Hi their fellow Freedomain peeps
I am an avid listener. I am now a stay at home mum with a 11 month old girl. I agree with Stefan's position on day care and the early care of young children. I am now very active in the mens rights world in London in the UK and also an after school nanny. I currently look after three children aged 10, 12 and 15 three days a week 3:30pm-7:00pm. I help them with their homework, cook them dinner and do light housework. I think that children should be with their parents when they are young. Despite my view and Stef's stance I have researched how children have been brought up through the ages and childcare has always been shared by family members or other women in the village/community.
This has lead me to believe that some care with another care giver is ok, as long as it is not full time. When I say care giver, I specifically mean a nanny or au pair, not a nursery nurse in a day care. Research I have read suggests that if a child is looked after by one carer without too much competition then this is ok and not detrimental (especially with it being under 20 hours per week). So, with this I would like to offer my services. Especially to older children.
I have looked after two girls from the age of 2 for over 10 years as a babysitter, 3 times per month with full days and weekend stays. I now stay on as a mentor to them both!
I have also worked as a Teaching Assistant for children aged 8-16 in a special school and pupil referral unit (children with behavioural difficulties) for a year. Alongside volunteering as a mentor for 2 children over the years in a development and academic role. My back ground is freelance event management and I have also been training to be a counsellor.
I am fully invested in peaceful parenting. I have always applied a negotiating position with my charges. I would describe myself as a right leaning Libertarian in my political view points. Way before I found Stef I had done over 6 years of therapy and was creating a world where I took full responsibility for my actions and influence in the world. He helped me articulate this even more.
I am creative, active (play netball and exercise) and enjoy being in nature. I take my daughter out to the park multiple times per week and really enjoy messy play. I cannot wait until she is older to do more activities. I plan on home schooling her in the early years and investigating our private independent, flexi schooling options (part time school) alongside homeschooling.
I am excellent at English, Media, Politics, Science, Textiles, Cooking, Graphics. I am ok at maths, but not to a high level.
I would love to help your child on their life journey!
If you are base in London, UK or near enough and would like a Freedomain following nanny or tutor
Please get in touch!