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Daniel W.

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  1. I was discussing with my friend about how the welfare system was messing up our country, and I mentioned that it used to be that the social classes would rotate roughly every three generations. Someone else who was listening in angrily responded and said that what I had said was a complete lie. He also wanted to know where I had heard that. That being said, does anyone know where I can find the sources that Stefan used on this topic?
  2. I am a college student in Alaska, and a program offered by the state rewards high-school students for being "smart" by paying them roughly $4500 a year while they are going to college (maxes at 4 years). I have received this money for one semester now, but I have never really felt good about it as I feel it is stealing. What are your guys thoughts on accepting government money?
  3. I am currently majoring in business, but I haven't decided with certainty if I will continue in that direction. During school break for the holidays I didn't have much to do, and my brother recommended that I listen to some of Stefan's podcasts. After listening to a few, I became quite interested due to their unique style, and thus download many more. As a part time job I work in a warehouse, which can be quite boring, so I started to use this time to listen to hours upon hours of Stefan's podcasts. From there I just got hooked, and now I can hardly wait for the next one to be uploaded each day. Fortunately I have years of previous uploads to catch up with, so I won't be bored at work anytime soon.
  4. Hello everyone! I'm an 18 y/o college student from Alaska and just started listening to FDR this year. I'm not going to pretend for a second that I agree with everything Stefan says, but I love the way he presents his opinions; starting with the facts and then explaining what he concludes from them. I come from a republican background, and although I already agreed with many of the libertarian views, I didn't really know why. Thanks to Stefan I can now actually come to conclusions about political issues and current events, instead of trying to sort out the media's propaganda. I especially appreciate this show's push for the importance of families, which has been largely ignored by the rest of the media. I'm super excited to be able to discuss questions and thoughts with you guys in the future, and thank-you for your effort Stefan!
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