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Ludwig van Bach

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  1. I didn't expect it from this video, but this really helped It really helps for me to know that when people judge your negatively for your ideas on what you believe in / want to do, they aren't really trying to help you, they are just trying to paralyse you.
  2. That's awesome news, I'm really happy to hear from you guys. We should definitely all try to meet as soon as possible. Dermot, whenever you feel comfortable planning a date to come up to Dublin; if that can be agreed upon as the location, just reply and we can hopefully meet up then. Kailesque, if you want to meet up as soon as this week or the next, that would be great, as I can get a bus into the city cheap, but you can just let me know whenever suits you. Of course a group meetup would be good, but it has taken almost 2 months to get two responses, so I'd also like to meet sooner if that suits either of you guys. I don't like the lonely life of logic... alliteration Again, it's good to hear from both of you!
  3. I've heard that setting dates for these things can help people commit to going to them as it makes it appear as if the event is inevitable, but I'm going to refrain from that, as the event's chance of becoming a reality is entirely dependent on your response, if you are living in Ireland. I'm not sure if there is any FDR community in Ireland, but if there is, I'd love to be connected, and I hope there are others who are the same as me. Dublin, I hope, would be the ideal location, and the next few weeks are fine for me, but my date restrictions will be around the weekends. I'd really appreciate any response, and I think that having good like-minded rational friends would be invaluable to anyone. It can get really tough and lonely being into philosophy, and since I know that I myself yearn for support and friendship, I'm guessing that likewise I too could be that support for someone else. Of course if there are multiple people who respond to this, a tangible community of supportive friends could be immeasurably helpful for all involved. Sorry for the long post. tl;dr - Meetup in Dublin, please respond if you're interested
  4. Wow, It's always shocking to hear how often university education can turn out to be a disastrous waste of time, but it's helpful to know. Thanks for the feedback. I'll be taking an Honours BA in psychology, and from what I can find myself, it seems to be similar to a BA(hons) degree in Ireland. Maybe there isn't a great distinction between the two, but in Ireland, there are no BA psychology courses. If you want to do psychology, it has to be at least an honours degree. As for acceptance rate, the courses are fairly competitive. In my first choice course, first year students do arts subjects in 1st year, then the top 30% progress to the honours degree second year. Is there any such distinction between psychology degrees in Canada, or are they generally part of BA courses? Do you know of anyone who actually went into a career in psychology from their degree?
  5. Thanks, I appreciate your response. I'm not really interested in psychiatry, just for the reason that I'd like to deal more with the personal, emotional side of work that would be focused on more through psychology. I've also heard of a lot of negative aspects of psychiatry in general, from people such as Daniel Mackler. And I don't mean to discredit the field altogether, as the challenges put forth by Laing of psychiatric diagnosis seem positive, but I think that the medical aspect of prescription in a profession is something I just don't feel passionate about. Just as a matter of curiosity, how does your sister enjoy her job?
  6. Hello guys, I'm a student living in Ireland, and I'll be looking for shared accommodation this September as I attend university for the next academic calender year. I'll most likely be attending Maynooth University; if not, I will be going to one of the universities in Dublin. I know that this is a long shot, but I hate the idea of sharing living quarters with the average stereotypical booze-party obsessed teenager. I've visited a friend's place in college and met with his roommates, and although they were reasonably pleasant people, all they talked about was nights out that week, and plans for the next night out. That literally was all they discussed. I'm not overly weird or unsociable, I'd just prefer not to live with a vacuous, demotivating person(s) for my first year in university, and it would be nice to make a good friend too. So If anyone else is going to university in East-Ireland, and hasn't sorted out accommodation yet, just reply to this post and I'll give out an e-mail address for further conversation. Looking forward to any replies.
  7. I'm thinking of studying psychology in university. I know that there might be variations between Psychological Societies and the content of degrees in my country - Ireland - and other countries, but any insight into the academic world of psychology that anyone has to offer would be greatly appreciated. I'd really like to know if it's worth pursuing a degree in, and what career options one might have available after having obtained one.
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