I am talking of the current Libertarian, not anarchist position, I keep seeing from Penn Jillette, Ran Paul, and others, (but I also see similar arguments from Molyneux, see his position on Israel) reasoning that concerns me. The idea keeps coming up that we should allow are economic and non-aggression values dictate how we deal with funding Israel, or whether we send troops to the Ukraine, etc. Though the morals and ideological arguments are consistent, they are also cause the arguer to ignore mitigating circumstances and many crucial details. That we should not fund or send troops to situation X is a foregone conclusion and so such details in favor of troops or funding are ignored, (I never see them brought up by Libertarians, and of course even less likely from anarchists).
The data points that are used to justify the non-military funding or non-troop policy would have to be cherry picked, for example nasty things about Israel's government or military, while ignoring massive factors like Iranian nukes, Hamas' genocidal ambitions and the superior freedoms of Israel to any surrounding nation. In short, decisions are not made by balance of evidence and argument in each situation, but a one size fits all dogma. I am just keen to see if there are good counter arguments to my opinion on this.
I am in the position of agreeing with the more hawkish conservatives, as they seem to take into account a higher percentage of the data, (ignoring their other dubious motives) while Liberals and Libertarians seem to use arguments like the narcissistic claim that such wars are just fought to bamboozle the American public, as if the rest of the world has no part to play. It's not all about the US gov, leaders or Public, other minds and ideologies have goals and great determination. I don't want to see Libertarians/anarchists resort to white washing Islam or Putin as the left are, just because conflict is so distasteful.