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  1. Hello, I am 17 as well.
  2. It's sad... Nothing amazes me after I saw obama supporters, haha. "Why he's my president?" "-Look at my skin." https://youtu.be/6XNM2Vu7Njw
  3. Sorry, I don't think that it is from a TV show, at least I am not aware of one that would play this song . I just found this song on YouTube accidentally ^^. Sorry, that I am not much of a help in this situation, haha.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X3BwiaUu-A
  5. Hello, Small update, they finally completely accepted mandatory military service. http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuanian-parliament-votes-overwhelmingly-in-favour-of-restoring-conscription.d?id=67475254 Only 3 were against it.. http://www.delfi.lt/video/aktualijos/delfi_en/120s-searches-in-pro-russian-groups-and-major-show-of-military-might.d?id=67483070 http://en.delfi.lt/eu/lithuanian-presidents-adviser-eu-should-avoid-giving-impression-of-retreat-under-russian-pressure.d?id=67450446 http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/lithuanian-parliament-speaker-asked-to-send-weapons-during-visit-in-ukraine.d?id=67465070 Now that this got accepted, I need to find a way to leave the country, or how to avoid it..
  6. He's probably talking about Season 1, then New Edit and then Season 2. New edit is basically a recap of season 1 in 40mins length eps.So if he watched Season 1 and New Edit, then it would make sense that if he's finishing season 3 he would be at the end of season 2
  7. Exactly, I am not sure his exact age, but he's definitely above military training age. So he definitely won't need to do any training.
  8. NEW CONTENT (2015.03.09) --- PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK ( as there are a lot of BS written there >_> ) http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/politics/mps-will-be-allowed-to-vote-freely-on-reintroduction-of-conscription.d?id=67385236 http://en.delfi.lt/eu/ep-president-calls-lithuanians-heroes-for-freedom-in-europe.d?id=67349384 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/politics/dozens-of-people-consciously-work-for-russian-propaganda-lithuanian-mp-says.d?id=67375348
  9. Well, I think it is a real thing. I did a few tests while visiting a psychologist ( the one in school ). It was roughly like ~150 or so questions if i good recall, some questions were weird, like do you overeat often, what kind of days you prefer, well you get what i mean, questions you would think are random. Then psychologist filled in my answers, under random name into the system, and I got the curve of everything, she told me : You procrastinate a lot, you can get emotional, if something happened for you, you would be able to move on eventually, the thing is, from that test she told a lot of truth about me, which was very surprising for me at the very least. She said at the very least if i good recall that my emotional intelligence is high, according to the curve.. I did the test like a year ago or so, so I don't recall everything, the point is : She told me that it's the real thing. Well, if my psychologist didn't lied, it should be a real thing then ^^. According to wiki : " Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. " WIKI : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence
  10. I have no idea as well, maybe I broke some rules ? I am not sure either, haha . Well yeah, as far as I am concerned, only Norway have mandatory training which requires everyone to do it ( sorry for repeating myself, if I stated that before ). Yes, I was thinking about emigrating. Emigrating would be easy, but I can't change my nationality.. So they would still require me to do the training. Which I am against. This law should only be in effect for 5 years. I wanted to leave my country for a few years now, so it's not like it's a sudden decision for me. Yeah, Lithuanian President is doing more harm than good in this situation, by saying that russians are attacking already ( cyber wars, propaganda etc.), thus spreading awareness and panic to other people. What are your view on Lithuanian ministers for agreeing with it, and saying that government officials shouldn't do the training, whilst Lithuanian president states in her speech : "We are all lithuanians, it is our duty to protect our country." She says. I can't even listen to my extended and immediate family when they start talking about Russia and wars.. They state: Russians will attack! .. I of course deny it. Not to mention the propaganda Lithuanian students get in school, at least in my school, my school's history teacher almost every class we have, he manages to put in his speech somehow that russia is awful and so on, whilst not a single word about how bad USA and EU are.. He even said that those who wouldn't join the army aren't good people.. he said : "We will all die eventually, dying for your country, protecting it, is priceless!" ... I can't translate it well, but what he meant by saying it, is that you would be part of the history, part of the country, no one would forget and other bs like that.. Tell me your opinion on that as well! I am very happy that someone's interested !
