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Everything posted by Jakethehuman

  1. My arguments are as follows: No person is an island and the people close to you have to live with all of your decisions whether it impacts them directly (hitting) or indirectly (dying early from a myriad of avoidable health related issues) As a parent your food choices directly impact the health of your child, if those choices lead to diabetes and an early grave that is tantamount to physical abuse. The information is readily accessible and there is no excuse for not knowing how to eat well, contrary to popular opinion eating healthy can be very cheap. Nutrition is confusing but there are facts and the right way to eat is universal therefore once that lifestyle is well studied and understood any decision not to adhere to this diet is a semi-conscious choice to self-harm. The same can be said for the hour of exercise a day we are meant to get, if you are choosing day in day out, week to week, month by month, year after year to not keep yourself in shape, you are making choices that will directly impact your life expectancy and quality of life in old age. So basically I'm wondering if it is immoral to leave children in the world early because of your bad decisions, and I'm comparing an unhealthy lifestyle to self-harm.
  2. so im a common thief? im not stealing from the rich, im taking money from the state, my own money in fact. robinhood was also stealing from the state..
  3. the money is already stolen, its either i steal it back and spend it on something good, or do nothing and its spent on something bad, so your P1 is a misrepresentation of the situation. Are you actually claiming i have equal moral responsibility as the government? or just having a go at me because my argument style/format isnt water tight... "im not sure i agree with that" sounds like an opinion. obviously this situation with the phone is in no way comparable to the one in question what are you trying to do here?. im not going into someone else's pocket to get my own money back, im going into the collective pool of stolen funds where my own money is stashed and taking it back. I mean all our money is gone never to be seen again, so the rules have changed, im "stealing" money that could never have been recovered as opposed to stealing something that you had a chance to take back.
  4. so if all welfare recipients realize they aren't entitled to payments then the system collapses? this is just a silly hypothetical that doesn't match anything in the real world, the system will not be brought down by welfare recipients deciding they don't want free money, it has to start with the enlightenment of the tax payers. In what way am I an excuse? is some politician going to point to the extra one household on welfare as justification for the system? the money is there regardless of what I do, Im just another number out of millions. my arguments: 1. You can't be assigned an equal amount of moral responsibility for stealing stolen property as the person who originally stole it, because by taking it back you can in some way give it back (by having conversations and making the world a slightly safer, less violent and more philosophical place) rather than it being spent on something bad. 2. I have been paying tax for years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life in all likelihood, so in exact dollar values I won't come close to getting back all of my own money let alone start to "steal" others money, so the whole discussion of stealing stolen property is moot. 3. The money is gone and will never be seen again, there is a system set up to make sure this happens, under these conditions it is reasonable for people to have a preference for where the money should go since they cant get it back.
  5. my arguments are flimsy? not as flimsy as that non argument, how bout you rebutt them properly? the only thing in your whole message that i can respond to is your first sentence, and to that I would say there are a few obvious differences between the two, for one there is no institutional phone stealing crime ring that is 100% going to steal your phone, if its a random theft then you don't think about where the phone is going you just want it back, but when it happens all day everyday you can start to have a preference for how that money will be used, seeing as it is unavoidable. Also if pushed then yeah i guess i would prefer a decent person down on his luck to have a cheap phone at my expense if i had no way of getting the phone back ever. to clarify there are ways to retrieve a stolen phone, not so your stolen tax money, and as such you can have a preference for where the money should go. no?
