get to know the homosexual boy, maybe he smells nice, maybe he's got a great personality and lovely eyes. Explore your own sexuality, they'll say, don't just toss away a chance at happiness or even just a good time because of your prejudice. Postjudice can always be lit as though it were prejudice if the judgements you make aren't what the cultural Marxists like; if you haven't explored enough predicates to make you want to sleep with someone. But no one thinks like that. Let it be known that you're a racist and do you think the cultural Marxists are going to try to transcend their prejudices and get to know the real you? Or are they going to go "yuck!" and start tar-barking to everyone in earshot?
  7. I concede your point. Empires, countries, city-states, and families can maintain diversity so long as the government retains sufficient power and will to check hostilities and foster understanding among competing groups. If these things are removed we get a Yugoslavia. We also see it in democracies when racial groups start voting as blocs . As you probably know, in Africa many countries are hopelessly un-democratic, mere mobocracies, despite technically being democracies, because everyone votes for his tribal relative, hoping for special treatment. When the Western populations of Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and Moslems swell sufficiently we will no doubt see tribalism here, too. That said, humans, I reiterate, are not birds. We can alter ourselves through culture. Classical humanist culture, which has yet to become dominant anywhere, is by nature trans-racial and so to an extent ameliorative of racial animosity and competition. The image I give is of a multi-racial choir performing “Jesu Meine Freude”. Highest possible culture, which preoccupies and transforms the minds of the participants to the point where racial divisions, not disappear, but are put in a better perspective. The more so preoccupied a population becomes, the more minimised are the forces leading to bloodshed and destruction. This is threither destruction, nor assimilation, nor syncretisation, but the introduction of a higher culture that no race has yet to participate fully in. In bulk European, but not “pop” culture, not national chauvinist culture, rather something alien races would be clinically insane not to adopt for themselves.
  8. Good idea! Augustine reduced it to two: "...the two fundamental principles which remained the poles of his philosophy--the idea of God as the source of being and intelligence, the Sun of the intelligible world; and the idea of the soul as a spiritual nature which finds its beatitude in the participation of the Uncreated Light." --Dawson, The Making of Europe I'll reduce it to one: the principle of CREATIVITY, that man's mind is made in the image of the Creator. It doesn't matter what your conception of the Creator is, you can be an Atheist if you want, but you can't deny that man is the creative species, capable of discovering principles of Nature by which he transforms his practice both socially and technologically. That potential is what the beasts lack. Let's suppose there are two domains with which our practise is concerned. One is the political-economic domain encompassing all mankind, the other is the realm of individual, sovereign creativity. So here are the relevant principles for each category: Political Economy ORIGINAL SIN: acknowledging that man's creative rational nature must be nurtured like a delicate plant, not merely expected like the rising Sun. DIGNITY: respecting the worth of all created beings. VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE: venerating human beings as sacred beings. JUSTICE: balancing the goal of goodness with the dividends of worldly thrills. MERCY: remembering most people are not write-offs, even if they stumble and hurt others. COMMON SENSE: what is good for man is good, what is bad for man is bad. SELF-OWNERSHIP: without which horrible social practice impedes creativity. HISTORICAL NECESSITY: creativity costs and it is better to organise society around the understanding and veneration of what it took to get us here. TRANSFORMATION OF RESOURCES: there are no limits to growth. ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRAINT: the mental opposition. INCREASING COMPLEXITY: the nature of the evolving Universe and intent and promise of human civilisation. Creativity PARENTAL GOODNESS: we learn love from our parents, and without love there is no reason for mankind to live. PLAY: needed to find creative hypotheses. A=A: needed to solve creative hypotheses. SUFFICIENT REASON: faith that the Universe makes sense and is not hopelessly chaotic. PRINCIPLES: creativity taps into the intellective substance of the Universe, going beyond sense deception. METAPHORICAL JUSTICE (SANITY): creativity needs the kingship of Reason.
