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  1. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the fact that stay at home parents are hardly recognized as economic contributors - the work they do has little to no effect on a country's GDP growth. In this sense, the parent who is working is economically empowered in a way that the stay at home parent is not.
  2. I agree with neeel. Negative labeling is rarely useful, but neither is false positive labeling. Arguments are most effectively made when your 'opponent' is led to draw their own conclusion based off of the the facts and logic you have layed out. enabled change is sustainable.
  3. Overall, I see anger as a negative emotion. I don't know your full situation, but I would say play an active role that sets yourself up for success - emotionally, physically, spiritually, hypothetically, realistically. peace and vibes.
  4. Thank you all for the replies! there are some important techniques in there. Something I have been experimenting with is freestyle rapping as a way to engage with subconscious mind flow - the word associations and ideas that can arise when raw instinct replaces the linear nature of traditional logic. Opening myself up to these alternate perspectives that already exist inside me has been an interesting process, and not so different from my experiences with meditation or dream analysis. I am wondering what you all think about the legitimacy of freestyle rapping as a process of self exploration.
  5. Hello, I am new to the forums, and would love some advice on a problem I've been encountering with reaching a personal equilibrium of sorts. For me, visualizing myself as an entity within the context of time, and society is very important in feeling stable with relationships - relationships with my self, and relationships with others. Recently, I've been feeling like I am summersaulting, my life is too chaotic to level my head long enough to gain a strong grasp on the elements that make up my environment. Any advise on reaching personal equilibrium? what works for you?
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