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Everything posted by Donnadogsoth

  1. When we ask for miracles, the question is really, "Who's asking?" Why are they asking? Just to dick around with religion for awhile, or because we want to hear the answer. "Then [Lazarus] said [to Abraham], I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send [Lazarus] to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." --Luke 16:27-31
  2. If people cannot find what they need here they will go elsewhere. Isn't that why they immigrated here in the first place? Emigration is a problem if it leaves the country understaffed with workers, creating a demographic bulge like in Japan. That's a very interesting analysis. But it presumes that all Western countries fail at the same time. If Germany alone failed, eg, there would be mass emigration to France, for example. The balloon being compressed with send its volume somewhere else. If there is no incentive for the migrants to stay they will not stay merely to be part of an oligarchal scheme. If there is truly nowhere for them to turn then I agree there is much to fear.
  3. It should be pushed back for the sake of preserving Western civilisation, the same civilisation that was created by Christians and Christianity, and that the Muslims have been trying to tear down and subjugate from the moment they knew of its existence. Sharia law, dhimmitude, the jizya tax, terrorism, child brides, sex slaves, polygamy and an endless influx of aliens determined to make here as much like there as possible. No, thanks. You like there so much? You hate Christianity so much? So go there and see what awaits Christendom when quietists allow it to fall to the hands of the heathens.
  4. If the welfare state ends, won't the immigration problem turn into an emigration problem?
  5. People who are against political correctness should use the word "nigger" in a proper sentence or fuck off.
  6. It won't be idiocracy. It'll be idocracy, rule by the Freudian id.
  7. How can the NAWAPA be built under an anarchy?
  8. I don't see why design is a bad thing. If we want to divert water from the Yukon river in Alaska to the American Southwest, we need to understand principles of geology, nuclear physics, and hydrodynamics in order to design the system. Surely the development of the creative principle is on par with or greater than the profundity of the NAWAPA. Why wouldn't we attempt to design our society that way? If anarchism doesn't interfere with natural law, and is an expression of natural law, it should be amenable to having society design and develop itself according to universal principles. A society of anarchists is also a “we” to the degree its members cooperate. If there are principles governing the fostering of creativity, such a society, to the degree it is sane, would seek to implement those principles, however possible.
  9. What if he doesn't have an opinion on international matters that don't directly affect Icelandic affairs? Which is virtually everything.
  10. How can we best create a society that maximises incentives towards discovering principle?
  11. The question to ask regarding any addictive drug--and being cossetted is an addictive drug, with brain damaging properties--is, who is supplying it, and why. I surmise the origin of these ideas lies in the past, not in the present. Someone gave these ideas concerning hyperhypersensitivity and how catering to said is a good thing, to someone in charge, someone capable of setting policy. Someone poisoned the well of knowledge with the piss of entitlement. Anyone who can't stand the flux of ideas has no place in a University, aside from being custodial or secretarial in occupation.
  12. We're engaged in sexual selection, and that selection reproduces personality traits. So what kinds of personalities we see in men and women are not just forms moulded by culture, but are also selected for genetically. If women are disinterested in politics, logic, and science, that's partially because that's how men wanted them to be. If men are disinterested in shopping, fashion, and gossip, that's partially because that's how women wanted them to be. The selection process isn't perfect, as genes, I'd imagine, can cluster, but humanity has had a long, long, long time to select.
  13. Waiting for my response to be approved. In the meantime, another response: Is the Icelander statist a lazy mass murderer?
  14. Oh, we all need help sometimes, green banana.
  15. Spoil your ballot. If you don't vote you lose your right to oppose the system. The system as is, is what is, and by spoiling your ballot you force what is to register your disapproval, thereby buying yourself credibility should a truly bad government come to power. If you didn't vote then you did nothing to stop them. It costs you nothing, and is a principled stance.
  16. Where does creative hypothesis enter the picture that Russell has painted? Science discovers laws by advancing hypotheses and testing them empirically.
  17. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Science of Christian Economy - Lyndon LaRouche
  18. I'm a freedom-loving Canadian who will vote Conservative barring act of God, but the biggest issue for me is infrastructure, including the NAWAPA project and nuclear power. Pipelines are nice as a stop-gap, but that isn't preparing us for the medium-term future, nor helping increase our economic connectivity to the world via a World Land Bridge. Nor are the Conservatives appearing to be preparing to do much about ISIS or the threat of fifth-column Islamic imperialism, instead distracted by financial scandal and antipathy towards Russia's interest in not being encircled by pawns of the British empire. The Conservative encroachments on civil liberties are dubious, meriting closer scrutiny, though standing tough on terrorism is welcome. Any party that talks positively about multiculturalism, gun confiscation, green anything, or human rights tribunals is not welcome to my vote. Any party that supports self-defense, nuclear power, space exploration, and immigration reduction is.
  19. There might be people in the future who like heroin. Beat. And the destruction of the supply of heroin currently will stop people from becoming addicted to it.
  20. Dangerous addictive drugs are addictive as a function of two things: 1) the experience they provide, and 2) mental vulnerability built to the potential addict by psychosocial dislocation. If we had a perfectly functioning society, heroin and pornography would be freely available because no one would want them except for clinical consideration. The fact that many people do, indicates that the supply needs to be curtailed to protect potential addicts. The fact that we haven't managed to curtail supply, indicates a lack of political will and a corruption of the political-economic system as a whole. We do not solve that problem by submitting to the drug pusher lobby.
  21. Or we could consider that wherever Islam gets a foothold, if it is not pushed back it inexorably takes over. Do you have your dhimmi papers ready?
  22. What human rights of any description will remain without a collective response to Islam?
  23. I can't condemn the Abrahamic tradition entire because it produced Christian Europe, which is where science arose and where the sacredness of the person was fostered in culture and law. Deadly foes of Western Civ almost always come out against Christianity, whether those foes be neoconservativism, communism, liberalism, or islamism. When it comes to collectivism, I'm not sure I can condemn it either. It can go too far at the expense of human rights, but the human right to exist is meaningless in a society that has no means for enforcing his existence. Even if we switch to an anarchy, the force of obligation to help one's fellow men including the downtrodden will still be there and could still be pointed to as a kind of collectivism. The destruction of all forms of collectivism is no less than the destruction of inferior men for the benefit of superior ones.
  24. We are assailed by what I call The Blob, this amorphous, shifting, ever-changing entity that, like an amoeba, sucks prey into its vacuole and digests it. The prey that The Blob is after is the much-hated and castigated Western Civilisation, and it is engulfing us with little complaint among the citizens who are too ignorant, crazy, evil, or stupid to do anything about it. One tentacle of the Blob is what I here call the Islamic-Leftist blob. Here is an article that details it, but here is the most relevant quote: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/multiculturalism-and-the-rise-of-islamic-terrorism
  25. I've gotten the impression over the years that non-whites are "cooler" than whites. Black culture was all the rage when I finished high school, and my friends would imitate their dress, mannerisms, attitudes (hate the police), drugs (marijuana), and speech while listening to "cool" black rap music that encouraged the degradation of women including specifically white women ("freakazoid mutazoid white cave bitch"). So identifying as non-white, it seems, offered a benefit of "coolness" that counteracted the "white privilege" and led whites to want to escape said privilege. Do you find Asian culture to be cooler than white culture? White culture is evil/racist/ungood just by virtue of being white, after all.
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