  9. The principle of MERITOCRACY, which tells us the most qualified person for the job should be hired, appointed, or elected. Standards should not be lowered for the sake of including representatives of inferior-performing groups. The principle of NATIONAL CHAUVINISM, of, for the sake of the pleasure of unity, stability, and peace, not compromising one's national customs. If the traditional policing uniform doesn't include a turban or a hijab, police recruits should not wear turbans or hijabs. If they don't like it, don't join. If Christianity is the majority religion, it should be the exclusively official one. If Hallowe'en is a treasured national holiday, it should be set in stone as being so. If Veterans' Day or Remembrance Day is the traditional way of honouring the sacrifices of our war veterans, it should be sacrosanct. Related to the SOCIAL LIGAMENTS principle. To give us a topography of what we adhere to, shirgall. "Where we stand." I spent my whole upbringing never consciously learning a single principle. I'm making up for lost time.
  10. The principle of SOCIAL LIGAMENTS, the idea that society needs to have a large quantity and quality of interpersonal relationships--fraternities, sororities, clubs, societies, leagues, families, reunions, associations, companionship, institutions, historical reenactments, plays, churches, volunteer groups, a culture of principle, and the like--in order to create psycho-social location and integration into the whole. This integration requires more than a mere detente between social members, who are otherwise atomised and vulnerable to addictive and deleterious behaviours.
  11. I disagree, I think Christianity should be the official religion of the West. Not mandatory, just official, in order to preserve its cultural relevance. Other religions or devotions, such as atheism, should be tolerated or, if they cause enough of a stink, actively discouraged. Believers in Shariah law should be expelled and blocked from immigrating, for example. "Freedom" is not a suicide pact. The real difficulty lies in determining what first the principles of Christianity are that can be articulated in a manner so as to be consistent with a 21st Century republic. Lyndon LaRouche, René Girard, C.S. Lewis, and Thomas Aquinas look meet to consult on this issue. I trust by "genocide" you mean genetic amalgamation and not wholesale murder? It's good to be clear here.
  12. The principle of TRANSFORMATION OF RESOURCES, the idea that there are no principled limits to human economic growth, which is powered by valid discoveries of universal physical principles, which have the effect of transforming useless or fallow parts of the world into valuable resources. Since any given set of principles yields a fixed resource base which marginally depletes over time, economic progress lies in discovering new principles yielding new resources. This can be as simple as discovering the principle of the yoke allowing fields to be ploughed more efficiently thus producing more food per acre per harvest, or as advanced as discovering principles of nuclear theory which transform useless rocks into the powerful element uranium. The principle of TRAINER=ALPHA, in training dogs or horses, the trainer must establish himself as alpha dog or alpha horse, the leader of the pack or herd. Such leadership must combine discipline and clear expressions of expectations, with giving, so that the animal learns to respect the alpha, whilst at the same time understanding alpha is a source of good things (strokes, treats, exercise, access to friends). The principle of DIVISION OF LABOUR, the idea of breaking up a task into multiple procedures which each in their simplicity can be done more quickly by their respective workers using dedicated workstations, allowing the overall task to be completed more quickly.
  13. The principle of the ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRAINT, a subconscious thwart on the expenditure of bodily or mental energy on endeavours that are outside one's personally experienced biological or emotional needs; e.g., exercise and sports, love, sex, revenge, status, intoxicating drugs, money, and property, as contrasted with useless hobbies such as flying kites, electrical and mechanical tinkering, building boats, building model rockets, amateur astronomy, building ham radios, exploring forests and hills, mountain climbing, tabletop role-playing, science fiction writing, collecting buttons, rocks and minerals, stamps, clothes, or tools, or solving crossword puzzles. The urge to play in ways not directly associated with individual survival is rare to nonexistent in Nature. Kittens "at play" are really learning how to be cats. Seagulls whirling above the spindrift are probably just hungry. Bears do not appreciate sunsets. Humans have it, but it does not feature equally in all races; whites tend to be more released from the constraint; coloureds less so, even after two or three generations of living in white society.
  14. The principle of EMOTIONAL ORGASM, the idea that circumstances can provoke emotional squalls and storms which come over the mind and can "carry it away" into flights of irrational action. Examples include bouts of grief, anger, hate, anxiety, depression, and infatuation. The trick here is to realise that these things usually pass with time, like temporary heartburn, so if one can hold on to one's psychic core of stability and reason, one can ride out the storm and reach the other side unscathed. Compare with the principle of NEGOTIATION. The principle of GLORIFICATION, the idea that all existing things, whether abiotic, biotic, or cognitive, and whether in gestalt (a galaxy, an empire) or as a piece of a whole (an atom, a couch), all essentially mentally glorify God through their existence, thus giving them and their rational interactions sufficient reason to exist. Their specific mode of glorification lies in their value, however remote or presently inconceivable in terms of Man's utility, pleasure, and wonderment.
