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Everything posted by Jakethehuman

  1. My anecdotal evidence on this case is my clean tongue and fresh breath since going vegan, things that had been a problem for me since I can remember. My girlfriend however hasn't had such luck, the only difference in our diet would be that my fruit consumption is way higher than hers due to calorie needs and dietary preferences.
  2. I agree and I don't spend any great amount of time thinking about it but I enjoy discussing it dreaming is good.
  3. Very much so, I think I was just confused because he clearly made bad decisions but also I have no way of knowing what I would be like in his situation. Which is what I tried to tell the other people, they said stuff like he was "having a bad week" or "just another sob story" I knew I was right but also it is hard to push through over 100 negative comments without a single one to back me up. Gotta get used to it though thanks mate
  4. Your first point is exactly what I am talking about, when the time comes if humanity has survived there will be a need to leave earth to find resources, won't be for quite sometime. People who think we should respect Mother Nature, keep the population low and wait for an asteroid or some other catastrophe aren't thinking about the future of the human race. What if by some miracle humans are the only intelligent life in the galaxy, if we die out as a species the Milky Way has lost meaning for all time. It is a sad thought and in a philosophical future space exploration and colonisation is an imperative. Not one that should be enforced by a state but one that I believe will be fully profitable and funded by private interests. Moreover I don't think it is even possible to get that far without the elimination of religions and governments.
  5. I appreciate that info, but yeah they are way beyond reading any links, one mentioned "my beloved gf" using her full name and asked how I would feel if it was her who got attacked.im getting off Facebook again. My point was more wondering if I'm wrong for thinking the guy needs sympathy and what response or help he should get
  6. Obese people have astronomical rates of child sexual abuse and trauma.
  7. Hi I have recently had some personal experience with someone being basically lynched in public the whole Facebook rage and protests there was even a petition with thousands of signatures. So a guy I worked with for a few months has some pretty serious issues, his father overdosed on heroin when the guy was a child, his mother was also an addict when he was born, she finally got off it but turned to alcohol instead, he spent time living on the street and recounted a story where he went to a friends house at a young age after not having ahead anything to eat for a few days, when offered food he initially declined but at the parents insistence he ended up stuffing his face like it was his last meal. After a violent youth he was arrested at age 19 for assault and served some time in jail, a few years later he spat at 4 police officers and got 4 charges of serious assault and did no jail time, which makes me think the charges were somewhat trumped up. A bit over a year before I met him he had just been released from jail, I'm not sure what that was for. He told me had a sexual relationship with his parole officer who subsequently lost her job, he said she helped him get a job and start to turn his life around, at the time I met him she had cheated on him and he seemed to be going down hill. A month after I started working with him his sister commited suicide and he really hit the wall, he told me about her and it seemed it was the best relationship in his life, he talked about being depressed and not being able to work it was really a tough time. In December last year a month after his sister, his mum commited suicide. He came to work the next day and I was not aware, it amazed me he was able to function albeit certainly not at 100%. when he went to his mums house he found her suicide not and upon reading it her swallowed her bottle of prescription pills, and jumped in the car, soon after he passed out, there was no damage or harm to anything or anyone. The ambulance arrived and put him in the back and were monitoring him while unconscious. He woke in the back and apparently screamed I'm going to kill you, to one of the ambos and then attacked him, leaving him with a black eye and busted eyebrow. He says he has no memory of the night. He was released on bail but lost his job, in the next few months paramedics and social media groups around the country have been calling for harsh sentencing. He was recently sentenced to 18 months with parole after 6. Social media blew up with various people demanding the maximum 14 years, many saying a life sentence and some even saying he should have died that night. I shared my knowledge of the situation on Facebook and have been roundly condemned as a supporter of violence, an idiot etc. all I said is that he deserves some empathy and jail never helped anyone. What do you think?
