Hello everyone!
It's now been about 18 months since I first started listening to FDR podcast. As you all probably know, this changes things quite dramatically (or at least it did for me). And when I say "things" I mean pretty much everything important. Relationships of all kinds, approach to education, becoming a libertarian/anarchist. It's an on going process and sufficed to say - I'm not ready for everything.
I want to plan my future education/job wise. I don't want to sound like a self-pitying person, but I kind of wasted my teenage years. I'm currently 23, working at an office, at an easy desk job. I'm struggling to finish my Uni, however, I feel my degree won't change anything (it's a degree in public administration, which is like a semi-lawyer degree, without any possibilities to work as a proper lawyer. Essentially it prepares you to work for the government in city halls etc. - see my problem after joining FDR ?). I don't feel like I have many particular skills as of yet. Despite the fact I'm hard working at my job, making monthly bonus money for my effort, I can't see any future in this. Add to that, even if there was a slight chance of moving up in the place I work at, I don't have a high opinion about it's usefulness or about management working there (at least it's a private company).
My current "plan" is as follows:
1. Try to finish the degree, despite it's apparent uselessness, just to have any kind of higher education.
2. Work in my current job for at least 12 months total (I already worked 6 months and Stef, among many people, suggested working at one place for at least a year)
3. Apply for a better desk job with more opportunities of advancement
Things I feel I'm good at possibly (examples)
Low level management (worked two gigs before, where I was in charge of about 15 people for a brief period of time, designating low level tasks, organizing timetables, food for workers etc.)
Repetitive tasks involving office work (only because I can listen to my MP3 player all the time, which gives hours of FPD podcasts a day )
Writing RPG adventures - been playing for years as a game master, I come up with my own plots. English isn't my native language but I certainly have some master of it. I could potentially work for a foreign company.
Things I almost definitely won't/can't do (the sad part)
Programming, coding, engineering etc.
3D modeling etc.
Higher level educational studies involving maths/physics/biology etc. - my high school scores were mediocre at best and as I already live with my girlfriend (away from parents and free cheese) I don't feel like I can spend 5+ years just to get a chance at a degree.
Any questions and suggestions are welcome. I definitely didn't exhaust the subject, but can't think of anything relevant as I write this post. All help will be appreciated!