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Grats Dad Hugs & kisses for me please.
I don't know. The answer is different to everyone. I don't need a reason. I know I'm going to die. I know what it feels like to suffer Evil. I know what it feels like to be treated well, I know what it feels like to play Evil's game, I know what it feels like to be virtuous. I prefer Virtue. It just makes me happy... Uncertainty also excites me. The virtuous life is quite an uncertain one. Always hated boring, repetitive tasks - but now I do those and just focus on the relationships I can influence towards better behavior. Nothing else matters. I already had my childhood. Time for others to have a better childhood and that's what I hope to give. It brings me joy, sadness, grief, love, pain. I feel alive. I also like fighting evil. Ive always been an underdog and been Good at overcoming odds. Hope this helps others achieve Good.
Thanks for posting. I'm from Rhode Island. Looks like we're not exactly Worlds apart.
Unfulfilled need for safety and love
Freedom4TheVirtuous replied to stMarkus's topic in Self Knowledge
Yo, I totally relate with you in my teens. Why don't you shake your Mom and tell her she's insane? Not saying you should - just trying to break the numbness. Certainly if she was empathetic to your situation she would understand and you wouldn't even be posting here probably (sorry fdr). Sorry to hijack but this is what I would have loved to hear when I was going through this: "Don't fu*king trust a single human being other than yourself and a highly competent and skilled Therapist! I trusted a dangerous woman with my life and now my entire life is screwed in many ways because she preyed on my weaknesses and gullibility at the time. You need someone that is trained for this! Don't trust me or anyone but someone who is trained! The people on this site could be Evil! More accurately - almost everyone thinks they're an expert at things they aren't! Your emotional well-being is just as important as your life! Don't let some homeless dude operate on your heart! Don't let some internet halfwit like myself or anyone else tell you what to do! Therapy Therapy Therapy. Horny!? Go get a soft blanket! Don't you dare put your heart out there just yet! As a disclaimer - these thoughts are largely based on my personal experiences and I would probably be saying the opposite if I made a few decisions differently in my life. This is why you need Therapy. Not Philosophy. But that's my opinion. Philosophy is helpful but not essential. Self-knowledge is most important and a lot of it comes from conversations with your most significant relationships. -
Excellent work!
Escaping Misery Porn through action!
Freedom4TheVirtuous replied to Freedom4TheVirtuous's topic in General Messages
I love it -
So after reading a fine post by a young adult on this website I've come to think of how I overcame my own fear of rejection. Here are some helpful things to think about I think: 1. You will always fear rejection. 2. Dying alone and dishonest is worse than being accepted for being fake and popular. 3. It's not about you - it's about something beyond you and beyond that other person/group. - For example, Peaceful Parenting, a World without Government. 4. Be rejected over and over again - welcome it, and try again. Be sure that you're of course following all laws and social nicities. 5. Be someone/something you despise in order to promote something you love. 6. How far are you willing to go in order to actually achieve freedom within as few generations as possible? 7. Learn about your demographic and make an effort. From my experience, most people don't care if you can't meet their expectations - so long as you are actively, objectively, making an effort. 8. People will not know your making an effort without time and persistence. 9. Accept that you may die any moment and nothing that's not for virtue is worth a Danny thing. 10. There is no such thing as an afterlife. 11. Nobody cares about you - but what you can do for them; yes, your Narcissistic parents were helpful in that respect. 12. Better to be miserable and attaining virtue than happy and bubbly and selling drugs to teens or profiting off of lying to children, etc. I could go on and on - but I'm curious to what you guys think? Oh, and also: 13. The more you can hear yourself to serving others, the more powerful you are. 14. The more honest you are if you are actively doing this - the more people will hate you. 15. Now you should be thinking about how to get them to direct that hatred towards the state, Religion, etc. Go ahead guys and gals. Disagree away!