  8. You seem quite upset about space lol. There is the a real possibility of sky cities on Venus look it up, also Titan is an option. Of course the safety requirement for a space elevator would be immense and the margin of error would have to be effectively zero. The private sector are sending all sorts of things out there to make life easier down here so not hard do imagine that once the tech is real a group or a single mega Corp making it a reality. An ocean anchor would be a way to avoid a fallen cable causing catastrophic casualties, but it won't get built if there is a chance it will come down. Can you imagine the amount of money private entities already spend on getting stuff into space and how much they would save with a space elevator? The people investing in a project like this will surely have access to anti bomb drone weapons hahaha. The cable would end up being 750 tons which is, as I just found, the maximum approved load for rock used in some dams, so in say 200 years that part of the mission wouldn't be a problem, the Carbon nanofibre thread can do the job with quite a few advances in various areas. On the moon or Mars Kevlar would be an appropriate material due to the lower gravity. The moon could become not a colony but a giant automated mine. I'm not talking about trashing the earth and then finding a new home im taking about one day it will be economic to have mining colonies in various locations around the solar system, people have even talked about the asteroid belt for mining operations. I'm talking many many years and I don't think NASA will be leading the charge lol. I asked is this future possible and whether we will need philosophy to make it there. Your arguments are bad because of course there will always be people to do risky trips into space but also the margin of error will always be huge with this stuff. Good arguments Ben
  9. I understand totally your weariness with the conversation, maybe it is one best left for time to tell. However I feel the belief is similar to one in God, in that believers have their "proofs" and shall not be moved from them, all of the information is out there now and if there was any way to have a definitive answer then we would have it, so we are left to fight over the scraps. Don't get offended I'm sure you're completely rational besides this one thing I personally think the space elevator will happen before a major breakthrough, just because of the nature of chemical propulsion. I just looked into the emdrive and it is certainly exciting tech it would change instantly change our relationship with space. I agree the Internet is the key, the labourers of the future will be programmers not bricklayers. You are pretty sure that true AI is achievable? I think it is but we are a long way from having the hardware depends what you mean by soon, in this discussion hundreds of years counts but also they next 50 could tell too. China and India, if they can get their act together will be monsters which I hope don't get expansionist, scary thoughts down here in Australia, chineese buy a lot of land around here. What they can do for tech might be amazing but philosophy and truth I'm not so sure. I feel if we can get through this century without exploding or being consumed by the zombie Muslim apocalypse, then we will overcome any hurdle, that said its tough times ahead.
  10. So you believe the moon landings were faked?
  11. I often think about our distant future and what it might look like, it seems like the science fiction is only fiction for now, hive cities, bio domes, extra-planetary colonies, these things are not far away as far as being doable, it's just a matter of time as far as I can see, even a space elevator is conceivable if they can manufacture enough nanofibres, which again seems inevitable with the rate at which things are getting cheaper and faster etc. I wonder if it possible to have an ever increasing human population without utterly destroying the planet as we know it and being forced into bio domes or something. I have heard that experts think around 16 billion at the high end, but that must be an educated guess using only our current tech. They also talk about resource depletion but again colonies in the solar system would solve that problem. Things are done so inefficiently right now, with so much waste and so much room for improvement it is not hard to imagine our current 7 billion all living a comfortable life, given the room to move and grow just as the first world has. If I can put these thoughts into a question it would be to ask whether you think humans can reach the stars, or even Titan for that matter, without philosophy? Will we destroy ourselves and our already crumbling civilisation or will we force our way through the mud and the blood and the beer to reach space while leaving countless starving and abused people in our wake. PS. I understand it's an impossible question just interested in any thoughts you may have
  12. That dude was horrible to watch kind of useless talking to someone with such a low iq, like you know what I mean?
  13. If you want to be nitpicky homosapiens yes have only been around for 200,000 years. I'm not sure exactly what logical fallacy you used when comparing our primate ancestors to our fish ancestors, but it was bad logic sir. Our guts are made for fruit, did you read that link are you arguing with that fact by using any of your own? I called you simple because your comment about broccoli and kale was passive aggressive and sarcastic and I won't tolerate that in a discussion. I then wrote 3 paragraphs, none of which you responded to, instead you want to discredit me by encouraging someone else who doesn't like the way I am conducting myself in this debate. How bout you wipe your nose and respond to the arguments otherwise yeah don't reply. "In recent studies including Asian populations, a “vegetable-rich” pattern10 and a pattern characterized by a frequent consumption of vegetables, fruit, soy products, seaweeds, and fish9 were inversely related to cardiovascular mortality, whereas a pattern characterized by a frequent consumption of meat and butter was directly related to this outcome." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC274877/ I say surely because any rational persons understand that exercising 3times a week and meditation is nothing compared to what you put in your mouth all day every day!
