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Everything posted by Anarchogavin

  1. I dont know. there are times when she shows such an ability to tackle difficult issues, talk about important things, and a willingness and enthusiasm for challenges. I love those things about her, I love talking to her, I love being with her. However I also get fairly put-off by her proclivity for intense anxiety, she can just get so upset/offended/depressed over fairly mundane things, and I really dont love that.
  2. I have talked to her about it, we talk a lot, about a lot of things. She seems to think it wont be an issue, like if there were kids around she wouldnt let herself get into that state. My own personal experience with people/women says otherwise. The issue I am having is that I honestly dont think there is a single woman out there I could find to do a better job.
  3. I am having a difficult time telling if the woman I am with is fit to be a mother to my potential children. The good: She is intelligent, nurturing, a good listener (mostly?), is completely on board with peaceful parenting, she can make some income from home, good looking, already owns a house. The bad: She is does not have a lot of friends, and her family would not make an acceptable extended network for raising children. She is prone to intense bouts of anxiety and/or depression, there is always a 'good' reason, but it seems far too often and too intense to me. therapy doesnt seem to be helping her, her therapist seems very feminist and pushes her into a victim mentality, which just makes things worse. I am very afraid that we will have children, and she will just "have bad days" when I am not around, and she will be left caring for my child(ren) while going into a frighteningly irrational and dissociated state. We are both in our late 20's, the time is here for this sort of thing and I dont know who to ask, I have never directly seen a marriage that I want to emulate.
  4. Hey great FDR people! my best friend and I have been avid FDR listeners for several years, we want to try and contribute more to the community. This is our youtube channel, we are just getting our feet wet so please excuse any technical/newbie issues. Our goal is to create a conversation at the edges of anarchy, talking about our personal life experiences and bringing in other's to do the same, with the intention of showing firsthand the value of consistent philosophy, the value of applying the NAP, and hopefully appealing to people who are lurking in the murky waters of "I dislike 'the system' and I am not sure why", without having to say the A-word too many times, we want a conversation that organically leads to anarchy. Please 'like' and 'subscribe' if you like it, and want to subscribe We are absolutely open to input, feedback, conversation topics, and other people who want to join in on the conversation! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChH_c4m0wbgqCBpAgjuS0Lw or search "what strange savages" in youtube if the link is down. Thanks!
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