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Everything posted by DarkJello

  1. Yeah "progressives" amirite?? I mean, they are just about to save us... from all the dangers.
  2. My avatar infers that even some baby chicks can be taught to wield "assault" weapons safely.
  3. That makes a LOT more sense. My extended family gets together once every two years. You are rubbing shoulders all the time, and thus the fluffiness is probs beyond taxing. (And too many taxes are of the devil, figuratively speaking). I recommend meditation. But it may take multiple episodes over days or weeks. Perchance find 1 Libertarian topic, and bring it up for discussion amongst a few of the adults. Maybe that could become a thing. Most peeps, IMO, are willfully ignorant. And no amount of poking and prodding will get them to change. Just my 2 centavos.
  4. In a recent thread the OP mentioned personal suffering, and then asked for bitcoins. So, umm, yeah.
  5. Super judgemental people, of whatever stripe, should be tolerated. You would go along to get along with the extended family, unless they are actually terrible/evil/bad/vile/nasty etc. In my experience, extended families keep things light and fluffy when they have a reunion because each person and nuclear family have many different personalities, situations, and opinions. A positive event is maintained. If the majority want to discuss complex hot button topics, then I am sure in that scenario they would do so. Sounds like your extended family is normal to me. You are frustrated over a large list. I really hope that angst aint weighing you down frequently, because it will poison your own happiness. Only you can walk your path. Only I can walk my path. Only "Uncle Bob" can walk his path. etc. The reality is that there will ALWAYS be sensitive and awkward topics between humans. Being angry at the 100s of millions of different ways people view reality does not seem very productive to me, especially if ones goal is to uncover truth. You finish off with quite a few angry sounding sentences. Tranquility is logical. But anger, at least in my life, has NOT resulted in good decisions. To me it is the lizard brain rising up and taking control. I believe you are better off putting the vast majority of focus on improving yourself, next on being the best person you can be for your nuclear family, a bit of effort on improving your extended family, and a smidgeon on making the world a better place. (Making yourself and your family the top 2 priorities is actually the best way to improve your city, county, state, and country anyway). Appreciate that you did not take my comments as a personal attack. Opine on the above paragraphs, if desired. Laterz.
  6. Very sobering statistics on PSA testing and prostate CA. Follow the lucre.
  7. I am religious. But I am not in a "cool kids" church, as it were. Sometimes ignoramuses pray that I will turn from my "sinful" path, before burning in hell. It is pure silliness. (I am imperfect of course, just like everyone else). Don't waste a second poisoning your own happiness by choosing anger, pride, and/or contempt towards that type of person. I feel sad for them, as they are damned. Literally, emotionally, and probs in other ways too. Over the years I have gotten along just fine with 100s of different subcultures, even if we don't agree on many topics. Go along to get along is standard operating procedures for many/most extended families. Why do you want everyone to think and behave your way? Why are u so angry? I am surprised no one has challenged your judgemental thinking in this thread. Introspection should be your focus, IMO. Yes I have been very blunt, and hopefully it is not received as a personal attack. But rather as a chance to evolve. Apologies if way ruder than I meant.
  8. Enjoyed the read. Not an atheist, but I want to discover secrets of the universe too.
  9. I was raised in the state of Washingon, but on the rural eastern side. It is difficult to live here and NOT appreciate those creating bread, milk, and such from the land thru lots and lots of demanding labor. Many in this region think a half days work is 12 hours. Preppers abound, and some claim we are part of the American Redoubt. I have 4 decades under my belt, but I did not let that stop me from completing an advanced medical degree 6 years ago in Seattle at UW. It was cosmopolitan and fun, but I am glad to be back with my peeps even though I descend from Vikings (% unknown) and most of them have plenty of Mayan and/or Aztec blood. Superficial differences in many ways. Glad to be here. My goal is to merge with truth while pushing out impurities. That should take a lifetime. xD Finally, a super quick timeline of my political leanings. I was raised Republican, and Reagan was a Demigod. Realized I was really a conservative as an older teen. Eventually I understood, after 9/11, that too many Repubs were "progressives". Tea Party attracts me in many ways. Some have me classified as a conservative libertarian. Which is essentially correct, but wordy. "Teapublitarian" is fairly accurate AND has a pleasant resonance. Curious to see what comes next. Cordially, DJ
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