  15. The principle of KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE, is a Gnostic-political idea that there are “None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see."--Matthew Henry, aka "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."--Jesus Christ. Sometimes broadcasting is necessary, but sometimes words are for certain groups or individuals alone. An audience may be hostile, undecided, or receptive, they may be speaking the wrong language or dialect or technical argot, they may be emotional or they may be calm. They may be an alien race, religion, or culture—or all three. You may be a hate criminal in their eyes from whose mouth nothing good can come, or you may be merely “controversial,” or beloved, or your message may be overly long and boring, or with your level of education you may be unable to talk down to them, or up to them successfully. The key skill is to gauge an audience's receptivity and push your message as far as it can go without breaking the spell.
  16. "Is Christianity a benefit for European civilization?" Yes. Christianity preserved the Greek learning after the fall of Rome, while providing for a structured transition from Roman to Christian rule without which Europe would have been vulnerable to Oriental barbarism and tyranny (Huns, Mongols, Moslems). The Crucifixion as the image of absolute injustice (the best man receiving the worst fate) has inspired countless works of art and is a perennial transformative symbol. Without Christianity there would have been no Gothic Culture, no Renaissance, no nation-state (starting with France), no Enlightenment, no scientific revolution, no check to Communism, no Bill of Rights, and no Apollo program. Simply put, no Christianity means no defense against comets, asteroids, and meteors from Outer Space. "Is it better for many people to do good as a result of a lie, or for a few people to do good as a result of a truth?" Sometimes information is need to know, as there isn't time or inclination on the part of the listener to understand the fullness of the truth. And the truth itself can never be fully known. The principle at work here is LEADERSHIP, that the leader makes the best decisions he knows based on what he knows and can estimate, and the followers act on his orders or suggestions in good faith knowing that he knows best. "Do the ends justify the means, and is Christianity a good means for spreading reason and virtue?" (1) Yes. Three words: “Surgery on children”. (2) Yes. Christianity undergirds the concept of a rational Universe, created with understandable laws. Catholicism especially is highly invested in literacy, clarity of expression, and rational thought, cf., (a) the Summa Theologica, a little too rational for many, (b) How the Irish Saved Civilisation, about how Irish monks preserved the great books throughout the Dark Ages, and © the tradition of Jesuit schooling. "If we are created in God's image, assuming He is real, who is "we"?" Anyone with a rational soul, however developed or retarded.
  17. White Nationalism is a corral for anyone who thinks outside the left-liberal narrative on race. Such people, doubting, may cast about for some kind of organised alternative to said narrative, and if they look even a little they'll find places like Stormfront. These places are a corral used to conveniently sequester the racially unorthodox, tarring them with the black blood of Auschwitz, the ultimate horror. So what do they do? Either get used to being blackened pariahs, or else return to the soothing and companionable orthodox narrative. Thinkers like Bill Whittle, Frank Raymond, Stefan Molyneux, and even, in their way, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Ezra Levant, and Milo Yiannopoulous are chipping away galleries of opposition inside the fearful bark of the enemy. The more of them, the more we add our voices to their reasonableness, the more people from the White Nationalist corral will take notice and want to participate in this conversation. Then we will have our own amoeba, that will start engulfing the prejudices of the left and begin osmosing ever greater numbers of fence-sitters into the real orthodoxy of Western civ.
  18. Thanks for posting this, Stochastique. This is what every wayward youth subconsciously wishes he could have been enrolled in. They appear to be non-denominational Christian, using the Bible as a source of principles. cf. http://thecaveofadullam.org/about/
  19. Excellent, informative video by Ezra Levant on "the question" of whether or not Donald Trump is anti-Jewish, whether in terms of his personal life or his proposed Presidential policy. There's also some good nuggets about Hillary. As Levant puts it, she is the most anti-Israel Presidential candidate in history and "She says Merkel is her role-model".
