I think the biggest thing that's held back the liberty movement from becoming a broad force is our collective desire to nitpick the crap out things and tarnish everything that lacks complete philosophical and intellectual purity. Now Trump is not perfect, obviously. Yet he does something no one else dares do. He holds a mirror up to the mainstream culture and says; "Look at what you're doing, stop pretending it's all fine, stop pretending your being honest, just look at the mess you perpetuate". If we are ever going to have any kind of hold on the culture then we need to stop bickering about the most boring and technical of details and instead capture the spirit of what we support- freedom, self determination, choice, strength, courage etc... - and shout about it loud and clear. The left didn't win the culture by arguing the long term economic impact of increased minimum wages, or the ROI of government spending in infrastructure. I can hold up a chart that shows how government screws the simplest of things up and people won't care not a jot because they are convinced it's right on an emotional level. It's like being at high school; the nerds and geeks are the smart ones, with great ideas, great personalities, interesting hobbies but they are also the ones who are socially awkward and weird and insist on discussion minutiae. The jocks are loud, brash, idiotic, but "cool" and can get a crowd going (the freedom lovers being the nerds, in this analogy).