- 1
Hi Jake, for me my fear of rejection vanished quite recently - I don't know why - but here are several things I accepted that may have to do with it: I can die any moment. It's not about me - it's about the future of the world. All goals can be changed. Everything I say and do has to do with my I.Q. + prior experiences + many things I can't control. Pain is the most useful muscle in the known Universe. All these things have nothing to do with rejection but everything to do with increasing Responsibility, anxiety and your reasons for action. Also, let's not forget - what is your drive for social interaction? Mine is: Spread the ideas that lead to actionable change within one's life Sell the ideas of this community to the World. I also counter little thinking with big ideas. For example - when I stress myself out over something small - I focus on something like "How would I convince Barack Obama to be an Anarchist?" Etc. Depends on the situation. Who do you fear being rejected by the most? For me it was hot women. Now I realize it's for simple reasons like 'style', 'wealth', 'status', etc. And don't take it personally because I know it's about things I don't have - not about something to do with my core. Anyways, I'm broad brushing here. Any of this helpful? Sorry for double post - but also accept that you may have absolutely no utility to offer the other person - or that the other person hates everything about you. That they may escalate into the most rampid hostilities. That's where being rejected is positive. Wouldn't you like to be rejected by people who believe you should be raped/shot/caged for putting a substance in your own body that you want to put into it? I'm completely opposed to drug use btw - just giving a theoretical example of what most people would do. If you're into Philosophy then you reject irrationality which means you reject almost everyone to some degree. Most people will manage that by rejecting you first - to themselves. Sorry if it sounds worse - but this - again - has done me enormous good - but I don't know if those were the key reasons I've accepted rejection - or if it has to do with constantly being rejected by people in reasonable ways within the last six weeks. Might be both. Go and find people and ways to be rejected by people who are healthy and respectable and that you can still admire perhaps? I'm guessing you didn't have that growing up, Jake? Again, more ideas here - not trying to overwhelm you - but this is an elephant that grasped me by the legs with it's trunk of paralyzation for a while - so again, what I say applies to what has helped me and I'm hoping something will strike a chord because of what little I Know of you, Jake - which is more than fine. Here are some practical ways you can experience rejection while pretty much having certainty that nothing bad will happen: Go to a graduate School (assuming you don't have a required entry level degree) And ask if you can attend their College without having to have a Bachelor's. Call up different places - like bars or strangers - and ask questions they are likely to answer in the negative. Hold a sign in a busy intersection that says "I'm afraid of rejection" Tell your therapist something he/she may hate/be repulsed by - and see what happens - specifically something about you and accept responsibility for it. Ask people questions and expect them to not answer/give you what you want. Go do Karaoke and rip out your lungs and heart to a song like "I'm a Barbie girl" or "find me somebody to love" I'm picking things which are bound to cause failure and negative judgements by primitive people - but intelligent and valuable people will admire you for! If you accept the haters you will also accept the lovers. There is not one without the other. You already on the right path, Jake, in my opinion. However, the worst thing that can happen in this community is to be blocked/ignored/Philosophically disproven - all minor stuff in terms of challenging your level of courage, I believe. Again, I don't know you and I'm not telling you what to do - these are just suggestions and ideas. I've spent like the last six months or so thinking about the most positive way to be an Atheist at a Church in my community nonabashedly and nonashamingly. I think I'm just about ready to join. And you know what? I'm terrified but love every moment of it. Love yourself for being rejected. I see you're 17, too Jake. Okay, and sorry for so many posts - just please let me know if I'm bothering you and I will stop immediately. Being a laser beam is also a way to avoid rejection completely. What I mean is don't look for approval in people - in anyone at all. Know what you're going to do - make sure you're not violating any social/lawful norms in your area and just do it while being mildly aware of your surroundings. Another tool perhaps for that awesome belt of yours? Also - rejection and laconic socialization is very painful. I lived it for a very long time - it got to the point where even talking about the wheather was like ecstasy to me - and that's saying a lot for me! So just find ways to be accepted and then slowly volunteer for rejection to test people around you for virtue. Then you can perhaps be honest with them and lower the manipulation. For example, If it's sunny out - ask "is it really gonna rain this bad all day?" To see how people around respond to you when you're wrong. Then your heart will naturally adjust to those around you. If you want to rise above that you will have to work extremely hard and consistently and the pros should outweigh the cons. For example, if you want to open your heart up to the World - be ready to fight off domination, corruption, Evil, adversaries - expect it and have a plan or you will not last. This is what I did and I learned so much but I would have rather just read this post instead of gone through the crisis. Hope I'm making sense and I'm not too off topic.
