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  1. Greetings all, Brief: A few weeks back, I was listening to a conservative radio show and the book "The Two Cultures" by Charles Percy Snow was mentioned in regards to the voting patterns. (I can't quite remember as it was weeks ago.) I know that this book is about how "artsy" and "sciency" have difficulty communicating with each other. The talk show stated something along the lines that this leads to voting patterns in America. Like a dichotomy. Anyway, I went to Amazon and purchased a copy of the book. Has anyone heard of it and/or read it? Forgive me as I wrote this on the fly and didn't put as much thought as I would have liked. http://www.amazon.com/The-Two-Cultures-Canto-Classics/dp/1107606144
  2. A little off topic, but I'd be curious to hear about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists.
  3. I'm not an atheist, but I enjoy Molyneux's thoughts. I hope that I am still welcome here and I won't push my believes onto others.
  4. Thanks! For those above, I meant that some don't believe in OCD (which I have) or ADHD. Perhaps, I misunderstood Molyneux's statement in his video.
  5. I just watched Stefan's "They Control Humans With Words" and it made me wonder.
  6. They may have been geocentric, as was most societies, but remember, the ancient Hebrews knew that the world was round. http://biblehub.com/isaiah/40-22.htm
  7. I love Aaron Clarey! I regret getting an AA in liberal arts and then went to uni to study communications. Thank God, I dropped out of that program. I'd like to return to study accounting, IT, or music education. I know that the first two make more sense.
  8. Hi! I'm amreed8 and I'm from Wisconsin.
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