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Everything posted by Sleipnir

  1. Regarding that #MH17, as we say in dutch, 'it stinks', it stinks big time! It's impossible to extract the complete truth from it. Here and there some pieces of a puzzle can be found. Maybe it'll take some time for someone to leak a vital piece of it.
  2. I'm mostly interested in figuring how stuff works, laws of physics, scientific discoveries, truth behind the propaganda we get. I got a bit tired from vrijspreker.nl, too much the same doom messages over and over again for years. I like the geenstijl.nl way of bringing news. I live in Enkhuizen by the way.
  3. Hi Ruben ! Do you know some similar dutch FDR sites ? I have been following vrijspreker.nl, dutchconcerns.blogspot.nl, geenstijl.nl and a few others for a while. Not the same as FDR, but is has some alternative point of view.
  4. Hi All ! I'm new here, I'll have a look around for a while first, maybe I can add something here and there later on. I live in the Netherlands, and I have been watching some youtube stuff from Stefan Molyneux (and many other stuff) now and then for some years. I have never been a part of herd, but the proces of awakening from our matrix started about 7 years ago or so. I'm a big fan of science, like to figure out how stuff works, allergic to politics, stopped watching tv about 4 years ago (what a relief), always taking the red pill. I don't think there is a god, but when observing the evil of mankind I'm starting to think that there must be a devil. Kindness is the oxygen of the soul. Keep breathing, friends.
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