Retaking the Nightly Philosophy Fests
Freedom4TheVirtuous replied to Crallask's topic in General Messages
You lost me with the tech stuff at the end. But it sounds pleasing. If it were out right now I'd probably check it out if you made it accessible on a cell phone? Good luck. Also, I don't want to provide false hope because the value is indicative of the quality of the chats, right? I heard about FDR T-shirts three or four years ago and agreed I'd buy one if they were made but sort of just said that in the moment. If you take the time to build an application - if that's what you're doing? I would not rely on survey results necessarily. There will be a lot of trolls and idiots if anybody can download and join - stifling Good conversation perhaps. Anyways, I'm just speaking what's on my mind. Take care. -
Holy Shnikes! Well, every time I commit to an action and do it! I'm happy! I made a post several days ago talkin' 'bout how Philosophy didn't really add any happiness to my life. I think it's because I've been focusing so much on what I can't do and why. As well as what I could've done and now can't and why. But now I'm adding... Wait. First a Generality: The more actionable things I do for Philosophy - and set and work towards achievable goals - the happier I am - even if I fail in my pursuit of achieving them. Plus Anything that you can actionabley do that adds to the Goodness in the World is beautiful and magnificent and unstoppable. I'm talking about the double 'P' word, the 'L' word, etc. Stefan mentioned this a few podcasts ago about how talking about Libertarianism and Peaceful Parenting is good for the movement, among other things - even if that's the only thing you can do (I'm rephrasing). Stefan also mentioned that the quickest way to kill someone's work spirit is to take credit for their work. Just saying I'm guilty of that with Stefan's stuff and am sorry. So we have Action + Good purpose + knowledge of Good effects = Happiness. I added Good effects without explanation. This reminds me of Ayn Rand and may be familiar with many of you already. However, the degree to which you can do this five-thirty times a day: From saying the word Liberty and seeing how people respond, to talking about how you would never threaten a child. This is how I'm moving the needle forward daily. What about you? And does that make sense?
What is the Philosophy to life?
Freedom4TheVirtuous replied to Freedom4TheVirtuous's topic in Philosophy
Thanks Robin, I thought about what makes me happy the most. I have a ton of things I can think of. Here's a few I'd like to share: Standing up against corruption - whether verbal/physical Correcting my own bad behaviors - whether Philosophically or just insufficient habits, etc. Socializing with the wonderful people in this community. Finding ways to sell the ideas f Peaceful Parenting/Anarchy to people I meet every day: From The Dentist to the Cashier down the road. That's just the beginning but I hope it's helpful to your question. Your question has helped me Robin - great way to start the day too. -
well, i just learned i am a father
Freedom4TheVirtuous replied to mortimer's topic in Peaceful Parenting
Mortimer..... -
Hi Da Vinci, While I can appreciate what appears to be a sound argument - I just want to say that's not all cases. I'm not acting out the female inflictions on innocent females - I'm bringing the burning fire right back to it's rightful owners. Not trying to divert attention from OP - but I think it's important to assign freewill and not just assume people are like a brownie recipe.
I'm not here to point out how many different ways a Dictator is unhealthy to the people he whips. This *Dad* as he's called by most losers is a Saranic, barbaric, power-hungry, dictatorial wingbat. Now.... How do I communicate that message to Single Moms in my area while maintaining a level of respect to myself and others while also maintaining my own authority - that is, not being socially attacked by everyone and ostracized to the point that everything I say is already discredited because slander.