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Everything posted by thebride440

  1. Firstly in America our used laws fit on a sheet of parchment. People have bastardized what was once simple upb into what it is today. What we consider laws in a sense today is nothing more than the death throws of a dying Republic, as evidenced in history, such as the Roman Empire. The laws that remain the same throughout time regardless of culture are the big ones, one being murder. A rose by any other name.. Law, rules, or so on come down to the same thing. Similarly murder or abortion is rose of another name which are the same thing. Upb shows us that behavior is universal, and murder is repugnant in all of its forms. And you keep saying arbitrary? Is it not arbitrary to think that killing one human is OK but not the other?
  2. Laws are based on traditional morality, pulled from philosophy and ethics. The link is not an argument, it is fact. One must know facts before making arbitrary assertions as you said.
  3. Why are we defining a person's viability in terms of cognition? The issue with abortion is that you are killing, it is murder. As a student of the law I have not read any law or statute that says the murder is contingent on the mental capacity of lack there of, if the one you kill. Killing a human who was supposed to live without environmental or outside interference is murder. I heard my babies heart beat at 8 weeks, and most abortions are done well after that. She already had hands, a defined spinal cord and blood floating through her veins.
  4. Here are two links, the first is a video of people's reactions. The second is what they watched. http:/www.youngcons.com/this-powerful-video-is-changing-minds-about-abortion-across-the-country/ WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC
  5. I wish you luck in your search. I can only give anecdotal advice but always, always be honest. If you are rebuffed by someone when you are, honest that is ok because it is better not to waste time with a woman who is not compatible to you. Further, I am a bit older and have seen that women in your generation are not into “deep thoughts”. Therefore, when searching for that special someone immerse yourself into things that will help you meet women that are more enlightened. Such as; volunteering at a museum, or library for events, go to art exhibits, go anywhere that you can to find brains that seek knowledge.
  6. I don’t typically talk to dysfunctional people, those are typical conversations when people ask about my race. I don’t look black at all. And true I don’t use ghetto English, so people assume I am trying at act a certain way. I am just me so people can take it or leave it, believe me it is not a loss. I love your response to “you’re not really black” I’m going use that one. That is true about the kkk one drop rule though, but most Black people don’t even know that the klan was a terrorist group founded by the democrats that they vote for. When I explain that to people they get defensive and don’t want to believe it. I don’t argue with stupid. I like William Willberforce’s quote “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” Cheers from Las Vegas
  7. I agree, misery loves company. I was always raised by my folks to be me, and I am happy as I am. Thank you for your post. I do not care what race you are why on earth would anyone choose to be the dreg of their race or at all. Interestingly I wish more Black people would look at their roots and ancestry they might be surprised to find that there is a lot more to the Black story than the color of one’s skin. I know where I came from and the struggle that brought me here, if anything it ensured that I wouldn’t be conflict avoidant and be prepared to take on the hardships of life. And seriously not all White people are bad, hell many Black people in America are some percentage White. In my family’s history I found that my 6th grandfather was from France and settled in Louisiana and fell in love with a slave woman. Together they had 10 children and if the church didn’t object and force them apart they would have married. My grandfather freed all of his children and my grandmother and continued to raise them. It’s a great story you can read it “Isle of Canes” by Mills. Further I learned that many of my other grandparents from France had no qualms about having children with black women and raising their children in their homes proudly. If it could be done back then why not now?
  8. As a multi-racial woman, I found that I received the most racism not from white people but black people. I am half creole (white European and African) and Korean, black people tell me all the time "well you're not really black". I just want to scream! My dad also heard various degrees of racist remarks not from white people but from other blacks, like "Uncle Tom" "you’re trying to be white". He heard this not just from strangers but his own family. My dad is an educated man and came from a very difficult and impoverished situation but he made choices to make his life better, He became a better him and not a stereotype. People need to get over it, embrace you are every part and let others do the same. This idea of white guilt is garbage, why should anyone be guilty for something they haven’t done. A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.- Ayn Rand
  9. Hello y'all, Greetings from the city of SIN, Las Vegas. I am an Anarcho-Cap, mother and looking to have conversations with other like minded people. (Sorry it sounds like a lame personal ad) I of course love Ayn Rand and have read all of her works. I escaped the indoctrination of the Roman Catholic church and have vowed not to allow my child to be subjected to it. (My father admittedly advised me at a young age that he grew up in the church and that I should know it. He did admit that it wasn't the only way and supported me in changing my mind about religion, which I did) Further I enjoy studying the law, writing my novel when I have time and more than anything being a mommy to my daughter. Glad to of found peaceful parenting it helps me be a better mommy to an already wonderful child. Can't wait to have some great conversations.
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