  14. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000291490702320X While this study also includes moderate exercise and daily meditation, high carb low fat is surely the most important factor here.
  15. Very valid point about me insulting and continuing the conversation, it has brought me back into focus a bit. I can point you to an earlier post on this thread where I got offensive and questioned dsayers intelligence, and yet was completely on point and was backed up by Kevin Beal. I can be aggressive, but only when the subject matter is extremely important to myself and others, namely philosophy, nutrition and exercise. Mello mama has been repeating tired old talking points about nutrition that I disagree with and have evidence to support, which she hasn't reviewed, even though she asked for them. She hasn't contributed any links to scholarly articles of her own. This behaviour does not deserve respect in a debate. It's not just "living long", like I said before it can be the difference between dying peacefully at 80+ or having cancer in your ass. I have been working as a labourer in various physical jobs since I was 16 and have been working in a precast concrete yard for the past 6 months, there is no shade and I just went through a brutal Australian summer, 9 hour days and 5 on Saturday. This is pretty much the most physically demanding job you can do outside of being a professional athlete. Although I am often sore I never get sick and I have never felt better ( been vegan for 9 months) I do gym a couple of times a week, and spend a couple of hours in the surf every week. So I would say my calorie requirements are well above average. I could have just mentioned Patrik Baboumian, but now you know I have personal experience. Here is the big thing for many people, and what I think you are getting caught up on too. Meat makes you strong and fit and healthy IN THE MOMENT, it has everything we need to recover and has tons of essential vitamins and minerals, obviously because the animals we are eating need all of those things too! But they make it themselves, just like we are designed to do. Yes I consider dying at 60 of a heart attack even though you exercised regularly and kept in shape a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. If you can't stand up straight or catch a ball when you are 80 you've done something wrong, to me being healthy includes the caveat "for as long as possible"
  16. Humans are Frugivores (our guts are adapted to eating mainly fruit) while our primate cousins are Folivores, they are not swinging around the trees picking fruit, they are on their asses chewing leaves for 8 hours a day. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/300099?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  17. Yes and I rebutted your point by saying it was the calories in meat and the value of cooked food that lead to the growth in brain size, not anything inherently healthy about meat. Your comment was aggressive and presumptuous, and it's clear you are just recycling talking points you've read on various articles. Broccoli and Kale? Ahh you have just shown how simple you are. So I'm guessing you also disagree with the recommended 5 serves of veg and 2 serves of fruit a day? The government has been recommending that for a long time and still many people don't do it, just because a government has guidelines clearly doesn't mean a majority of people will listen or even read what they are. Just because a kid goes around bullying others all day at school doesn't mean he's going to fail his maths exam. The human brain evolved that's to cooked meat among other foods due to the increase in calories and aid to digestion. 2.5 million year of eating meat compared to the how many tens of millions years eating plant based? Out bodies can't completely change to process a radically different food source in that time span, and cave men weren't that big on living past 20 years old so why do you think that diet would be healthful for a modern human living up to 80?
