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    Honolulu, HI
  • Interests
    Philosophy, politics, reason/logic, computer programming, the natural world, history, martial arts.
  • Occupation
    IT Specialist

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  1. Hi there, please checkout my post: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/48571-computer-programmers-uxui-designers-cryptomath-geeks/ I'm looking to work with folks on such spare time projects. Many hands make light work! BTW: I'm following you on github. I'm not--p, that's my username. But IMO you're using github the wrong way. It's for hosting source code, not executables.
  2. Here's another video showing what I believe to be opportunity in the cybers!
  3. We have one person interested in doing spare time projects. Is there anyone else out there? Two is better than one, but three or four is even better!
  4. I sent you a message (check your FDR inbox) Cheers!
  5. Have you heard of Interplanetary File System (IPFS)? I think you might be interested: https://ipfs.io/media/ As far as bitcoin goes, I think alternative currencies are vital to liberty, but I'm not sure bitcoin is a long term currency solution. I think the blockchain is better utilized for applications where you want a transactions database that is cryptographically secure and correct, open to the public, and validated by public consensus. To me, these are not things I necessarily want in currency -- a form of cash would often be more desirable. I think the properties of the blockchain are better suited to applications like dns registration, public notary, heck even a tax payments system -- which is why I don't like it as a currency!
  6. Aloha! I'm a long time FDR follower and like many of you the material the have created has had a positive impact on my life. Many people are dependent on the system -- the prevailing institutions, many corrupted, many who's gains are overstated by downstream corruption. But the established system (a least a large portion) is bound for failure. A prime example: the US Federal Government is an enormous burden to those not dependent on it. The inevitable breakdown of these systems present opportunity. Government is largely an information system. I believe much of it can and could benefit from being modeled and operated by software. In some recent conversations with a variety of people, I believe a low cost on-line public notary system is one such opportunity. Do you have some spare time? I'd like to work with FDR members on projects to address these challenges and opportunities. If you agree, we can work on the notary. I don't think it would be difficult to build. If you want to work on another project, let's hear it! Properly managed, small contributions of a team of people add up. My name is Jason My specialty is Web development (LAMP (MySQL & PHP) stack) I can also write C, Java, Python, and BASH Some Computer Science at University Check out a related video: Cheers!
  7. I agree. About the monarchy-like aspect of the election, I think that's been true for a long time, but like many things this election cycle, we're seeing it more obviously - or maybe new tactics of exposure are working. I think this has had a positive effect, in as far as people are repulsed by the spectacle - what I consider to be a free man's natural reaction. I believe it has caused Americans to face themselves and ask themselves, are we really electing a monarch? There are legitimate issues at stake, and the president has the power to affect change. Immigration is an one such issue partly due to the fact that in many countries the people are comfortable electing authoritarian, cult of personality, dictators. People in my family are starting to realize that more needs to be done at the state and local level, and I think people are starting to realize just how big and clunky the federal government has become. At least I hope so, even if it's too little too late as far as our fiscal situation is concerned. I don't think we should shy from talking about these issues with those around us; we can ride this wave of interest in politics. One other thing: the world itself is fair. It rains on the rich and poor alike. Artificial systems are far more problematic.
  8. Hi MoleDownunder, Being interested in who's voting, I think you'll find this interview on the Rubin Report interesting -- if you haven't already seen it:
  9. I have found that liberty and responsibility are mutually inclusive. The freedom to act generates the responsibility for ones actions. We the people are only as free as the responsibility we're willing to accept. And it seems to me, the individual is only as free as the standard of responsibility acceptance within the society he lives -- politically speaking. Does that answer your question?
  10. By support, I mean, given the system that's in place -- which I agree is immoral -- I would rather Trump be the leader of the federal government over Clinton. When I say crook, I mean someone who has broken the existing criminal code -- which disqualifies her from office. When I say "should be talking about," I mean people have started to question the roles these officials play in our lives and to think about whether or not those roles should change.
  11. Hi Izzy, I agree that a confluence of factors have led many to seek a better understanding of how government works and think about how it should work.
  12. A good point, and one not very much discussed in public.
  13. I don't think anyone has said so, but Trump ain't the savior. People didn't really call Obama the savior either, but many have been criticized for thinking of him like that -- with arguably some justification. In my view, and in brief, Trump's a Reganite; Regan may have been a step in the right direction, and he articulated a better vision for the US, but look were we're at today. The deep state has a hold of the American people, and it seems the best we can hope for is a president who can frustrate the Feds for 8 years. I think was true in Regan's time and it's true today. I support Trump for president -- OBVIOUSLY, cuz Hillary is a crook! But I'm not an enthusiastic supporter. I was whenever I voted for Ron Paul. Even then, Stefan convinced me that not even Dr. Paul could really do much with the entrenched state. Trump or Hillary, we've got a MESS coming our way in the US. I think that mess, in the end, is what's best for the country because it will FORCE government to shrink -- another collapse of socialism. Would Trump end the Fed? Dept. of Ed? Dept. of Ag? I don't think he'd be quick to, although quicker than Hillary. This election cycle has been great, because more and more people are talking about what they should be talking about -- despite the MSM's controlling influence. Trump is the people's champion, but IMHO, people need to realize they need to do their best to be their own champion. That's what makes liberty work.
  14. Hi! I sent you an email via protonmail. Thanks for posting your opportunity here.
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