  11. Yeah, it's really fridged up :C. I was thinking of ways to avoid it as much as I can, even to the point I would get headaches. I can't think of a way.. Except if I finish highschool, go to university, then I might be able to avoid it, but... After University they might still call me. I was thinking about emigrating and declaring that I live in that country (the one i emigrated to), but my nationality would still be the same, so I don't think that it would save me.If I want to change nationality, I need to live at least 5 years in that particular country.. So that's a no go as well. i am still unsure about declaring my living place not as Lithuania. I have astigmatism, but I would still probably be required to join despite that.It's nerve-wrecking :C Don't worry, there are morons here as well. Our Prime minister said : "I agree with mandatory military training, but I am really against women doing it as well, I don't mind if women can choose to do it or not. ", on the biggest forum ( of Lithuania ), I got into discussion, and said that Russia wouldn't attack us, and that they should stop believing everything they are told. I was called : "moron", "russian", "idiot", "traitor", well, I was labeled as traitor of my country, there were like 3 other people in that thread who agreed with me, others didn't, haha, that's sad. According to research I read recently, that research counted how much time roughly it would take for russia to overtake country (I know that it won't happen, but research was quite interesting. ) roughly 6 hours with the current military, and once Lithuania will finish it's military service and will have a bit bigger army, it would take roughly 72 hours to overtake country, now.. It would take roughly 72 hours for NATO to arrive as well, which means, that Lithuania's military would be pretty much wiped out.. Great, right ? haha... Some more info, if someone's interested: http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/us-commander-in-europe-putin-might-try-to-destabilize-a-nato-country.d?id=67357020 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/polish-and-estonian-defence-chiefs-hail-lithuanias-move-to-reintroduce-conscription.d?id=67358072 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuanian-president-baltics-face-real-threat.d?id=67342590 I want to show this part exclusively : http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/defence-ministry-submits-draft-law-on-conscription-to-lithuanian-government.d?id=67331554 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuanian-government-backs-restoration-of-conscription.d?id=67340034 I am not sure if anyone's interested in this small country and stupid things it decides to do ^^, but if you do, please give me your opinion
  12. It seems that this post aren't getting attention, but well, here comes update from what I read so far on the forums ( Lithuanian forums ). Most men are against it, using arguments as : " What about my work ? About my company ? Will they pay for everything when I will be in the military ? " , there are some females who are posting in that forum as well, using arguments : "Finally, men will be more manly" , "They will become manly, not like now" , "they will become like real men" . Let me point that out, that this is coming from females ( females are not required to do military training ), then we have other males replying to these females , let me tell you, the following citation is from real people who were in the military : " Real men ? Not at all. The psychological and physical abused used there is tremendous. Back when I was stationed in a base, 3 people committed suicide because they could no longer keep up with it. It destroys people from inside then outside. Most people have hard time once they are back, they become abusive, is that someone you call a real man ?" then there are other comments from people: " So.. Why don't they send first of all their own kids (they mean the kids of politicians who are accepting it. ), they talk about freedom and what not, but in the end, we will see none of their kids there for sure. " , " Why should I fight for country that did nothing for me, except provide us with smallest wage possible, then talk shit about us, then talk about : millions are missing from the budget, fu**** them. " . So yeah, those are opinions of people who were discussing about the matter. I am very against it as well, I am not fond of my country, but I have no idea if I will be able to emigrate fast enough.. And whole process is confusing for me. I am not a hero, nor am I a war enthusiast, I don't want to put my life in danger for this.