  18. Don't assume. I am an evidence based lifeform and therefore have roughly zero preconceived notions that I consider "inconvenient" to acknowledge. I understand that the calories from meat and the ease with which cooked food is chewed and digested freed up a lot of time that we had previously spent foraging and chewing. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-fire-makes-us-human-72989884/?no-ist What is the argument here anyway? early humans needed meat to be smart so it must be healthy in the long term and improves iq in the short term? There is no argument, just another sound bite. Do I take that to mean that after a child hits 2 years old a parent no longer has a responsibility to feed it right? Are you insane man... You don't shove broccoli down children's throat you set up a household environment where processed foods and sweets are not available, you make all your meals at home, you involve your kids in the process and teach them the benefits of all the healthy fruits and vegetables they are eating, and every once in awhile you buy some treats. Again I did not start this thread to talk about "perfect health" which is not really up for debate (more fruit, vege, legumes, tubers, less grains, meat, eggs, dairy) but about the people who knowingly feed their kids rubbish day in day out, send them to tuck shop with money everyday to buy whatever they like, binge with chocolate and ice cream and chips in front of kids until it becomes normalized. When it gets to the point where the child is obese, that is child abuse, and forcibly preventing this in not militant it is a moral imperative. I am not advocating busting down the doors of parents who feed their kids an egg on toast for breakfast in the morning, but if you think bacon and sausages is an appropriate meal option than you belong in an asylum as these have been put on the WHO known carcinogen list and certainly cause CAD when consumed to excess. Saying that science has changed its mind in the past is not an argument. Saying that you prefer to keep your opinions to yourself is not an argument. Parents have a responsibility of their children the entire time they share a roof! of course you can't chase them down the street and slap the ice cream the are sharing with friends out of their hands, but you create a healthy food environment at home, you are in charge of the groceries and it is not immoral to tell a sooky child in a grocery store that they can't have a can of soda! You sound very nihilistic Sir examine you philosophy in regards to this subject because there most certainly are absolutes in nutrition and exercise.
  19. I'll get to the first two, but as for the last 3 strawman alert! I don't know anyone who thinks vege oil is good, any oil for that matter, I use the juice from a can of beans when I do any frying, which is rarely. Whether a calorie makes you feel full or not doesn't matter, if you eat a maintainance calorie load of ANY macro you will not gain weight, very simple. Butter and margarine are both bad throw it all away and buy an avocado for goodness sake! Eggs are good because they contain all the ingredients to make a chicken... Well god damn I might go eat a baby fetus that's sure to make me even bigger and stronger! Ovulation smoothie anyone? http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/eggs/ The idea that not a single study has shown correlation is ludacris. Harvard suggest one a day for healthy individuals, but then make an excellent point in cautioning people to avoid the usual add ons that go with a fried egg. Also the fact that uncooked eggs and contaminated egg shells can make you SHIT BLOOD might be a warning to find alternative safe sources of b12, riboflavin, folate and vitamin D. Saying that an egg has certain micronutrients is no argument for eating them, the plant foods that contain the aforementioned nutrients are all healthier, much safer and much better for the environment. The body makes cholesterol, what makes you think you need to eat more? Also if eating cholesterol doesn't impact blood cholesterol why eat a dangerous food, taken from an animal at massive cost to the environment when you can get the same benefits from bananas, mushrooms, spinach, almonds???? The answer is you like the taste and you have an emotional investment in eggs that is clouding your vision. Sugar is not the enemy! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK22436/ Glucose is the brains sole source of energy, except in extreme starvation, it is the most energy demanding organ in the body it needs a CONSTANT supply of sugar, do you know how hard the liver has to work to convert fats and protein into glucose? Also muscles prefer to use glucose for bursts of activity, so a healthy active person eating a lot of fruit and doing some rigour would exercise everyday is giving their bodies the best possible fuel. Think evolution, so much of what Stefan has been talking about lately relates to evolution. What do our closest cousins mainly eat? What did we mainly eat during our own evolution? What makes you feel good when you eat lots of it? Plants, Plants, Plants! Ps it's easy to find an article that agrees with us, a little bit harder to do the research first hand, but much more rewarding I assure you.