  20. Hello Augustus, The tide moves in, the tide moves out, the tide moves in once more. European civilisation has been on the ropes before, with the Persians in 480-479 BC, the increasing corruption and inevitable doom of Rome at the time of Christ, Attila in the 5th Century, the Battle of Tours in 732, the Moslem aggression that created the need for the Crusades, the Mongol invasion in the 13th Century, the Black Death of the 14th Century, the English aggression that nearly crushed the first nation-state—France—in the 15th Century, the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, the wars of religion of the Reformation, the Siege of Vienna in 1683, the move to crush the anti-oligarchal republican impulse in 1776, and the ideological wars of the 20th Century to defend that impulse. In each case, with the exception of the Black Death, heroes arose to defend the Western promise, whether using the pen or using the sword. Each time the West emerged stronger than before. Why defend the West? I could say culturally it is the most beautiful flower of history that will be crushed underfoot by the unrighteous. I could say that the Holy Church itself is under siege and without it the very soul of our civilisation will be lost. I could say that without its confident influence the rest of the world and all its good people will burn. But I won't say these things to you, because there's a more important, clear, outstanding reason why you should defend the West: Your own sanity. If the West falls, you will be nailed into a box. First your national symbols will be rendered suspicious, as the St. George's Cross and the Union Jack and the Confederate Battle Flag have been, so will soon the national flag of the USA. Your language will be pinched, as word after word is stolen or has its meaning revised, so you will have to watch yourself with everything you say. Your television and movie and videogame preferences will be subject to the censor, and eventually those images and sounds that are “too white” will be vandalised digitally to replace white characters with coloured, before those things are banned outright and made contraband to possess. Your music is racist and you will be told to shut it off. If you value the comely faces of young white women, to use the most important example, you will see them absorbed and miscegenated and degraded and erased, and if you dare give any hint that you prefer not to date coloured girls, Heaven help you: you will see your world crack open into an abyss of hate against you. Feminism will turn women against you. History will be altered. The perversity allowable in popular culture will shock you. Your choice of clothing will either be declared “cultural appropriation” or “too white”. Any hope you have of having children of your own will be removed. Beautiful architecture will be chiselled and demolished and replaced with postmodern hideousness and the coloured, tribal grotesque. Statues will be toppled. As Nostradamus said, Sun twenty of Taurus so strong the earth trembles. The great theatre full will be ruined, The air sky and earth obscured and troubled, When the infidel God and Saints will proceed under sail. In your box, you will learn to savour the cramp of bent limbs. You will shit yourself and become used to the stink. You will forget what light was. You will babble to yourself and perhaps play an assortment of imaginative videogames to pass the time between bouts of dull and labourious pain. And unpleasant faces with cold, rational voices will remind you forevermore of the crimes of your ancestors for which you must atone. Humanity is a species of principle, and only the principled man is sane. It is in his self-interest to discover, transmit, and help society assimilate universal principle, by which human civilisation—which is really globally-extended European civilisation or “GEEC”--discovers new resources with which to survive in a hostile Universe. No new principles means we are on a trajectory of death. Right now we exist inside a culture that is actively hostile against principle, viz., the University system, the popular culture, etc.. Being against principle is literally madness. It is clinically insane. Which pill do you take if you think you're going insane: Blue, or Red?
  21. This was the sentiment seen in a recent commercial or public service message in Canada. I only caught it out of the corner of my eye and didn't notice whose brand it was. I did notice that it clearly told audiences that lacking diversity or multiculturalism equals being culturally "silent" and effete. Yes, 28,000 years of European cultural heritage is "silent," and needs steady infusions of non-European cultural heritage in order to be of value. Yes, 1.3 billion white people are "silent" and need to mix with non-whites to be of value. Yes, Christianity is "silent" and needs non-Christian influences in order to be of value.
  22. "The greatest challenge humanity faces is illusion versus reality."
  23. The principle of HUMOUR, is the idea that laughter is a product of surprising despair, typically by the breaking of a logical system. A punchline to a joke is a premise's conclusion that causes total despair in the mind of the listener, and thus the only possible response is stress-relieving laughter. A punchline leaving you with hope, or that you can "see coming" is not so funny. The principle of METAPHORICAL JUSTICE, aka SANITY, is the idea that the proper organisation of the soul is for the reason to command the irascible, which in turn has authority over the concupiscible. Such an arrangement is necessary for humanity's survival. Anyone so organised but otherwise conventionally determined to be "insane" is merely strange.
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