  6. If you have the opportunity to take some of the money stolen from me back through the welfare system I applaud and congratulate you for doing so, as it is already lost to me. A second answer is they are always stealing, and will do for many years to come, so no I won't do this forever because I will get caught eventually but the money I get will not come close to the taxes I will pay in the future. This is what I don't understand, the money is gone, wouldn't you want someone half decent to take a little while they can rather than it just being spent elsewhere? I
  7. That was not worded very well on my part sorry, the thing is I do understand the ethics of the situation I have spent a lot of time thinking about it and to be told I am stealing from my family, friends and neighbours is offensive and is emotionally charged language, not an argument. I think it is right to take what you can of what has already been stolen and is now unavailable to the people it was stolen from, can someone address this argument and help me see why, me "stealing" stolen money is somehow the same as stealing it myself? like I said I watch the show, I share links, I have conversations with people, I have shown people that you can live a moral life without religion, the money stolen from you is being taken in part to help spread the good word and that has to be preferable to the bullets it would have bought otherwise. I do qualify for some but it is not a great deal
  8. Don't try to analyze me I am not having trouble putting a face to my "crimes" I don't have a guilty conscience that I need cleared. I am not stealing from you, the money is already stolen! you won't get it back, so me taking it has no relation to you not being able to get access to it in the future, in fact if I use the money to pay internet bills to use facebook to spread the ancap message then you are possibly seeing some of those funds back, (money which was, if you recall, gone forever), in the way of a more peaceful and enlightened society, so you're welcome. I'm also using it to help pay for a visa for my girlfriend who will have to leave the country if we can't cough up 7000, which might be wasted if our application is unsuccessful after a year of stress waiting to hear the verdict, I'm not doing well, only barely keeping my head above water. I'm taking a risk to claim back some stolen money and put it to good use and you want to equate me with a common thief? I came here to hear opinions not to be told what was the right thing to do. I've had convos with lots of people some don't understand, some don't want to, and the ones who do get angry or annoyed, but yes whenever I get the chance is the answer to "have I tried giving people a peek"
  9. I am not using "the state" as an entity so I can feel better about taking advantage, I am fully aware that the state doesn't actually exist. You are making an emotional non-argument, "but the money the state is giving you is mine, my children's, all the people on this thread and their families". Manipulate much? I pay taxes as well, so I'm taking back some of my own money, you and your family will have your money stolen whether I participate or not. you make it sound as if enough people stop abusing the system then the tax burden will be significantly less for the rest... the govt will always find reasons to spend more money. So i don't have a clear understanding of morality? I think you're mad cause i'm getting some extra cash. Heres how it works lady, State steals from people, and now, whether morally or not (obviously not), has control and "ownership" of the stolen property, there is no way whatsoever to retrieve those funds for a normal law abiding citizen, besides a possible tax time refund. I come along and take a risk to take back some of the money that has already been stolen and would have been redistributed through welfare or health care or roads or guns, and make my quality of life notably better. Guns or rent? its one or the other, Once the money is taken it is already spent! Government IS wealth redistribution, normally it goes to bureaucrats or fat lazy alcoholics, or bankers or the military industrial complex or a million other bottomless money pits, I take some money to improve my quality of life quite substantially, at ZERO cost to you and you want to equate that with me stealing off you and your family?! you need to stop the philosophising and theorising and remember we live in the real world run by a violent state, anything goes as long as you aren't hurting anyone. Send me the bill for the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 i owe you
  10. I said happily not voluntarily, I understand and agree with all your arguments, my point is that many people can't even comprehend a world without government and taxes, they aggressively oppose anyone who questions it, so those people surrender their money and don't even question how it is to be spent, so I'll take that please, since it is going to be taken regardless may as well try to use it to get ahead.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_China_Study Whole foods plant based diet. 80% carbs 10% protein 10% fat Exercise is just go for a walk, sign up at a gym with heaps of free classes. search basic gym routines literally pick any one of them and just do it for three months, specifics don't matter its the consistency. its really pretty simple mate
  12. Hi for the past few months I've been lying about my income to illegally receive welfare payments. my rationale is that there are millions of unproductive leeches who do nothing and receive these benefits, regardless of what I do, and there are millions more willing sheep who happily pay their taxes to support the state, that includes welfare payments. I have no moral obligation to a state I oppose and so see no problem in taking advantage of the system wherever possible for personal gain. Am i missing something?
  13. correlation and causation is tricky here, do people that lie have more test or do people with higher test levels lie more? need more and better studies to answer that, until then its no big surprise that people with different behaviours have different levels of certain chemicals
  14. recently I experienced this at work, had a person yelling at me and then got in my face trying to provoke me, I stayed calm and in control throughout and was held equally responsible for the altercation, the boss made all kinds of excuses for the guy, but seemed unwilling to acknowledge my self-control in trying to defuse the situation. Maybe it frustrated him more that I didn't react, so it ends up being my fault for not responding to aggression with aggression and therefore somewhat neutralising the exchange, the boss said this is just a huge waste of time and a headache. Being rational in an irrational world is hard!
  15. Because I can't dance and I climb for fun I think it would be quite hard to make the kind of money I'm thinking about by climbing stuff, it's generally a sport for people that already have money. Thanks MMX I agree The colosseum is an easy comparison to make but easier to rebuff. People were killed, they were held against their will and the population in general had such low moral standards that this was acceptable to them. None of this correlates with modern society to us any of these things would be abhorred. There are comparisons to be drawn between us and them but the octagon and the colosseum don't match IMO
  16. The reason I chose to start training and set the UFC as my goal is that it is imo the epitome of physical and mental training, contact sports to me aren't just about the brutal hits, but the training and dedication that goes into every minute of "battle". It's the ultimate human mastery of strength speed and skill condensed into a 15 minute man vs man fight, generally with respect on both sides. I don't like to fight on the street and am not an aggressive person, I just want to see what I am capable of. As far as wider society goes i haven't really thought about it people have asked me why humans can't evolve past using violence as entertainment, I think that would be somewhat a suppression of natural instincts, bloodlust certainly has no place, but competition and physical endeavours are a part of us.
  17. Thoughts on fighting professionally for a job?
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