  13. Hello, Recently Eastern European country "Lithuania" pretty much accepted mandatory military service for people ages 19 to 38. They say that people will need to keep training for ~9 months. They are taking only males, and if you refuse to go you have pretty much signed contract with prison for 3 years. What are your guys view on this ? Considering that there are USA and NATO troops stationed already in the country, Information i was able to find in english regarding the subject: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/feb/24/uk-military-training-in-ukraine-symbolic-move-that-risks-russian-ire http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/24/lithuania-reinstate-compulsory-military-service http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/return-of-conscription-may-require-revisions-of-lithuanian-army-procurement-mp-says.d?id=67263854 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuania-to-reintroduce-military-conscription.d?id=67261216 EDIT: Ages were changed from 19-27 to 19-38. Which includes students who finish university. EDIT: Some information regarding Lithuania-Russia relationships ( they have quite a history with them ). " In 1385, the Grand Duchy formed a dynastic union with Poland through the Union of Krewo. Later, the Union of Lublin (1569) created a Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth that lasted until 1795, when the last of thePartitions of Poland erased both Lithuania and Poland from the political map. Afterward, the Lithuanians lived under the rule of theRussian Empire until the 20th century. " " In the summer of 1944, the Soviet Red Army reached eastern Lithuania.[153] By July 1944, the area around Vilnius came under control of the Polish Resistance fighters of the Armia Krajowa, who also attempted a takeover of the German-held city during the ill-fated Operation Ostra Brama.[167] The Red Army captured Vilnius with Polish help on 13 July.[167] The Soviet Union re-occupied Lithuania and Joseph Stalin re-established the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1944 with its capital in Vilnius.[167] The Soviets secured the passive agreement of the United States and Great Britain (seeYalta Conference and Potsdam Agreement) to this annexation. " " The Soviet deportations from Lithuania between 1941 and 1952 resulted in the exile of tens of thousands of families to forced settlements in the Soviet Union, especially in Siberia and other remote parts of the country. " " Until mid-1988, all political, economic, and cultural life was controlled by the Communist Party of Lithuania (CPL). Lithuanians as well as people in the other two Baltic republics distrusted the Soviet regime even more than people in other regions of the Soviet state, and they gave their own specific and active support to Mikhail Gorbachev's program of social and political reforms known as perestroika and glasnost. Under the leadership of intellectuals, the Reform Movement of Lithuania Sąjūdiswas formed in mid-1988, and it declared a program of democratic and national rights, winning nationwide popularity. " " In early 1990, candidates by backed by Sąjūdis won the Lithuanian parliamentary elections.[174] On March 11, 1990, theSupreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR proclaimed the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. The Baltic republics were in the forefront of the struggle for independence, and Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence. " From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Lithuania UPDATED: 2015.03.05 (New Information) Some more info, if someone's interested: http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/us-commander-in-europe-putin-might-try-to-destabilize-a-nato-country.d?id=67357020 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/polish-and-estonian-defence-chiefs-hail-lithuanias-move-to-reintroduce-conscription.d?id=67358072 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuanian-president-baltics-face-real-threat.d?id=67342590 I want to show this part exclusively : http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/defence-ministry-submits-draft-law-on-conscription-to-lithuanian-government.d?id=67331554 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/defence/lithuanian-government-backs-restoration-of-conscription.d?id=67340034 NEW CONTENT (2015.03.09) --- PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK ( as there are a lot of BS written there >_> ) http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/politics/mps-will-be-allowed-to-vote-freely-on-reintroduction-of-conscription.d?id=67385236 http://en.delfi.lt/eu/ep-president-calls-lithuanians-heroes-for-freedom-in-europe.d?id=67349384 http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/politics/dozens-of-people-consciously-work-for-russian-propaganda-lithuanian-mp-says.d?id=67375348
  14. Hey, thanks . Well, you are not the first person to say that you are angry at that. Well, she's not diagnosed by anyone, but the way she acts, and do things sometimes, seem pretty clear that she is a narcissist, but sometimes she's calm and normal, that's when i think : Is she really ? Though, her childhood was rough, she grew up in abusive household. So I guess that it makes sense that she's a narcissist, right ? I don't deny my feelings, I just can't bring them out in the first place, I can be mad, but eventually I settle down.The mad I am, people would describe as being irritated ^^ . It's okay, I am thankful for what you said, and I am well aware that it is important. I intend to do therapy once I leave this place. Either way, my friend is working machine, and it's hard on him, like very hard, his thoughts are pessimistic and what not, so I want to dig deeper into self knowledge, because I want to help him out, he has been through a lot more than I have, probably.
  15. Hello, Nice to see you all, people who use their heads . I am from Europe, I am currently 17 years old. My whole story starts from a bit over 3 years ago, I think ( I can't pin point the accurate date ). My family is a bit weird. My father needs to work overseas a lot, my mother is a narcissist or so I think, thought sometimes I am not sure.But I am trying to be rational about everything. My family isn't exactly rich, and I am pretty sure I developed some thing that are not the best.. I dislike school, but I need to go there, I like reading and I like history. I can't be angry, that's probably my number 1 issue unfortunately, actually I don't know when was the last time I cried either. My best friend says that it's because of my environment, that I am in. Though, I am getting better bit by bit, I used to be unable to say no to someone, though from last year, I started doing it, and it felt good. I dislike school, everyday that I attend it, it feels like I automatically change masks and use the one for appropriate situation... Either way, enough of depressing introduction, my best friend introduced me to this whole thing which I liked, and now he's in a bit of a crisis, so I want to gain more and more knowledge to help him out, glad to be here. Have a nice day everyone!
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