  20. I'm leaning towards a flyer approach with possible follow up door knocks, it is a good way to get a lot of people talking as a they might end up mentioning it to friends and neighbours. Nothing worse than when a person will listen and understand and still decide they don't care. I had to vote on Saturday (Australia sucks) people were in general really pissed, besides the party affiliates handing out "how to vote" cards with giant fake ass smiles, everyone hates it yet still won't accept that it is immoral I went to a Philosophy meet up run by a philosopher/therapist and they do weekly meet ups and discuss different topics, it was really structures and he always pulls people back to the topic, he even has weekly class notes, overall not a bad experience, however he has his mind made up on life and on how his classes will be run so not much room to introduce new ideas and besides it is $10 a session. In general it's a great idea I will have to have a bit more of a look for groups of people like you mentioned, always wanted to be a ninja!
  21. Hey Richard I live in Australia and I must say I am quite affectionate towards England, unlike many of my countrymen, although it seems you guys have taken a turn for the worse of late. Anyway I agree it would have to be really catchy, the problem is the simpler you make it the more simple minded people will be drawn to you. Door to door is an interesting idea! It would be such a change from the familiar Mormon and Jehova types we are used to, a bit of truth straight to your door! I want to try it I think a tablet with a slide show of certain facts and stats and some pamphlets. Oh yeah people don't like the truth! They either get angry, laugh it off, or worse, act as if you hadn't spoken at all. I sent my brother a link to an FDR Trump video and a long message explaining why he isn't the worst thing to happen to the planet since Hitler, it's been 2 days no reply, like Stef says, I've tried and if people won't even engage with you then they earn their fate. Thats a great story man it is so special when you come across someone out in the wild at random and find they are actually logical and rational! I'm sure there is something wrong with her though, has to be Why not a dating thing? I had a similar experience recently where I spoke to someone who could listen and reason and I even convinced them that it is never ok to hit kids, they started with the idea that some kids just need it, and after 15 minutes and a follow up "facts about spanking" video he was convinced. Sadly within a few days(he was a new co-worker) it came out that he is religious and whats more an evolution denying creationist! Man my radar was way off with that one really thought i was onto something
  22. Hello I am wondering about people's thoughts and advice on public philosophical activism, a few signs, maybe a screen playing a short presentation, in a good location and just interacting with people as they walk past. The reason I have thought of this is because in my personal life I have nearly zero impact on others lives after having withdrawn from the people I used to know over the years, for various reasons, and so feel my knowledge, and the truth stuck in my brain, is not going to much use besides in my own life, and sadly that is not enough. I tried facebook but no one is interested, how else can I spread the good word to as many as possible? Would I be putting myself in danger? Does anyone want to help?
  23. Hi everyone I've been here a while but thought I should be polite and introduce myself Coming across Stefan's videos was life changing and I shudder to think where I would be without FDR! It was an interesting journey from first looking into feminism and getting on board with men's rights and subbing a few good youtubers like Aaron Clarey, Bernard Chapin, Paul Joseph Watson, Sparkyfister (and some bad ones, Barbar, thunderfoot). When I first checked out one of Stef's videos I couldn't handle it, I didn't finish it, got bored and really annoyed for no reason and didn't try again for a few weeks, slowly I watched more and more till one video I remember particularly well where Stefan, while talking to a caller, said you shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to talk to your parents, and BOOM, instant game changer. Anyone else have a "click" story to share?
  24. You make some good points and I would love to know if people have genes that affect the digestion of different macros at different rates. One thing with this debate is that we are so far from having all the answers we need to say things for certain, which is why I didn't start a thread about "what is the best diet" but we certainly know enough that for most people overconsumption of meat, eggs and dairy is bad for health and underconsumption of fruits and vegetables is a serious problem. Evolutionarily speaking our species has spent a lot more time eating plants than any kind of animal products, so any adaptations that lead to better absorption of different macros may not mean that animal sources are best for long term health.
  25. Hahahaha thanks for that it was very intelligent and funny. Seriously though you haven't added much of value besides your first two posts, you didn't review the links I shared, have clearly not done any first hand hard research and your emotional investment is significant judging from your last reply and your claim of "militant vegan propaganda". Just answer the arguments like a good little philosopher and we will be fine otherwise keep posting dumb videos and sarcastic comments and be ignored.
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